I wonder how much it would cost to have a Chinese toy company make a few thousand Spar Locks? Imagine the fun of giving them away to small JW children calling at your door? The joy of leaving them in the dirt and mud of the Kingdom Hall planters to be found, prized, and brought into the hall to be played with during meetings? Sparlock! Mud! Little tikes in polyester outfits with muddy Sparlocks!!!! LOL!! Elder and Church ladies everywhere would develop "Sparlock Vaporlock" and faint. LOL!!
JoinedPosts by Balaamsass
I am so proud of how we've handled Sparlock!
by NewChapter ini know, another sparlock thread.
but i just have to express this!
i am so proud of what we have done with sparlock.. youtube is being flooded with videos.
Any suggestions on handling financial abuse of a senior by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society?
by Balaamsass indoes anyone here have any suggestions on handling financial abuse of a senior by the watchtower bible and tract society?
mom gave a lot of money to the watchtower bible and tract society over her lifetime- (6 figures).
after she ran low on funds she made a 5 figure "conditional loan" to wtb&ts.
By all means get your loved ones to ask for money back NOW..before it goes to pay for Molest cases. If they want to lend the money back at a future time, that is their choice. When they find how hard it is to get funds returned...the word will spread.
What do apostates really want?
by Mr Facts ini'm just wondering what the whole apostate propaganda is all about?.
do you think you can do some sort of justice to the wt for the pains they have caused you?, what actualy are your motives?.
i dont get it.
WTBTS= Millerites, Shakers, Christian Scientists, Moonies, & countless 19th century adventists groups history has forgotten.
Those who WERE or ARE Elders (Re: Molestation Coverup)
by dontplaceliterature ini'd like to hear from those who are currently elders or were formerly elders on your honest feelings about the charges brought against the society and their general policy in handling these matters.
do you think that the society handles child abuse accusations fairly?
or, do you think their policy is abusive?
In the few cases I was involved in, WTBS simply obstructed justice and endangered more children. Their amatuer investigations gave molesters time to destroy evidence and intimidate witnesses. They ruined the District Attornies cases.
Very Curious, what kind of feedback are you getting from ACTIVE Jehovah's Witnesses on Candace's California Court Victory ?
by Balaamsass ini am stunned by candace's huge court victory.
it is overdue.
i have been reading comments on jvn, huffington, san jose mercury, nbc, and other sources.
I was just now having a cup of coffee with 3rd Gen and shaking my head in disbelief. I am astonished that after some "crying in the beer" Sunday, these die hard pioneers got up at 4-5 am and went in street work to preach to the Commuters....to covert them to WTBTS BS. While they are huddled and whispering about the case, are they in street work by habit? Did they feel uncomfortable and need the comfort of "their tribe"? - Brain washing, and human behavior never cease to amaze me. No critical thinking. Like, "How can these guys be "Spirit directed"?
Very Curious, what kind of feedback are you getting from ACTIVE Jehovah's Witnesses on Candace's California Court Victory ?
by Balaamsass ini am stunned by candace's huge court victory.
it is overdue.
i have been reading comments on jvn, huffington, san jose mercury, nbc, and other sources.
I am surprized by the feedback on Monday morning.
It is THE subject of conversation among pioneers doing "streetwork" in San Francisco, Oakland and the East Bay according to a Bay Area JW I just spoke with on the phone. He thought it might be "Jehovah's Judgement on the Governing Body", he said "all the folks in service thought the Governing Body were in the wrong for getting involved in "police business"."
I was shocked by Mom. She said "Why does the Society stick their nose in this?"- She had been talking to a number of "old timers" on Sunday about the case.
I guess it has been crawling around in peoples heads for a few days...even dense die hards realize children should be protected, elders aren't cops, and the WTBS secrecy policy was/is insane.
by TheTruthBR inwatchtower library online: http://wol.jw.org/.
watchtoweronline librarywelcome.this is a research tool for publications in various languages produced by jehovah's witnesses.
NUU NUU NUU light. When I was a kid I grabed the Studies in the scriptures off my mothers "display" bookcase and began reading them. A few days later my mother saw me reading them and the look on her face was priceless..she looked like I was reading porn, as she grabed them out of my hands and scolded me for reading that "old light crap" ! LOL
Very Curious, what kind of feedback are you getting from ACTIVE Jehovah's Witnesses on Candace's California Court Victory ?
by Balaamsass ini am stunned by candace's huge court victory.
it is overdue.
i have been reading comments on jvn, huffington, san jose mercury, nbc, and other sources.
Well I called quite a few. Sent out a number of emails with links, and emailed local newspaper editors with info on local cases to give Candices' case "local flavor". Actually, very quiet Sunday afternoon. The story seemed to have an unexpected effect on the JWs I spoke with on the phone....all were drinking heavily!! LOL :)
The Candace Conti Case Is Now In The New York Times!
by DT inhttp://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/18/us/28-million-awarded-in-jehovahs-witnesses-abuse-case.html?_r=1.
I am helping out a tad by forwarding the article to smaller local papers, and active JWs. For those still in the JW "closet", this would be a good time to set up a new gmail account and email the story to your JW family and friends.
Very Curious, what kind of feedback are you getting from ACTIVE Jehovah's Witnesses on Candace's California Court Victory ?
by Balaamsass ini am stunned by candace's huge court victory.
it is overdue.
i have been reading comments on jvn, huffington, san jose mercury, nbc, and other sources.
All quiet today. I am helping out a tad by forwarding the article to smaller local papers, and active JWs. For those still in the JW "closet", this would be a good time to set up a new gmail account and email the story to your JW family and friends.