Hi all, once again I want to thank you all for taking the time to give me your input. Sorry my post may have not been to clear, but my boyfriend is a non-baptized JW and from the start of the relationship he was honest about everything. His mom's side are not JWs and despite that his whole family gets along really well. He has told me he will never force me to convert or attend meetings and that I can be who I am as long as I don't discourage him from practicing his religion. I'm only scared about how things will change once he decides to get baptized in the future.
Posts by JaMu
I need some advice please
by JaMu ini am a non-jw girl dating a jw man for almost 5 years now since end of high school.
most of the relationship has been long distance.
when we started dating, we wanted a serious long term relationship that would end in marriage one day.
I need some advice please
by JaMu ini am a non-jw girl dating a jw man for almost 5 years now since end of high school.
most of the relationship has been long distance.
when we started dating, we wanted a serious long term relationship that would end in marriage one day.
Thank you to all for all the advice and comments, I really appreciate it! Just to clarify some points, we're both 23 and two months ago he told his parents about our relationship who are both baptized JWs. They didn't freak out about him dating me but they told him that I need to know where they come from and what they believe in. I still yet have to meet them. However I met his brother and his cousins.
Also in term of gifts and flowers, the last time he ever gifted me was on our one year. And i've gifted him whenever I can, but recently stopped since I realized why did I have to do all the nice things all the time.
I think my problem is that since he's my first bf, and we talk everyday through text or calls, its hard to just leave all that, cuz i really do love him. I think I'm at a critical point in my life where I have to make the right choice and I hope whatever that choice is, I don't want to regret later.
I need some advice please
by JaMu ini am a non-jw girl dating a jw man for almost 5 years now since end of high school.
most of the relationship has been long distance.
when we started dating, we wanted a serious long term relationship that would end in marriage one day.
Hello all,
I am a non-JW girl dating a JW man for almost 5 years now since end of high school. Most of the relationship has been long distance. When we started dating, we wanted a serious long term relationship that would end in marriage one day. We were also saving ourselves till marriage. I'm a open minded person and it didn't bother me that he was a JW as long as I was not forced to convert or anything. But recently since we are becoming more mature, I started to seriously think about his religion and what I may have to deal with in the future (ie. no bdays or holidays with my families, what religion our future kids will practice, etc). In addition to all of this, he is a very stubborn person who always expects me to compromise and sacrifice things in the relationship, and always telling me that my life with him will be happier. But recently I have been thinking hard about this relationship and the future. When I do my own research and ask him about his religion, he always avoids things and won't sit down and talk about. In addition, he can be very laid back in the relationship; I'm always the one trying to get us to meet each other atleast once a month and even through these 5 years, he doesn't make a big deal out of valentines day and hasn't bought me flowers or anything. I don't know why im realizing all of this now. He is not a bad person at all, he just doesn't know how to express himself. He believes on working things out and taking the morals and values of a relationship seriously. He's always there when i need to talk to someone and always makes me feel better and tries to make me happy, but in the grand scheme of things I feel like the religion will complicate our relationship more if im the only one doing all the sacrifices. I need some input on this please. Thank you!