THREE 80 something Judge Rutherford era JWs have told me in the last five years they were depressed and never expected to see EVERYONE they knew die broke or get dementia. Lots of heavy drinking. All sounded lost and wistfull.
JoinedPosts by Balaamsass
When some of the old time JW's time is up i wonder what they think in their private moments.
by karter inwe had an old time jw pass away recently he lived his entire life lie the new system was going to be here tomorrow.. he was a gillard grad and went on to be missionry in west africa.. came back home when wife got pregent(they eventuly had 3 children) ,sold everything pre 75 to see the system out and pioneer then had to work his butt off to rebuild his finances and put a roof over his familys head.. he retired and became a co till his wifes health could no longer alow it.. he got a treminal illness and i wonder in his quiter moments did he think ....".ive lived my entire life for a dream that never came true".
he's only one of many i see,their lives comming to an end and the new system is no closer than it was when they started.. .
What Could Cause the Watch Tower Corporation to Loose Its Non Profit Tax Status?
by frankiespeakin injust throwing this idea out in hyperspace to see what comes up..
I doubt the IRS would go after WTBTS, however many states might. California board of Equalization (California usually ties with AUS as the 8th largest economy in the world) went after the YMCA years ago. YMCA almost lost tax exempt status because of having profit making "Lunch counters" in many facilities. Funny about the same time WTBTS got rid of the lunch facilities at assembly halls......hummmm.
In 2012 California started going after anyone involved in "Elder abuse". Governor Brown and the Attorney General, reassigned many of the the DOJ narcotics people to senior abuse. Of great intrest has been Attornies involved in scamming the Medi-CAL low income programs for senior care. Seniors "gift" assets to family and charities, and then appear "poor" enough for free rest home care. A well known Attorney who gave seminars on how to "gift away" assets, claim "poverty" and become a burden on the state for rest home care, got arrested in 2012.
The conspiracy (RICO) angle on defrauding the government for benefits might get traction in California right now. WTBTS "Conditional" gifting program seems to be set up to de-fraud the state medi-cal system. The fact that they ask participants to destroy records does not pass the smell test. It could result in California JW Halls, Assembly halls, and property being subject to state taxes, WTBTS Attornies being disbarred (arrested?) , and some very bad press. Other states might follow suite.
Don't know for sure, but it could cause a bit of sweating at WTBTS. A good CPA or tax attorney would need to review recent case law and tax code and write the Attorney General.
NOT on JW.ORG: Why 1914, 1919, and 607 do not matter.
by Balaamsass in national geographic show tonight.
click on link for national geographic videos and articles on mankinds oldest temples...much older than watchtowers date for a flood and adams creation.
why argue about a few years when wtbts chronology is off by thousands?.
Over and over new finds blow Fred Franz pet ideas out of the water.
Question for you astute folks here. Ex wife, no money for a major operation.
by jam intypical for elderly jw,s, they are now in their twilight years,.
with no medical coverage.
my son told me my ex needs major.
Where do you live? Some Obama care provisions have started in some states. California has the PCIP program. Basicly pay $450 wait 15 days you.. now have full coverage. Make sure Hospital agrees to assignment. Get 100K of surgery for $450.oo not a bad deal.
NOT on AZ Jehovah's Witness elder arrested for strip poker with 14 year old.(2010)
by Balaamsass informer jehovah's witness preacher arrested for playing strip poker with 14-year-old boy -- get all the grody details right hereby james kingthu., nov. 4 2010 at 2:39 pm82 commentscategories: holier than who?david nelson ?strip poker can be a fun party game when played by visually -- and age -- appropriate gamblers.
it's a problem, however, when one of those playing is a preacher -- it's an even bigger problem when the only other player is a 14-year-old boy.. .
the former preacher at a jehovah's witness church in phoenix was arrested last night for allegedly playing strip poker -- and doing a lot of other sick stuff -- with a 14-year-old boy more than 30 years ago.. .
Would make a great Google places link.
12//22 CBS News:" 48 HR Mystery; "Mystery on Twin peaks Drive" Jehovahs Witness Elder, Murderer ?
by Balaamsass in
link to cbs docu-drama of jw elder who leaves wife for jw, followed by suspicious death.
Would make a good G+ and Google places link :)
NOT on JW.ORG: Amish Elder sentenced to 15 years for assault on "APOSTATE" Amish.
by Balaamsass inohio amish beard-cutting ringleader gets 15 yearssubtitlebylineby thomas j. sheeran associated pressassociated pressdateposted: 02/08/2013 12:08:02 am pstsecondary datefebruary 8, 2013 11:15 pm gmtupdated: 02/08/2013 03:15:06 pm pst .
click photo to enlargefile - in this oct. 10, 2011 file photo, sam mullet sr. stands in... ((ap photo/amy sancetta, file))12345 clevelanddenying he ran an amish cult, the 67-year-old ringleader of hair- and beard-cutting attacks on fellow members of his faith in ohio was sentenced friday to 15 years in prison, while family members convicted of carrying out his orders got one to seven years.
the judge said the defendants had violated the constitutional rights protecting religious practice that had also benefited them as amish.
Great quote by the judge: ""The victims were terrorized and traumatized," U.S. District Judge Dan Aaron Polster said, noting that the same constitution that exempts them from jury service and permission to leave school at 14 was turned against the victims. "Each of you has received the benefits of that First Amendment." ""
This would be a good quote to add to JW slander cases.
NOT on : Jehovah's Witness Elder, WANTED in Santa Barbara, CA for Child abuse. Have you seen him?
by Balaamsass insanta barbara county sheriff's office.
december 20, 2012. michael johnson norris 67 yrs, currently has a $250,000.00 warrant for several felonies including child molestation and attempted oral copulation of a child.
norris' last known address was in the carpinteria area.
Be sure to link this fellow on Google places to his home congregation!
If you have a Guardian Angle, would you be embarrassed?
by jam inif you found out after you die, you had a guardian angel.
watching over you, your entire life.. there are moments in my life i don,t care to think
your guardian angel, ok folks this is jam one nite after consuming.
Is that why Mormans wear Long underwear all the time?
Not on JW.ORG: Have you been defamed as an Apostate or other "low -life" by Elders? Reproved? Disfellowshipped? Marked? Shunned?
by Balaamsass ini was doing a little work related research on this subject today for something unrelated to jw land and came across this information writen for lay persons by legal pros.
a couple of attorney customers have told me they sugest this publisher's series of books to friends and family "nolo press" :
i have read many accounts on jwn where elders have not followed wtbts rules to the letter, and considering the ease of small claims court, the current $10,000 california limit, the ability to demand congregational records, and the inability for wtbts to bring in legal teams to small communities all over the usa.
A few dozen $10,000 financial loses by individual Elders would have a chilling effect throughout the USA. On the 31 day you can begin the collection effort.
Imagine pompous brother Elder explaining away his wage garnishment to his "wordly" female boss/employer because he encouraged the entire congregation to "shun" a single mom...perhaps at the same company.......
After watching her car get towed away, and seeing hubbies small after garnishment paycheck..the Mrs might decide hubby should step down.