When I started to become less and less active, even before I realized it was all BS, i started using depression as an excuse for not going. I didn't even realize I was depressed. Took me a few years before I realized just how depressed I really was. I thought I was making up an excuse when in fact I was really very very sick.
JoinedPosts by 2badsosad
Using the depression card: Only when critical to family?
by JWdaughter ini just was reading a thread and it occurred to me that "using" depression as a way to deflect from wt obligations is a mistake.
it feeds their sense of superiority-because when you do finally leave or get kicked out, they will say how leaving jehovah ruins lives.
they won't do anything with you anymore in any case, but why feed their delusions?.
I've been found out!
by pale.emperor inwell, thats it folks.. my identity on here has been rumbled and reported to the elders.
someone, somehow, has figured out that im a member of this site and - rather than speak to me - has promptly reported me to the elders.
i just feel sad for my daughter.
Haven't read all the posts, but have a couple thoughts for you:
1) Take this as a blessing. You've got a ticket out of the cult. You don't have to keep one foot in and one foot out anymore. You can get both feet out completely. Trying to fade is tough and frankly can play havoc on your mental health. Getting shunned sucks. Loosing family connections sucks. But they're clamping down on it anyway. Hiding your true self can be extremely damaging as well. Maybe not for everyone, but for people like me, it has been devastating.
2) Save your kid. Put your foot down on meeting attendance and indoctrination. Stop it. Use their rules against them. They have to respect you as head of the family, even if you're DA'd or DF'd. So you can prevent your child from being indoctrinated.
3) If you have access and/or can afford it, seek some counselling or therapy. Just having an outlet to talk to will be helpful. This is a dramatic and serious life changing event in your life. A therapist can help you process some of the batshit crazy stuff that's being thrust on you.
Really sorry to hear what's happened. Remember that the elders have no real authority over you. Your only responsibility is to live a happy and healthy life that you deserve. A life that this religious is trying to usurp and steal from you to serve it's own end.
Should I just tell my parents
by BlackWolf inlately i've been feeling just so fed up with this stupid religion i really can't take it anymore!
i'm starting to think that maybe i should just tell my parents how i really feel.
if they treat me too badly or kick me out i could probably stay with my non jw aunt.. ive just reached my breaking point, i don't really care what people think of me anymore.
You're in a really tough spot. On a plus side, you are un-baptized, and you realize you don't want to give your life to this religion. As was mentioned above, trying to remember that your parents are victims in a way is helpful to put some perspective on things as well. I'm going through some challenging times right now myself, and I often get the urge to just want to throw the towel in and tell everyone to f' off (I'm fading and all my family - including wife are believing JW's). I'm trying to follow my therapists advice though and take things slowly. Blowing up too many things at once may create some undesired consequences. So I'm trying to take things one step at a time. It's been hard, but I'm seeing some pluses. A couple weeks ago I wasn't sure if my wife and I had any future, but just last night I saw some cracks in her JW armour. Had I blown up, I might have lost a 20 year relationship.
So I can't really comment on your situation, I don't know you personally or what you're going through. But I can relate from my own. I've been tempted many times to run from it all, and maybe I'll still do that one day, but I've found that at least so far, following the advice of my professional therapists has been working okay. I've been going slow and not doing anything rash. But that's just my situation.
Message from Designer Stubble to the former JWR members
by Designer Stubble inmessage from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
If there's any change on the stance of reopening and starting up a new instance of the JWR database I'd be willing to help from a mod/monetary standpoint fugue.
Father's Day is tomorrow (in the US). Why is it wrong?
by leaving_quietly ini did an examination of the one single article ever to address father's day since it's tomorrow here in the us.
the article covers both mother's day and father's day.
hope it's informative.. examination of “mother and father worship unscriptural”, the only article ever to address father’s day in any publication printed by the watchtower bible and tract society.
I should have clarified. Honor to Rank & File members not okay. Honor to GB and those taking the lead totally okay.
No Reason For JWs To Go To The MIdweek Meeting (CLAM)
by JW_Rogue ineverything that is done at the midweek meeting can now be done at home.
the videos are online, the first talk is scripted, the bible highlights are scripted.
you could get the same experience by just reading and watching the material from your tablet.
Don't forget all that wonderful 'encouragement' and 'upbuilding'..
"Confidentiality" of Elders!
by stuckinarut2 insomething struck me the other day.. elders are told to maintain confidentiality with regard to the details of judicial cases or congregation "discipline" in an attempt to dignify individuals etc.. this is even the case for known child abusers!.
yet, if they suspect someone of being an "apostate", for instance being a member on this forum, they will spread such information far and wide, through the witness "grape vine" to congregations miles away (or even in other countries).
so, does that mean they place more importance on "apostasy" rather than child abuse?.
They are generally men who in any other part of life who have no responsibilities or authority whatsoever. But in this aspect, they have total control over others lives. It's so f'd up.
Shibboleth or Sibboleth?
by stuckinarut2 init seems that for a witness to keep up with the ever changing doctrines, teachings, beliefs and ideas of the society is a way to identify a so called "spiritual one" compared to a "weak or non spiritual" one!.
just like the account in "gideon's time", if someone did not pronounce the word shibboleth correctly, they were viewed with suspicion or even killed!.
so too, if one doesn't know the latest "truth", they are to be viewed with suspicion or caution!.
Since becoming a so called apostate myself, I've found that my knowledge of current WT 'truths' is far better than when I was an active witness. I believe apostates are far more current on WT teachings than the so called witnesses in good standing. Can you say ironic?
Tried One Last Time In The Kingdom Hall...
by pale.emperor inso last thursday was meeting day.
my wife knows my thoughts on this religion and respects my fade and is completely ok with it (which surprised me, and also made me love her even more).
i think she must know it's all crack-pot stuff but seeing as her whole family are all in and about 98% of them cant even explain their beleifs without a watchtower on hand i think she's just going along for the friends/family/social side of it.
Man, I don't think I could last 2 seconds inside a K'hall anymore. Just hearing you're experience above was giving me flashbacks. Been about 2 years since I've been inside one. I've got a wife who's still in, probably for similar reasons as your wife. Also couldn't explain the religion without a WT in hand. Unlikely to leave though, and our marriage is not so strong right now. Glad to hear yours is doing well. Gives me some hope. Thanks for sharing.
Father's Day is tomorrow (in the US). Why is it wrong?
by leaving_quietly ini did an examination of the one single article ever to address father's day since it's tomorrow here in the us.
the article covers both mother's day and father's day.
hope it's informative.. examination of “mother and father worship unscriptural”, the only article ever to address father’s day in any publication printed by the watchtower bible and tract society.
IMO, anything that would give honor to an individual is not allowed. Whether they know they're doing it on purpose or not it's part of robbing individual JW's of a self identity. Making sure all JW's only identify as part of the collective. Same reason birthday's are so demonized. Similar reason you can't accept praise for accomplishments you make - all praise must go to Jehoober.