Topics Started by og
Pagan Idolatry - How to do it and Why You Should!
by og inafter 17 years of the jws, i was eager to do a lot of things previously considered taboo.
bowing to idols was at the top of my list, and i write about it in my article pagan idolatry - how to do it and why you should.. .
jehovahs-witness forum readers average 3 minutes and 2 pages per visit when visiting my site, and have left some great comments - thanks!.
Anyone get fooled today by an April Fools hoax?
by og inyears ago, i totally fell for the sports illustrated sidd finch hoax, and it turned out to be kind of a good thing.
anyone else ever experience the minor enlightenment of a good prank?.
angus stocking.
Is No Evidence for God Evidence for No God?
by og ingoogle_ad_section_start my latest blog entry, no evidence for god is evidence for no god addresses that question in a way that former jw readers might enjoy... and it might even help you make a few points with believers.
as always, i love your feedback: readers referred from this site average about 3 pages and 4 minutes per visit so i view y'all as an important referent.. .
Field Guide to Bad Religion
by og inreaders of this forum will recognize where most of the guidelines in my field guide to bad religion originate.
my blog is getting kind of popular with alternate religion/atheist/agnostic types, so i'll probably be writing more like this.
feedback always appreciated.. .
Scripture Is What We Make Of It - how humans make bibles
by og inone of the issues i had to work through when getting out was whether or not the bible was inspired.
i decided it was... depending on the meaning of 'inspired'.. my essay, scripture is what we make of it describes how i got started thinking about this difficult topic.
Weird Beliefs: a first page Google hit!
by og ini used to write and produce a little radio essay show in colorado called belief systems & other bs, and one of the shorts i recorded was called weird beliefs, and was based on my experiences attaining, maintaining, defending, questioning, and ultimately denouncing all the strange ideas i had to keep in mind in order to be, then stop being, a jw.
here's an excerpt:.
"that may be the point; one purpose of weird beliefs is to serve as barriers to entry.
A Wedding Talk for Heathens and Christians
by og ini love weddings, and was quite honored when, in 2008, some young friends asked me to officiate at theirs; they said they wanted a belief systems & other bs style marriage talk.
honored, but also a little apprehensive.
for my radio show was known for espousing the weird beliefs of others along with my own godless philosophy, and while i knew this would play well in paonia, coloradolast redoubt of the unreconstructed hippieand that carl and kelly were spiritually liberal people with their own set of weird beliefs, i also knew that this would be a fairly large ceremony with plenty of people of conventional faith gathered together from all over the country.
Tarot & Rapid Brain Change When Getting Out of JWs
by og inabout six years ago, when self-extricating myself from jehovah's witnesses, i decided to follow robert anton wilson's advice in cosmic trigger, a life changing book for me, and explore taboos as a way to rapidly deprogram myself.
tarot was a great way to do that, as few things are more odious in the jw world.
i wrote up my remarkable experiences in an essay on my blog, tarot & rapid brain change which will probably be interesting to jw forum readers.. .
Death and Religion
by og induring the several years my father spent dying of a stroke, i was still a jehovah's witness but i was starting to think.
a few months before he died (he eventually refused nourishment and basiclly took his own life) i finally da'd myself.
later, i made the connection between a friend's death that i witnessed in junior high school and my initial attraction to christianity.
Hello Again
by og ini used to lurk and comment here quite a bit six years ago, or so, when i was just getting out - this forum was a huge help.
i moved on i guess, but have always been grateful for all the good information and support.
anyway, one of the ways i coped with the transition to a more normal life was to write and produce a radio show in colorado that allowed me to work through a lot of issues.