Once again, Congrats! Should we be expecting any interviews with news programs soon?
JoinedPosts by Balaamsass
Greetings from Candace Conti
by AndersonsInfo incandace asked me to tell you thank you for all your kind expressions of support.
this really means a lot to her.
she wants you to know that she is coping well with all the stress and excitement, even though she's had years of anger and frustration because of being abused for so long, first by the molester, and then by the wt.
Very Curious, what kind of feedback are you getting from ACTIVE Jehovah's Witnesses on Candace's California Court Victory ?
by Balaamsass ini am stunned by candace's huge court victory.
it is overdue.
i have been reading comments on jvn, huffington, san jose mercury, nbc, and other sources.
Somehow this is really shaking some JWs I know to the core. "I don't want to talk about it anymore". One who had not dropped a drop of alchol for 6 months went of the wagon in a big way Sunday.
Candace Conti video on YouTube - let's send it viral!
by cedars ini've uploaded a video that discusses the dramatic jury verdict regarding the abuse suffered by candace conti, of which you are all aware.
if you're not yet familiar with the story for any reason, please check out my blog article on the link below.... http://jwsurvey.org/general-information/the-watchtower-punished-society-loses-legal-battle-over-child-abuse-case.
john hoyle suggested i get a youtube video out fairly quickly so that we can spread the message more effectively online.
Thankyou again! The You-tube link attaches quite nicely to Face Book emails. I am emailing it to all the JWs I know who have doubts, were victims, or had family member victims. It would be great if you could have someone do a Spanish Voice over. Most of the US "growth" is in Spanish halls. Those families need to know this info, and your format and approach is perfect!
Kendrick in good standing in Oakley Congregation ... wow !
by RubaDub incan anyone imagine the what the elders in his current congregation must be going through ?!.
in their ideal world, they would have df'd him once they knew there would be a trial so they could play the card "he's not one of jw's.
" but since it occurred in a different congregation and he was already punished, there is little they can currently do.. wow, imagine the buzz in the kh when the info started leaking out.
Witness to witness. I have never lived near your area, but I have had heard some wild stories through the "Elder Grapevine" and from Judicial Council testimony, about events in Discovery Bay" is that a city, or a seperate congregation?
Is there a connection with the Brentwood and Oakley Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, Kendrick and Gulardo ?
by Balaamsass ini was simply googling the addresses of the kingdom hall candace conti's molester kendrick attends as a jw in "good standing", when i came upon this information.
do birds of a feather flock together?
what are the odds......?.
I forwarded the info to Barbara. When I was an elder I knew of a local JW pedofile (Elder) who had "friends" he spent time with, and got in "trouble" with in that hall from the 80s-2000s. I had heard that in that hall one or more Judicial commitees had handled molest cases of young girls as "Adultry" and swept the matter under the carpet when Elders and sons of Elders were involved. Perhaps there is some sort of connection.
Is the Borg "really" guilty in the Candace Conti case ???
by RubaDub infull disclosure:.
i am an active (2-4 hrs/month) 3rd generation jw hovering under the radar.
been posting here for 10 years.
The governing body is devoid of common sense.
When I was a kid in the 60s I heard juicy talks after every disfellowshipping for adultry. Even where the couple met etc. While in high school I got dressed down in front of the entire cong. for taking my girlfriends bra off No wonder some embarrased people sued. Some had serious issues with a doctrine, were disfellowshiped for apostacy, and then were lambasted off the platform for 15 minutes as sick apostates- I would sue too.
But a convicted criminal, a child molester, a rapist? It is public record. Do you need to give a 15 minute talk about the person ..no..how about a descreet 2 minute call to each family head?
When your home is on fire, you call 911, not the elders. The governing body needs to learn that when a crime has been commited to call 911 not the elders.
Is there a connection with the Brentwood and Oakley Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, Kendrick and Gulardo ?
by Balaamsass ini was simply googling the addresses of the kingdom hall candace conti's molester kendrick attends as a jw in "good standing", when i came upon this information.
do birds of a feather flock together?
what are the odds......?.
I was simply googling the addresses of the Kingdom Hall Candace Conti's Molester Kendrick attends as a JW in "Good Standing", when I came upon this information. Is this new? Do birds of a feather flock together? What are the odds......?
