I'm sure they will. In the case of my particular family targets though, they're so infrequent that they don't check things like JW.org. So it's unlikely they'll bother to go there to get they're latest hit of indoctrination. Even less likely to check the Internet aposta-sources for the commentary for just how crazy the videos really are. But I sure wish they would.
JoinedPosts by 2badsosad
Bravo watchtower
by hoser inthey did an excellent job of the first day of convention.
i grade them a+ in shunning your dfd children.
Bravo watchtower
by hoser inthey did an excellent job of the first day of convention.
i grade them a+ in shunning your dfd children.
I think they make the point that they want active JW's to shun inactive JW's who they know have committed something that the elders should deal with. I.e. If you know the inactive JW is living with someone they're not married to, or if they know they're living a homosexual lifestyle, etc. If they're just inactive but not necessarily committing an disfellowshipping offense, then you might still not be subject to shunning. But of course there's going to be some speculation and confusion anyway.
And some JW's just shun anyway, because well, that's what JW's do. If you're inactive, somethings up and you're not good association anyway. Since I stopped going to meetings about 2 years ago not a single person from our hall has stopped by to say hello except for an elder on a shepherding call.
JWR usernames list
by StarryNight9 ini created this thread so that jwr members can list their old jwr username with their username for whatever site they've moved to.
i apologize if this has already been created somewhere else.. jwr = starrynight.
jwd = starrynight9.
JWR = 2Badsosad
JWD = 2Badsosad
First exchange in years about JW religion with my wife...
by NVR2L8 intoday my wife showed me the new medical directive and power of attorney form she got at the meeting.
surprisingly she asked if i wanted to fill mine!
i have been inactive for 6 years and i don't go close to any jw gatherings because i don't want friends who only care for me unless i share their beliefs.
Very interesting. Thanks.
First exchange in years about JW religion with my wife...
by NVR2L8 intoday my wife showed me the new medical directive and power of attorney form she got at the meeting.
surprisingly she asked if i wanted to fill mine!
i have been inactive for 6 years and i don't go close to any jw gatherings because i don't want friends who only care for me unless i share their beliefs.
I haven't, sounds familiar, but would be interested to if you can point me towards it.
Message from Designer Stubble to the former JWR members
by Designer Stubble inmessage from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
@StarryNight - Would be great if there was one place where old user names were being matched up with the new ones, but everyone has been scattered all over the place. I'm the same name on this site as at JWR. Tony Brock on FB has a thread going there where he's asked people to list out their JWR names so he knows, a few other people have also done the same thing there as well. I think a few others are doing the same thing on Reddit as well. I haven't seen anybody start an individual thread on here to do that. Sounds like a good idea though. If you start one I'll definitely add a post to it, though mine is obvious.
First exchange in years about JW religion with my wife...
by NVR2L8 intoday my wife showed me the new medical directive and power of attorney form she got at the meeting.
surprisingly she asked if i wanted to fill mine!
i have been inactive for 6 years and i don't go close to any jw gatherings because i don't want friends who only care for me unless i share their beliefs.
New here as well (from JWR). I don't think there's much point arguing with a devout JW over blood. I had my doubts about Jdubs for 15 years, still dutifully carried my blood card. Even when I fully woke up a couple years ago, I still couldn't even think about taking blood. Don't think I even really came round to the idea until about 6 months ago. I think it's one of the deepest subroutines the JW virus plants in you. Blood is the biggest taboo. Maybe not for everyone, but I know that part of the indoctrination was really strong in me anyway. Took a long time to shake it. Even after I accepted it, I was still really taken aback by the simple logic that yeah, to accept fractions (which I was okay with as a believer) somewhat had to donate them (holy shit!). And also - for blood to have any significant to Jehoober, the blood's giver had to die! No one dies donating blood - at least not that I know of anyway. Just blew my mind when I read about that on another forum and that was only in the last couple months.
Welcome y'all from JWR - any questions?
by Simon ini just wanted to take a minute to say "hi" and welcome to the site for anyone who's come here from jwr.
i can imagine the site being shut down suddenly was shocking and unsettling for many who relied on it and sometimes you don't realize how much you do rely on something until it is gone.. hopefully you'll see some of the same familiar names appearing and be able to reconnect with people you knew via this site and continue your journey together.
i don't know what the posting policies on jwr were but know it as a moderated site so can't imagine them being hugely different to the ones here.
Can't speak for everyone obviously but I found a lot on JWR were nontheistic. Personally an atheist, really anti-theist.
Bravo watchtower
by hoser inthey did an excellent job of the first day of convention.
i grade them a+ in shunning your dfd children.
I know. I hoped they would pick up on that and realize they would be expected to be shunning me if they were going to be good and proper JWs. But now they missed that part. But I guess like most things, it will likely be recycled at some point in some future talk or watchtower.
Bravo watchtower
by hoser inthey did an excellent job of the first day of convention.
i grade them a+ in shunning your dfd children.
I'm so pissed. My wife went last week, but was sick the first day and missed the whole shunning video series. My sister and her husband went this week, but he had a last minute work issue and they missed the Friday as well. I really wanted them both to see the shunning video in hopes they would get a bit startled by it and maybe nudge them a bit more towards seeing just how insidious the cult is. They're all borderline as it is. Grrrrr. Guess it could also go the other way and they could be moved to up their JW shunning, but I think it would have really rattled them a bit.