Cedars seems the type that might be after a few choice items.
Posts by GeneM
Does anyone want any old JW literature?Like reeeeally old...
by aquagirl inselling my mums house.my dad was an elder for like 30 years.he had copies of every jw publication ever.multiple copies of some of this stuff.im ready to burn it in a bonfire,but it occurred to me that it might be valuable in like,research,orlaw suits or such?if anyone wants anything in particular,let me know,if i have it,its yours!just pay the shipping fee{el cheapo book rate}..i noticed every yearbook, and also the bound volumns of the wathctower and awake,all the way back to the middle of last century.let me know,if not,there will be a large bonfire in early september...hehhehheh.
What's Your Status? Are You Technically Still A JW?...
by minimus inare you disfellowshipped, disassociated, active, inactive???
DA's with a letter. (text below)
" I love the brothers and sisters. While I find the concept of shunning
archaic, I hold no animosity to those forced to do it, as they have
been made to believe that it is the way they can show they still love
My reasons for disassociation are many. First is the fact that the
natural world shows irrefutable evidence that life as we see it came
about through evolution by natural selection. This fact is not
disputed by any credible scientist. Even those who are featured in
interviews in the recent publications. Real evidence for a global
flood is completely non-existent and in fact the evidence proves
otherwise. The rape, murder and genocide that the God of the Bible
condones is unconscionable and the justifications given are absurd.
The list goes on and on.
I have no desire to destroy the organization or anyone's faith. I
researched these things initially to straighten my faith. You are
going to label me a fool for being so gullible. While you may not
understand this, I now see you same way. That being said, please
remove my name from all lists of membership and discard any medical
directives you have on file." -
Sparlock Links And Artwork
by DT inwe already have at least fifteen threads about sparlock the warrior wizard at last count.
it's getting difficult to keep track of his exploits.
i thought it might help if we can consolidate the links and artwork about him in this thread.
Sparlock vectorized.
Sparlock Links And Artwork
by DT inwe already have at least fifteen threads about sparlock the warrior wizard at last count.
it's getting difficult to keep track of his exploits.
i thought it might help if we can consolidate the links and artwork about him in this thread.
If you use chrome or firefox, i know you can download an extention or an addon. Thats what I just did.
The significance of Sparlock
by botchtowersociety inthe watchtower has depicted sparlock as a commercial plastic toy to be thrown into the garbage with impunity.. i submit to you all that he is something far greater.
sparlock represents all the hopes and dreams of jw children everywhere.
he is the magic of childhood.
One could only dream. The rumor mill would have that thing shared all over the world. Total streisand effect.
Where was Jehovah for people before The WTS?
by mrbunyrabit ini was just wondering, since the wts claims its the only true religion, and channel to god, where was jehovah for the people before the wts?.
how did they get to know truths?
i know it was "prophesied" that the true religion will die down, and come back at the end of the system, but um.... where was god for the poor people who didnt have th wts?.
He was in the same place he is now. In the active imaginations of people who don't grow up.
Sparlock Links And Artwork
by DT inwe already have at least fifteen threads about sparlock the warrior wizard at last count.
it's getting difficult to keep track of his exploits.
i thought it might help if we can consolidate the links and artwork about him in this thread.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZTkLV7LFrQ is a currently usable vid. Download it before it gets taken down so it can be reposted.
Do YOU Regard Yourself As An "Apostate"?
by minimus inpersonally, i believe the watchtower organization is the real apostate!.
Do YOU Regard Yourself As An "Apostate"?
by minimus inpersonally, i believe the watchtower organization is the real apostate!.
I do freely. I'm proud that learned the truth about the word and chose to stand (stasis) apart (apo) from the backward nonsense of the WBTS.
Am I the only one hopelessly confused by the WBTS making the sparlock video not for all the other reasons, but because its not something a kid will want to watch! There is no story or anything. Just a kid getting scolded and having to throw his awesome toy away. If anything it will make the kid sad to watch it. Some cartoon WBTS! You succeeded in making a cartoon that kids will have to be FORCED to watch. Jesus efing Christ.