Judah Ben Schroeder NOT finishing law school

by Seeker4 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Seeker4

    A few weeks ago there were a couple of threads about the WTS and higher education, and some stated that Judah Ben Schroeder (son of the late Governing Body member Al Schroeder) was attending law school at Columbia University. I got an e-mail from a very reliable source today about some inaccuracies in those threads. Here are some quotes from the e-mail, which the writer asked me to share anonymously on JWD: "A few weeks ago I noticed there was a thread started about higher education and Judah Ben Schroeder which I thought contained inaccuracies. This is the second time I have seen incorrect information about Judah on JWD. I have been very busy and just didn't have time to address this until today, but thought perhaps you might like to pass along the information at your convenience. The thread was http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/112818/1.ashx "Judah is NOT finishing law school. This year he is finishing his last year at Columbia University and has not attended law school yet, but intends to enroll when he's finished this part of his education. It is premature to suppose he will enroll in Columbia Law School.

    "Since Judah has not completed his law school education as "forscher" contends, his premise is wrong.
    "However, I do know that the Watchtower has not changed their stance on higher education because of Judah's attending college, but because too many JWs were going, not to local colleges for courses or trade schools, etc., but enrolling in four-year programs at university reaching out for degrees that would open up employment in elitist jobs. They were a bad example and could no longer be controlled. In addition, those who were attending university (especially the young who were living on campus) were leaving the organization. It's as simple as that. I wish I could say more but will refrain for now. "

    I agree with this writer, that the WTS is down on higher education again because most of the Witnesses who go on to college in four-year programs end up leaving.


  • luna2

    Good to know the facts....not that what Judah Ben does makes a partical of difference to me in any way. lol

    I'm a little puzzled about the WTS stance on education, though. If you'd asked me, based on reports we'd gotten of what's been said in talks, DA parts and Watchtower articles, I would have said that they were against all college education, whether it was going away to a university to strive for an "elitist" job or getting a degree from a local school.

  • Seeker4

    Yeah, the Judah Ben thing has been beat to death. Just wanted to get the facts out there.

    I think the WTS has always gone easier on going to something like a two-year or less trade school, and they've always opposed kids going off to live on campus. Can't give a kid too much freedom, you know. They just can't be trusted!


  • Elsewhere

    Thanks for the correction!

    (1 Thessalonians 5:21) . . .Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine.

  • HappyDad

    They were a bad example and could no longer be controlled.

    I think the above statement says it all as to why the 'borg doesn't want anyone to get an education.

    It's all about CONTROL.


  • blondie

    Remember that one of the traits of a high-control group, or a cult, or spiritual abuse are the written rules and the unwritten rules.

    The WTS puts in writing in the publications and manuscript talks that education at 4-year universities is not the choice of a "good" JW.

    Then you see JWs going to college who are allowed to regular or auxilliary pioneer......the unwritten rule.


  • Stephanus
    I think the WTS has always gone easier on going to something like a two-year or less trade school, and they've always opposed kids going off to live on campus. Can't give a kid too much freedom, you know. They just can't be trusted!

    Heck, they even come down on boarding school!

  • Stephanus
    I think the WTS has always gone easier on going to something like a two-year or less trade school, and they've always opposed kids going off to live on campus. Can't give a kid too much freedom, you know. They just can't be trusted!

    Heck, they even come down hard on boarding school!

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    They sure didn't go easy on me when I tried to go for a two-year business school. I had already decided against four years at the local university. I ended up not getting any education and I am p....d

  • Scully
    They were a bad example and could no longer be controlled. In addition, those who were attending university (especially the young who were living on campus) were leaving the organization.

    going to university = bad example = becoming self-directed/uncontrollable by the Org. = leaving the Org.

    funny how that works.... university makes people more self-assured, self-motivated, self-directed, self-sufficient; and less dependent on the WTS for affirmation.... less reliant on the WTS for direction, less needy for a "hope" that the WTS offers.... and this is a BAD BAD THING.

    Since I've quit the JWs, I've discovered that spirituality is a process of growth, becoming self-actualized and fulfilled. It's not supposed to be about keeping someone stunted and dependent on an organization for affirmation or fulfillment... and the WTS has proven that it works at cross purposes to true spirituality, true spiritual growth and personal development.

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