My father became a JW in his late 20's during the 1960's. He immediately professed to be of the Annointed. After marrying my mother, my parents were accepted to Gilead. However, after reporting to school my mother found out she was pregnant.
My father was an elder from as far back as I could remember. He was always the Presiding Overseer. He was invited to give talks and the Memorial Talk everywhere. Sometimes as a kid I had to attended 2 Memorials as my dad gave the talk to the first and then the later Memorial.
My dad moved the family to another state and things went downhill. About 13 years later my dad confessed to me that things would have gone downhill if we stayed. The Circuit Overseer we had just received in our home state back in the late 80's had a reputation for singling out JWs who professed to be of the Annointed. He would pressure the local bodies of elders of the Annointed person to do whatever they could push that person out. My dad personally knew 1 brother and 1 sister who were disfellowshipped as a result of this.
I saw it again in the early 90's. The District Overseer we had in the 1980's at the same time was now the District Overseer in our District. Almost immediately he told our congregation elders that my father was to have absolutely no privileges outside of answering and field service. No explanation was given.
It was difficult because I was a Ministerial Servant in the congregation at that time and attended the same book study as my dad. I was ordered that if I had to conduct the book study (which was almost every week at that time) I was not to use my father to read. The problem was that often my father and I were the only 2 brothers present. I didn't want to embarrass my dad by having one of the sisters there read instead of him. I chose to just read myself. It was miserable.