You the Bible as I find many things in the Bible illogical and full of holes. Any sincere input in this is much appreciated by myself.
I have come o the conclusion that..... Much of what is written in the bible can be crosssreferenced with archeological EVIDENCE. Unlike the Mormons for instance. However I have trouble dealing with, and wonder how Christians deal with things such as.
The bible sais man was created 6000 years ago yet we find evidence of humanoids 1.5 Million years old.
Our aboriginals reccon they have been here in Oz for 40000 years and evidence dates them to 60000 years.
How did Noah get the Australian unique masupials into the Ark, feed them their special diets for a year and then put them back into their right place after the flood? UPS?
The bible sais Eve was made from one of Adams ribs yet men and women have the same number of ribs.
The watchtower sais we are living in the last days yet history teaches us that despite Hitler, Sadam, Milosowitch and the Indonesian dictators we live better and longer than we ever did in history.
In the past mankind was even more barbaric than they are today. Canabalism was not unique to the Melanesians. It was common practice to eat ons conquests. We were, and some still are, animals with a bigger brain.
Look at our aboriginals, when discovered they were living in the stone age even though European people were much further advanced. Did God make another one of his mistakes or did he forget about them?
The JDubs talk about living forever on earth yet the earth and everything on it is designed to live/excist only for a short time and nature reclaims it and returns it to the earth from which it came.
Living things turn back into compost.
Metals turn back into their oxides (rust)iron oxide.
Aluminium ->bauxide
So.... the bible is a book of fairy tales which have been grossly distorted over the years as you would expect when stories are handed down from generation to generation and not recorded immediately.
The bible was written for mostly uneducated peasants. Anyone with some level of intelligence would question much of what is written and test it if it really is so.
In my humble oppinion of cause. Anyone who can provide proof that everything in the bible is to be taken literally and absolutely true, I would welcome you ideas and see your proof. I have an idea it's going to be a long wait.
And don't give me that BS about "you gotta have faith"
Faith is believing something that is unbelievable.
And you will know the truth and the REAL truth will set you free.