you said:
("As for the body temperature thing, the increase in body temperature is not what makes women horny; the expression 'feeling hot', is just an expression. Lots of women get horny round ovulation, but the heat is a by-product, it's the horny-moans that increase desire. ")
I agree
Then you said:
("As for women's sexual desire not showing, where have you been?")
In many countries but never in the "Duch World" lol,
Where have you been?
Also you mentioned:
(*Dilated pupils, increased blink rate
*Increased respiration
*Moistening of lips with tounge
*Nipple erection
*Facial reddening
*'Unneccesary' body contact with object of desire
*Greater tendancy for direct eye contact with object of desire
*'Fidgety' behaviour compared to normal
*Change in vocal tone compared to normal, greater tendancy to laugh at perceived funniness of object of desire
*Possible complaints of tummy aches or cramps (a sign of very high horniness unless it's menstural cramping)
*Body language changes ")
I agree with all of the above but they can easily go unnoticed if the male or whoever is not looking for sings.
("Obviously, other things can cause any of these, but the more of these signs you observe, the greater liklihood there is of being right. Guys are easier, sure, they have erections and drool, but women are not unreadable." )
Execpt for the erection "problem" (a very obvious hard evidence unlikely to go unnoticed) generally speaking i think girls are easier to identify when either, male or female, are triying to hide the feeling.
Do you approve the two underwar for the guy now?