I guess that might say something in and of itself.
Thanks to everybody who replied to my last post I just got through reading the responses. I have to say I didn't clarify my last post very well as I was pretty emotional at the time. I would definately fade out of the congo slowly if I could but the thing is I'm still living at home so it would be very hard to do. I'm 21 and I lived on my own for awhile with a so-called jw friend of mine. We got drunk and stoned every weekend, but when I would talk to him about any of this it was like he would get offended! I thought that was so crazy. Anyway, I moved back in with my parents to go to college (I never bought into that whole anti-education argument) and I am now a senior and have about a year and a half left.
About the girl (isnt it always hehe), she isnt actually my gf, we have only been writing and calling each other the last 3 months or so. After I had that discussion with her the other night she said "Well I cant be mad at you over something you dont believe in". I couldnt believe she said that! She seems to be very open minded but its like someone said (cant remember who) she has a family and getting involved with her now would mean fighting at least 2 battles with mine and her family. I dont know man, I guess I'm going to try to move out and support myself through my last year of school and it will be easier that way to kindof slack off on meeting attendance. Well I'll figure out something I suppose........it might be awhile before I make it back here, but again thanks for understanding.