I have seen cultish behaviors on both sides. But since I live in Trump country here down south, wow! These people really worship him. They defend him even when he does crazy stuff. They are not open minded at all. 90% support Trump even after you explain the laws to them and how the system works (I do work for an immigration office).
As far as JWs go, it IS common for them to fall into a cultish substitute. It's explained well in The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse and Combating Cult Mind Control. It's the same reason people leave abusive relationships and go into another abusive relationship but yet in their head it's not the same. They convince themseves it's not the same but the abuse is there.
Personally, I have cut off people for decades if they say anything racist or steriotypical. At first I do my best to educate them since I have mixed cultural backround, mostly Native American, if they still have racists views then I avoid them completely. I can put up with anything but if someone believes people from other countries are lesser human beings or have less rights, NO. I can't be around these kind of people. It goes against everything I believe and everything I value. I myself have been mistreated on various occasions for the way I look even though I'm very American.
The sad thing is that people have been more open about their racism since Trump got elected so I get more stares and comments. It's NOT political anymore, it's a moral issue. They don't think they're racist either!