The only harm is the hype around the book on the internet, the hype Steven Hassan has come across something new. The pioneers of the cult studies did the majority of the work from 1950 to 1980 after the UFO, Jim Jones and Moonies cults. I don't understand why the earlier books are not reffered to, those scientist who lived with these cults, played the part of the follower. These are the men whose research paved the way for Hassan's book.
JoinedPosts by AvocadoJake
I worry about you all, regarding the promotion of "Steven Hassan's." book. Why?
by AvocadoJake indear brothers and sisters, .
i worry about you jumping on steven hassan's ideas which are not new, in fact, after reading a good chunk of his book today, nothing he has written is fresh and new to the psychology world.
so far, i have been cautious about revealing who or what schooling and background i have.
I worry about you all, regarding the promotion of "Steven Hassan's." book. Why?
by AvocadoJake indear brothers and sisters, .
i worry about you jumping on steven hassan's ideas which are not new, in fact, after reading a good chunk of his book today, nothing he has written is fresh and new to the psychology world.
so far, i have been cautious about revealing who or what schooling and background i have.
Sorry, Found Sheep, I was childish.
I worry about you all, regarding the promotion of "Steven Hassan's." book. Why?
by AvocadoJake indear brothers and sisters, .
i worry about you jumping on steven hassan's ideas which are not new, in fact, after reading a good chunk of his book today, nothing he has written is fresh and new to the psychology world.
so far, i have been cautious about revealing who or what schooling and background i have.
There is no one book that can do the job, you are asking for "Leaving WT." If it was only that easy. LT have you read "When Prophecy Fails?" be Festinger, how does his view of Cognitive Dissoance (A new thought for the 1950s.) differ from Hassan?
NewChapter, the point is not not attack Hassan, it is to help the friends, not hope in a miracle book. This is not the only site that promotes Hassan's book as a huge anwser to the experience of how a cult opperates. What do you think of Festiger's and Schater's theory of cult followers NewChapter?
One more thing, have you asked yourself why Scientologist are on a mad tirade against the DSM, Shrinks, and Drug companies? Do some reasearch on why, it might surprise you, to find out they are strange, but have some valid arguments against the community. Scientologist have a organization in the UK, to war with the acedemia of the mind. They are a cult, but have uncovered great arguments about those who follow the "cult of the mind."... Be back later tongiht.
I worry about you all, regarding the promotion of "Steven Hassan's." book. Why?
by AvocadoJake indear brothers and sisters, .
i worry about you jumping on steven hassan's ideas which are not new, in fact, after reading a good chunk of his book today, nothing he has written is fresh and new to the psychology world.
so far, i have been cautious about revealing who or what schooling and background i have.
Dear brothers and sisters,
I worry about you jumping on Steven Hassan's ideas which are not new, in fact, after reading a good chunk of his book today, nothing he has written is fresh and new to the psychology world. So far, I have been cautious about revealing who or what schooling and background I have. There is good reason for this, some is personal protection (business.) others is, I am not ready to make the leap of faith, you have made. As a child I grew up in Orange County Calfornia, lived next to a well written psychologist phD who taught at UCLA in the 1970s and 1980s, he pioneered some outright crazy ideas about "rebirthing yourself." He gave me my first book on psycho-therapy by "Beck." in 79, from there on, I did my best to devour anything in this field, this was a new area for the movement. The books were not plentiful and the field of behaviour psychology was about to turn a new chapter, it became popular. Ideas like "Regression, Repressed memories would change our cultural and familiy ideas and blaming our family for our problems soon followed. The Quaks started to breed like viruses, lawsuits were filed against incompetent, destructive practitioners, who were looking for things that did not exist. You would visit a shrink, and he was trying to read or infer things about your childhood, you might have experienced (even if you still denied it, had a good childhood, he would badger you.) "There had to be a reason, a reason for anything, mental illnesses were created out of thin air. (Why a frown, why sad? Why happy there must be a dx for your trouble, even the a one day episode of the Monday Blues, had an explanation burried in deep psycho-babble) The DSM started out with had forty agreed upon psychological disorders, and now it has close to one thousand (DSM-IV DSM-V.)! Back some of my story I read "The Eden Express." by Mark Vonnegut, that explored schizoprenia, as I child I could not put down. Why, my older sister was plagued by this disease, and as a child, I felt helpless and devoured as many books on this subject, as I could. The more I studied, through school, college, about the competing schools of psychotherapy and the efficacy of them, it was apparent, it was just a school of thought. For example a joke about Economist is (What happen's when you put 100 ecomomist in a room, you get 100 different opinions.) To put things in perspective, you will find each doctor has his own style and opinions, that suit their own prejuiced pre-conceived ideas. . Some shrinks will go rogue, instead of following a common leader like (Ellis, Beck, Afred, Jung, ect......key point, there are too many schools of thought, each has his own method (Unlike a Internist, Family practice doctor who follow the best practices, common pratices to deal with a disease.) so regarding Hassan, remember he is just a man who has put his own ideas, into a book. Nothing more or nothing less, his book, in my humble opinion is not really new thought, it puts things in a different way of communication, but nothing is new under the sun. Please don't get your hopes up to high (Docotors I know woud laugh, how each shrink, needed his own shrink to keep him from crossing the thin line, of being a patient.), and be skeptical, that is the only point I hope you take away from this post.
