I was a faithful jdub for 25 years and I wouldn't say that I was gullible but I never agreed with a lot of beliefs and congregational procedures. I had several conversations with jdubs about certain things that bothered them or they just had to look away. Most are very inteligent but misguided. We hang on to hope that one day things will change or get better. "Leave it in Jehovah's hands" is what I used to tell myself. It made me feel important to get assignments and I believed that the community was a protection. I was raised to believe that the world would destroy me and I still feel somewhat uncomfortable around non-jdubs. We're programmed to believe that this way of life is superior, special and even though we may have doubts and not understand, this is Jehovah's chosen organization on earth So just suck it up.
I'm still deprogramming and it's hard. I'm glad I woke up and decided that I needed to walk away. It's lije I always had that voice telling me "this is wrong. Wtf is this. Walk away." It took courage to listen to that voice and free myself.