According to the Your Will Be Done book ..."there is Scriptural reason to believe that by the time of the annual celebration of the Lord's evening meal on March 26, 1918, Satan the Devil was hurled down to the earth."Now this must have been quite the war, since we are taught that by October 1 or 2 1914, Satan was waging war with Michael and he was thrown to the vicinity of the earth. That is why since 1914 we have such a short time left.....HOW do they get these crazy dates and how can people believe this if they really think about it?
by minimus 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
sorry about posting this on personal experiences......i didn't realize the way to put this in a proper classification....but at least we know when exactly Satan was hurled to the earth!
That would be before sundown?
Rev says that after he was hurled down, that he had great anger. One would think that he would start a world conflagration on the 27th, such as the world had never seen before. Instead, the war ended. Maybe satan was tired out after 5 yrs of spiritual battle w a superior foe. Maybe it took until 1945 to get his wind back. WW2 sapped him. So it ended in the late forties. Then he rested for a few yrs. It seems he can't manage anymore worldwide conflicts, only regional ones. I wonder why that is.
Edited by - saintsatan on 23 July 2002 0:32:6
: there is Scriptural reason to believe that by the time of the annual celebration of the Lord's evening meal on March 26, 1918, Satan the Devil was hurled down to the earth."Now this must have been quite the war, since we are taught that by October 1 or 2 1914, Satan was waging war with Michael and he was thrown to the vicinity of the earth. That is why since 1914 we have such a short time left.....HOW do they get these crazy dates and how can people believe this if they really think about it?
I don't know how they come up with those crazy dates. Even a fool knows that didn't happen on March 26, 1918. It happened at 9:45 a.m. on March 27, 1918. Those foolish Watchtower idiots!
refiners fire
Well, of course HEAVENLY time isnt recorded and doesnt occur in the same way as EARTHLY time. What to ou is a moment is an eternity with God and what is a moment with God is an age with us!
We reside within different time spacialities.
Thus Satan was thrown from Heaven in 1914 and he hit the deck in Idaho in 1918. A couple of minutes heavenly free fall being the equivalent of 3 plus Earth years!!
Think the sheep will buy that explanation??
...Your Will Be Done book ..."there is Scriptural reason to believe that by the time of the annual celebration of the Lord's evening meal on March 26, 1918, Satan the Devil was hurled down to the earth."
After nibbling a chunk of Sister Zeal's unleavened 'hard-tack' and a tug of bad 'ripple' during the Watchtowers version of the Lord's evening'd hurl down to the earth too.
refiners fire
there is Scriptural reason to believe that by the time of the annual celebration of the Lord's evening meal on March 26, 1918, Satan the Devil was hurled down to the earth." doesnt say its a FACT. it only says there is reason to possibly suppose that it might be the case.
Also note the word BY well, whether it was ON that date or Well BEFORE that date is a point that has not been fully revealed by Jehovahs holy spirit yet.
Stop trying to pick faults into the words of The Effing DS and look for kernels of truth to ENCOURAGE the brothers with! The fact that you have to wade thru ten tons of corn husks to find a kernel of truth the size of a mustard grain is Hardly Jehovahs fault!!
Edited by - refiners fire on 23 July 2002 4:49:47
City Fan
I was taught that Satan was thrown down to earth on October 1/2 1914. This was to be accompanied by great wars e.g. WW1, pestilence e.g. The Spanish Flu, earthquakes and famines increasing blah blah blah.
When I asked an elder why World War 1 actually started in the summer he said this was to hide the fact that Satan had been thrown down to the earth to mislead!
They continue to make up this kind of crap.
As was posted a few moments ago, Jesus took nearly 5 years to kick the Devil out of
The Alchemist
Actually from from October 2nd 1914 to March 26 1918 is one week short of 3 1/2 years like in " Time (1) Times (2) and half a time" or 3 1/2 years. But the" faithful slave" uses that scripture to prove the arrival of 1914 but they need to double it to seven and they do that by multiply it by 2 so it will fit to "seven times." And there is other math involved too. Also WW 1 ended on November 11th 1918 seven and 1/2 months later from the time Satan hit the earth in Parump, Nevada NOT Idaho! Satan and his demons were weakened by the flue during the last few weeks of battle that is why they got kicked out of heaven a week early of 3 1/2 years. And the Spanish flue was in 1919 which I believe was caught from Satan and his infected demons. All this is so simple even a child could understand it! I'm surprised at all of you. You must not have been paying attention during the Revelation book study. Dang! we studied that book 3 times!