YES! OMG YES! I live in the South (Bible Belt) of the USA. My family and I grew up in the Spanish congregation but we're American. I actually experienced more racism in the comgregation than in the world. It's disgraceful! Several of my friends from the south and some from Florida have told me that they raised to beleive that they shouldn't marry outside of their race and marrying a black person is completely unacceptable. These were also raised in "the truth".
I knew 2 interracial couples who married and I asked them what their experience was and hiw much racism or opposition they encountered within the congregation. One couple said that it was a true test of their faith. A lot of jdubs were against it and even refused to speak to them. They even quoted from the Bible saying that it's against Jehivahs will. The other couple only had a few Jdubs who never spoke to them again but they didn't care. But both agreed that it opened their eyes to how many in "the truth" are horrible people and fake worshippers.
I used to be friends with a jdub who stopped attending the Spanish cong. because she "didn't like the culture." She tokd me she was friends with me because I was Americanized lol.
A group of us were trying to start a group in a foreign language and the people in the territory didn't want to continue to come to the English meetings because the white folk made them feel uncomfortable. We knew exactly what they were talking about. They were too indifferent towards us. Treated us differently. A lot of the jdubs in that cong would ask us "why don't they just learn English?" Ugh! It was horrible
Now, I grew up in a different part of the USA where it's a beautiful soup of cultures. It was disturbing to see racism in the cong when I moved to the South.
I haven't been around jdubs in almost a year and I since then have not heard or experienced any racism. It's dispicable! I'm learning to sorround myself with true friends these days and they're not jdubs.