" You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel", JW are always making big issues out of small things, reacting in socially unaceptable ways, to the point of rejecting friends and close family members. But in many cases doing unethical, illegal and even acting in violation of their own rules.
It is ok as long as nobody knows, even if some do know it is a "dont ask dont tell" policy,
rarely you will see shunning (or refusing to hug) because a jw did not pay tax, commited a fraudulent business, did not pay a loan when was able to do it, did not take care of aging parents, waring provocative clothing, watching violent movies etc etc
It is all about staying clean from "pagan religious practices" and monitoring young jw regarding their natural sexual inclinations... hell if they catch a jw inside another church, for any reason, that is a really big issue.