Jehovah's Witnesses
2401 Smith Road
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 634-5654
This info blew 3 rd gen and my socks off ! Is this new?
As you may remember : The kidnapping of Jaycee Lee Dugard occurred on June 10, 1991, in South Lake Tahoe, California . Dugard was 11 years old at the time and was abducted from a street while she was walking from home to a school bus stop. She remained missing for more than 18 years. Dugard bore two daughters to Phillip Garrido who were aged 11 and 15 at the time of her reappearance. On June 2, 2011, Phillip Garrido was sentenced to 431 years imprisonment; his wife received 36 years to life. [ (wikapedia)
( New website on JW divorce) : “CALIFORNIA v. PHILLIP GARRIDO and CALIFORNIA v. NANCY GARRIDO are the notorious California criminal prosecutions related to the Jaycee Lee Dugard kidnapping, which have resulted in life prison terms for both Phillip and Nancy Garrido. Despite the criminal prosecutions, and the avalanche of media coverage, THE TRUTH about Phillip Garrido's past life is only now beginning to be made public.
Nancy Garrido was reared as a Jehovah's Witness, first in Texas, and then later in Colorado. The unmarried 25 year-old Jehovah's Witness, Nancy Bocanegra, was introduced to fellow Jehovah's Witness, Phillip Garrido, while Garrido was imprisoned in Leavenworth federal prison for a 1976 kidnapping and rape committed in Nevada. The "delayed" introduction reportedly was made in early 1980 only after Garrido's divorce from his first wife became final. Nancy Bocanegra was introduced to Phillip Garrido by one of his cellmates -- Nancy Bocanegra's Uncle, whom she occasionally visited. Phillip Garrido, age 30, and Nancy Bocanegra, age 26, were married inside Leavenworth Prison, in October 1981, by a non-denominational prison chaplain.
A 1978 mental evaluation conducted only 8-9 months after Garrido's arrival at Leavenworth states that Phillip Garrido was already, in March/April of 1978, a"very absorbed" Jehovah's Witness practitioner.Phillip Garrido has indicated that his interest in religion and GOD started sometime around 1973-74, and intensified around 1976-77(Remember that the JWs were then in the middle of their largest recruitment period ever -- 1966 to 1975 -- when the WatchTower Society was predicting Armageddon to occur in October 1975. After 1975, it was "any day now".) During Phillip Garrido's first year at Leavenworth, Phillip Garrido even rejected the idea of a transfer from prison incarceration to an outside psychological treatment program so that he could complete the religious and secular education programs he had by then already started at Leavenworth. (Although the WatchTower Cult has since relaxed its teachings on mental health treatment -- due to the high incidence of mental illness amongst its members -- at that time, Jehovah's Witnesses were proactively discouraged from seeking treatment from mental health professionals.)
So, when did Phillip Garrido first join the WatchTower Cult?IT IS BELIEVED THAT PHILLIP GARRIDO FIRST STARTED ATTENDING A KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES SOMETIME IN THE EARLY 1970s -- possibly even as early as 1969-70, when Garrido was only 19-20 years old. Garrido either attended the Brentwood, California Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, or the Oakley, California Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, or both, at various times. There is a vague lead which seems to suggest that Nancy Bocanegra was not the first female with JW connections in Phillip Garrido's life. Whether that possible female with JW connections was Garrido's first wife, one of many girlfriends, or even possibly his mother (which opens an enormous can of worms given that is with whom Phillip and Nancy lived all these years), I do not know. I do know that some older JWs in either the Brentwood and Oakley areas probably do know, but evidently are tight lipped.
I also know that Phillip Garrido was arrested and incarcerated multiple times from 1969 through 1974. If, in fact, Phillip Garrido "became a member" of the Brentwood or Oakley congregations during this time period, as one source alleges, then he would have been subject to one or more internal judicial actions by his congregation's Body of Elders. That would mean that Garrido's past history as a Jehovah's Witness would be known not only by one or both of those two California congregations, but probably also by WatchTower Society headquarters, in Brooklyn.
