the holy spirit... you know, heck physics 101
according to the your will be done book ..."there is scriptural reason to believe that by the time of the annual celebration of the lord's evening meal on march 26, 1918, satan the devil was hurled down to the earth.
"now this must have been quite the war, since we are taught that by october 1 or 2 1914, satan was waging war with michael and he was thrown to the vicinity of the earth.
that is why since 1914 we have such a short time left.....how do they get these crazy dates and how can people believe this if they really think about it?
the holy spirit... you know, heck physics 101
according to the your will be done book ..."there is scriptural reason to believe that by the time of the annual celebration of the lord's evening meal on march 26, 1918, satan the devil was hurled down to the earth.
"now this must have been quite the war, since we are taught that by october 1 or 2 1914, satan was waging war with michael and he was thrown to the vicinity of the earth.
that is why since 1914 we have such a short time left.....how do they get these crazy dates and how can people believe this if they really think about it?
slightly out 'tune' or topic for a change:
It takes time to see, feel or hear events that happen at a distance from where you are. So you can play with that concept, and if you have the means then you can confirm a whole bunch of thing ‘related’ to the famous theory.
If you could instantly re-position yourself you could see and hear thing more than once.
Who knows if you had a device that could “tune” to waves (everyhing is a wave) but back and forth in time. THEN anyone would think twice before doing anything, as we all leave a print on the “air”, the problem is how to tune it and re-print it later. CIA did your hear me?.
Now I realize all this is really out of topic.
why should you have a hard time reading post?
i just saw dan rather on tv, and he said it would air about child abuse in another promanent religion!!!!!!!!!!
it will air at 5:30 central time, adjust the time to your area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The latest models of the ReplayTV units come with a feature that is striking fear into the heart of the entertainment industry: peer-to-peer file swapping. Think "Napster for your TV set."
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ok, i'm not trying to fan any flames, (don't beat me simon!
) but the anthropologist will explode if she doesn't get to say something.
"race" - we are all homo sapiens sapiens.
Many years ago I was taken by a mssionary/pionner to listen to his bible student, a rural black hispanic lady.
I could not belevie the lady could "read" parragrahp after parragrahp wihout even looking at the book. I mean reciting vervatim the whole content each time. Not to mention those 'uneducate' rural domino players who seem to be 'seeing' what the other player triy to hide from them. AND those who can sing, improvised meaningful ritmic songs nonstop for hours.
there appears to be "new light" in the latest watchtower magazine (june 1st 2003 issue).
several watchtower publications for the last 50+ years have said that the united nations (u.n.) organization ("the scarlet-colored wild beast" of revelation) would definitely be the organization that will carry out jehovah's judgment on "babylon the great" (false religion), and then, under satan's [gog of magog's] direction, the united nations organization would become "greedy", and try to attack the remaining remnant of the "anointed" jehovah's witnesses and their companions, the "great crowd" of "other sheep", and then jehovah and jesus would destroy the united nations organization, along with everyone else who was not a jehovah's witness.
here is a quote that shows this: .
According to wt most published interpretation
KS = USA +
KN = URSS (but now in dobut)
KN hear reports (increased jw members in their land) from...that would upset him, motivating an attack on jw, supported by the fact that jw have been mostly banned in KN territory.
jgnaut, .
: much of the hebrew scriptures is a dispassionate account of israels history.
most of the hebrew scriptures is total bullshit written after-the-fact so that israel could make them look better in history than they actually were.
'interesting', no comments
jgnaut, .
: much of the hebrew scriptures is a dispassionate account of israels history.
most of the hebrew scriptures is total bullshit written after-the-fact so that israel could make them look better in history than they actually were.
That was quick, thanks, WT never mentioned any available evidence either.
Now, what about evidence 'found' supporting the goblal flood.
I have in mind WT mentioning sea animals found in high mountains etc. I dont remember reading anything against such "evidence".
jgnaut, .
: much of the hebrew scriptures is a dispassionate account of israels history.
most of the hebrew scriptures is total bullshit written after-the-fact so that israel could make them look better in history than they actually were.
WT says egyptian shoose not to keep record of the Red Sea 'miracle' and related matters.
But some time ago Farkel mentioned that there is not a single evidence of the Jews wandering in the desert for 40 years. I would be interesting to read more comments about the topic...
could it be that since oil rights may be going to us and uk oil corporations, possibly excluding france, russia, etc., that the us/uk coalition could be the new king of the north (kn)?
after all, the daniel book somewhere, and i don't care enough to look.
it's hardly worth mentioning as i don't care what the wtbs says.
Despite the USA is geographically northern, IT is the King of the South, according to Freddy. And the URSS is (was?) the King of the North. The USA is controlling the “treasures of the earth including oil”. The King of the North was supposed to do that, invading South territory etc, according to Freddy. It seemed right during the 60 and 70’s. I guess WT will have to do some ‘profecy editing’, after the facts of course. Does anybody care?
there appears to be "new light" in the latest watchtower magazine (june 1st 2003 issue).
several watchtower publications for the last 50+ years have said that the united nations (u.n.) organization ("the scarlet-colored wild beast" of revelation) would definitely be the organization that will carry out jehovah's judgment on "babylon the great" (false religion), and then, under satan's [gog of magog's] direction, the united nations organization would become "greedy", and try to attack the remaining remnant of the "anointed" jehovah's witnesses and their companions, the "great crowd" of "other sheep", and then jehovah and jesus would destroy the united nations organization, along with everyone else who was not a jehovah's witness.
here is a quote that shows this: .
Interesting things and speculations:
Obviously GB thinks they are something, king, rulers...
Goblal dynamics will prevent UN from going out of business, it may evolve.
As I suggested before, seem the WT has been warned to stop their inflammatory comments about politics, UN etc more than a few countries and the UN itself may not like the WT ‘editorial’ style, specially with that kind of large global circulation and marketing methods of their magazines and books.
This is not the first time, WT was ordered to eliminate a few pages of politically incorrect comments from a book several decades ago.
WT still believes the UN stuff, they have to or they would have to scrap the wt and build another religion, but Freddy is gone... no more gurus available the party must continue but making less noise (read inflammatory comments), neighbors are getting upset…
Freddy’s ‘rationalitations’ or teologies are cracking here and there but still can be supported with some ‘reinforcements’ (read lies and washing), no options anyway.
As far as I remember the king of the north was going grab the “oil”, exact word used by the WT in a very old green book, but they can fix that by interpolating symbolic entities, Freddy used the wrong bible/map.
EOE End of speculations.