Your brother A.J peace to all men and women!
The "Generation." what is the latest New Light Regarding It? CO from Fresno Area Confused Me!
by AvocadoJake inthe co who is covering the central valley, mentioned how easy this concept is to understand.
in his talk, he said many of the friends had made a "big deal, over little.
he used the "titanic analogy, used the space shuttle analogy.
In other words, they have no idea what Jesus was talking about? Good night or Good morning to you, where ever you are! bye!
DNCall Unmasked - Part 5 of 5
by DNCall instartfragment.
during the appeal period of one week we sent the following letter to approximately 22 of our oldest and closest friends.
im including it here because it conveys how we feel at present, looking back over the half-century of our lives.. dear ____,.
Why was he hunted down to be DF'ed? Why was he not allowed to fade like Billy asked? Why is there so much rage against those who ask questions and want to know, if the ground they are standing us is stable? Very strange!
What's The Biggest Difference In Today's JWs And The Witnesses From Decades Ago?
by minimus ini believe today's witnesses lack zeal, resolve, "love" of the "truth"......just to name a few things.. years ago, witnesses were excited to knock on doors and tell people they were gonna die if they didn't accept paradise.. now, when you see jws in service, they all look zombied out.. it's a slowly dying religion that will last probably forever like an ancient rotted out tree..
The Economy being the weakest with the greatest job losses and destruction of the Middle Class. People are very tired, just trying to make a living and provide. Brothers and Sisters are disconnecting in big Halls, it's hard to get to know to average joe and jane publisher. Times are different now!
What Is the longest Prayer (Meeting, Circuit Assymbly, District, Internation.) You have endured?
by AvocadoJake inplace los angeles dodger stadium temperature 97-100 degrees.
prayer lenght 25 minutes of pain!.
Place Los Angeles Dodger Stadium Temperature 97-100 degrees.
prayer lenght 25 minutes of pain!
Six Screens YouTube channel tops 1 million views !
by koolaid-man inthe six screens of the watchtower has crossed the threshold of 1 million uploaded views on youtube.
how encouraging it is that what we set out to do is working..... helping active jehovah's witnesses find out what the watchtower organization is hiding behind.. youtube is a major thorn in the watchtowers side.
it is a powerful weapon for "the apostates" in exposing the evils of this dangerous and destructive cult.. we applaud all of our fellow soilders in uploading your videos to youtube as the some total of all of our efforts continue to help hurting jws.. .
The pieces are in place to try to help individuals deal with the reality, they had the wool pulled over their heads. Rick, with so many good topics at your hand, there is not need to over-emphasize or hype anything. People are not attending meetings like they use to, the breakdown started with the fall of the book study arrangement. The evolution of the Congregation into a colder, aloof, and disfunctional family is unstoppable. Why not focus on subjects close to the hearts of the JWs who are stuck, in a place of fear? The elderly with no retirement pensions, no healthcare, the unintentional consequences of listening to men, who were not speaking on Jehovah's behalf. Telling children there is no need to get a good education, when jobs are scarce and low paying. I can keep on listing them, these are things on the JWs mind, they are afraid of what is going on. The numbers will show this, if they are not fluffed, we might get some new light on getting the "Youth, you need a real job, one that can support you above the poverty line.".
The "Generation." what is the latest New Light Regarding It? CO from Fresno Area Confused Me!
by AvocadoJake inthe co who is covering the central valley, mentioned how easy this concept is to understand.
in his talk, he said many of the friends had made a "big deal, over little.
he used the "titanic analogy, used the space shuttle analogy.
The CO who is covering the Central Valley, mentioned how easy this concept is to understand. In his talk, he said many of the friends had made a "big deal, over little." . He used the "Titanic analogy, used the Space Shuttle analogy." I still don't know what he is talking about, I still don't know who made this new light, so confusing? Was this the famous Gaff from the Annual Meeting five years ago, by one of the senile men of fame? What is the history and how many times has this little gem changed, moved over, for new light?