Kendrick in good standing in Oakley Congregation ... wow !
by RubaDub incan anyone imagine the what the elders in his current congregation must be going through ?!.
in their ideal world, they would have df'd him once they knew there would be a trial so they could play the card "he's not one of jw's.
" but since it occurred in a different congregation and he was already punished, there is little they can currently do.. wow, imagine the buzz in the kh when the info started leaking out.
I believe Oakley meets at the Brentwood Hall with the Discovery Bay JWs. Google Brentwood Kingdom Hall and Discovery Bay for address, phone # and photos. Brentwood must be used to Child Molesters; I just googled up a great new site on JW divorces and child molesting. - No site name. Remember the Jaycee Dugard case? The little girl who was kidnapped, raped and held a prisoner for YEARS??????????
So, when did Phillip Garrido first join the WatchTower Cult?IT IS BELIEVED THAT PHILLIP GARRIDO FIRST STARTED ATTENDING A KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES SOMETIME IN THE EARLY 1970s -- possibly even as early as 1969-70, when Garrido was only 19-20 years old. Garrido either attended the Brentwood, California Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, or the Oakley, California Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, or both, at various times.There is a vague lead which seems to suggest that Nancy Bocanegra was not the first female with JW connections in Phillip Garrido's life. Whether that possible female with JW connections was Garrido's first wife, one of many girlfriends, or even possibly his mother (which opens an enormous can of worms given that is with whom Phillip and Nancy lived all these years), I do not know. I do know that some older JWs in either the Brentwood and Oakley areas probably do know, but evidently are tight lipped.
I also know that Phillip Garrido was arrested and incarcerated multiple times from 1969 through 1974. If, in fact, Phillip Garrido "became a member" of the Brentwood or Oakley congregations during this time period, as one source alleges, then he would have been subject to one or more internal judicial actions by his congregation's Body of Elders. That would mean that Garrido's past history as a Jehovah's Witness would be known not only by one or both of those two California congregations, but probably also by WatchTower Society headquarters, in Brooklyn.
At any rate, it was Phillip Garrido's status as a long-time practicing Jehovah's Witness, plus his marriage to a life-long practicing Jehovah's Witness, that undoubtedly played a significant role in his gaining early parole in 1988 given that nearly every evaluation of any type over the years almost always made positive mention of Garrido's religious beliefs and practices.
Nancy Garrido worked within the healthcare community in multiple states at least as far back as 1981. Nancy Garrido was licensed as a Nursing Assistant in California in 1989 after the couple moved to California after Phillip Garrido's parole from Leavenworth, and 8 months served in a Nevada state prison, where Garrido served short time on a state charge related to the 1976 rape/kidnapping. Between 1994 and 1998, Nancy Garrido worked for a California community agency, Contra Costa ARC, that served adults and children suffering from developmental disabilities. Nancy Garrido reportedly also worked at multiple nursing homes.
Nancy Garrido is reportedly accused by Prosecutors of playing an equal role with Phillip Garrido in the abduction of Jaycee Lee Dugard. Prosecutors suspect that it was actually Nancy Garrido who forcibly put Jaycee Lee Dugard into the car driven by Phillip Garrido in June 1991. In 1993, Phillip Garrido was returned to federal prison for 38 days because of a parole violation. Prosecutors allege that Nancy Garrido was Jaycee Lee Dugard's sole kidnapper during those 38 days.
Mr. McCabe aka McCabe Law (representing WBTS)...
by iamwhoiam inyou know...as a jdub...your only allowed to engage in higher education if you plan on being an attourney for the wbts.. http://www.mccabelaw.net/our_practice.html.
...of course...i could be wrong, as i usually am..
WOW what great PR this case gave him. Everyone at the Bar Assoc. will remember him "as that crazy Jehovah guy and his sons who hold the worlds record child abuse loss- 28 Mil!... stay clear the guy is a religious wacko looser".
JWs At My Door Today
by TOTH inso here i sat eating my father's day brunch and the knock at the door startled me.
i peaked and it was a man and teenaged boy in suits.
it was already like ninety degrees outside and they had on suit jackets....jws.
Great job!
I think I will say: " I read in the paper a lot of you folks are child molesters" ......can I see some photo ID before you say anything else?" - I would love to watch the expressions.