I've learn that "people never learn"
Posts by one
Lessons I've learned...
by WildTurkey inlets post lessons we have learned:.
i've learned that no matter how much i care, some people are just assholes.. .
i've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only suspicion, not proof, to destroy it..
Why are people racist?
by MrMoe insomething on the song thread that i posted, song by tu pac, got me to thinking about racisim.
why do people discriminate against people that have different color skin?
i understand it is a learned response, but my "elder" father is very racist... and this is how i was raised.. i don't get it.
Bottom line, education
"Most educated people today don't believe that race is a determinant in ones intellect or intrinsic value to society."
Any truly "educated people" would not.
4 LAWYER Jokes&...:)
by plmkrzy inhttp://www.thecomedylab.com/results/?19_1_t_a
deathbed lawyer .
and just where are you going to get a lawyer?
"I like to operate on lawyers," said the fifth. "They're heartless, spineless, gutless, and their heads and their asses are interchangeable."
Sorry, is there a funeral going on ? or is this board owned by a lawyer?
Don't buy into Ray Franz's stumbling block.
by Bleep inray franz wrote, "i was baptized a jehovah's witness in 1972 (three years before armageddon came) and served as an elder for a good number of years.
all i can say is put franz book to the test for yourself.
1)he is making money off a dumb idea.. 2)he was expecting 1975 to be armageddon.
One more thing about selling 'literature'.
Once upon a time a pionner asked permission to give away the magazines whenever he wanted.
Since it cost him so cheap. Magazine cost was one cent to be sold for five cents.
(500% profit as my grandmother used to ironically say.)Any way, authorization was denied. It would not be a good precedent, people would not appreciate the gift etc etc.
Then why have a Public Talk, but not charge for the admission or something.?
The hi profit allowed to the pionner = his pay for being a full time recruiter.
No charge for public talk = we dont charge for training and conditioning new potential salespeople/recruiters
Don't buy into Ray Franz's stumbling block.
by Bleep inray franz wrote, "i was baptized a jehovah's witness in 1972 (three years before armageddon came) and served as an elder for a good number of years.
all i can say is put franz book to the test for yourself.
1)he is making money off a dumb idea.. 2)he was expecting 1975 to be armageddon.
About a week or so ago i received a courtesy copy of the latest edition of CoC. A personal note from Ray was included. He even offered to send copies to my family members if a wished.
Before that he sent me a couple of boxes full of his two main books to give away FREE.
His personal communication s in big contrast with GB and hi ranking WT officials who do not even aknowledge simple letters most of the time.
LOL, more fluff what the heck
What can i say...I have been here longer that the later repliers (sp?) with few complaints, read my initial posts for a litle contradiction.
I make suggestions. Obviously some suggestion have been accepted, implemented.
If i dont use the ACTIVE as 'some' suggest it will take an eternty browsing the site to get the latest on NONFLUF topics. As simple as that.
It is HARDER for the focused visitor or poster to stay current on SERIOUS topics. Therefore limiting his participation on the board.
Why request to the WT to change its rules, because of Silentlambs? Heck the rest is doing fine...
Why do they still make amendments to the Constitutions?
...also 13 states and now 50, why not just keep 13 and force the others to join, without a new name? giving them privileges to do local legislation etc.
The only sure thing i;n modern sociaty is change,
How about this board running over the UPS or USPS? those systme have have been working fine for centuries...
Do we want to emulate the GB, if it works dont fix it...mentality
We have similiar handle name (wichi created a big misundertanding on my first post, read it) but no similar opinion about what a "MIX" is, at least not on the context i mentioned the word.. The word secuence is not what i had in mind, I could turn off the radio when the SEQUENCE start the sports SECTION or the fluff, but never mind...
I know for sure you dont need me to elaborate
Just for fun.
Branch Overseer
When i turn the radio or tv for the LATEST news, I dont want to hear a mix of sport/weather/and new.
When i read the businees section on the newspaper, i dont want to see a comic or movie review or something of that nature.
AND if the paper has a section for the very latest news, that is what i expect to read, not a joke or a book review, or fluff.
AND if the paper has a section for FLUFF i fully expect that.
I like both orange and apples but i keep them in separate bags.
My grandmother used to say that getting a man/woman on the moon "will never work", would i argue with her?
She was not scientifc nor knowledgeable about database...
At least when i go to the "active" magazine stand or store the latest issue of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC is clearlly visible. It not hidding behind a comic 'fluff" magazine.
So everyone is happy, EASILY finding what THEY want... comic/National geographic, fluff/serious discussion.
up to Simon...
"If I were interested in something really serious, I'd go remarry my first wife. That would drag the smile off my face."
ROFLOL (sp?)