Well maybe an exjw got rid of their magizines or a from an estate sale.
but by having original mag, is great because they wouldn't have been altered in anyway like when the re edit them for the bound volumes.
That is a good find.
i found something at the flea market today...two, not bound volumes...but individual magazines (watchtower and awake for the year 1974) each in a blue bundling folder.
the folders have "watchtower" and "awake" embossed on the front and in gold lettering on the spine with "watch tower bible & tract society" at the bottom of the spine.
who ever put these together, however, put the entire year of awake!
Well maybe an exjw got rid of their magizines or a from an estate sale.
but by having original mag, is great because they wouldn't have been altered in anyway like when the re edit them for the bound volumes.
That is a good find.
well as some of you know that on january the 25th, i was confirmed at my church st paul's.
finally after 45 years my day came.
it was a magnificent sunday.
Thanks everyone for you comments they were very encouraging. I look forward to my journey.
Whatever happens on that journey only my Father in heaven knows. I know that whatever happens willl be for the best.
FHN yes I belong to the Anglican Church of Canada, The Episicopal Church is like a sister church to the Anglicans, You are more the Evangilizing part of the faith. We use most of the same books as part of our liturgy. I am very familiar with the Veni Sanctus Spiritus.
When the early colonies settled into Canada and in the US they naturally brought with them their believes.The America's wanted freedom from the British and wanted to worship in their own communities with people already in America, but they also needed a Bishops, The peoples selected a man named Samuel Seabury and he was appointed the first Bishop in the America's thanks to the Scottish Episcopal Church. much to the chagrin of the Church of England. He had to make that long voyage back to England to place the cards on the table as it were with the House of Bishops. The Church of England was angry with Seabury for turning to he Scottish Church, but the man had to do what was needed for the new world at that time. In 1784 the Scottish Chruch consecrated him as Bishop in the New Word and eventually many more Bishops were added over the years still upsetting the Church of England, but with time the Chruch of England resolved their differences and eventually accepted the Episcopal Church.
John Adams was a key figure in getting other Bishops to meet with the Archbishop of Canterberry. This resovled much conflict between the two churches, with time other branches evolved as well as Tractarians ,Puritans, and Quakers. Some of the sects dissappeared forever.
It is all amazing the history of the church.
Its trials and tribulations. The Reformation is an amazing part of History.
Presently I am reading about the Church in medevil times. Now that book is quite fasinating.
Well anyway I know I will have a ton of reading to do over the next several years of my life and I want to cram in my brain as much as I can.
and once again thanks for all your kind thoughts.
luv ya
Rev'd Orangefatcat
Oh please ofc it has happened yet. I will let you know when it does.
now shut up and go to bed.
I disagree with you Satanus I don't think I am better then anyone else on this planet. Christian or not
We all have to stand up before God and answer to Him. I hope that I am good enough to recieve the gift
of life eternal where ever that place may be.
I don' t condemn anyone, that is up to God and I try to peaceable with all. I have a big heart full of love.
And Grace, don't sell yourself short. We all err from time to time even me orangefatcat. I love to have
have a little mischief in my life. I like to laugh and be naughty everynow and then. My halo isn't highly polished it
is tarnished in places.
according to german april issue of our kingdom ministry, the watchtower logo must be removed from all kingdom halls:.
it sais that the watchtower logo - a stylised watchtower or a watchtower with a bible - is used by the watchtower society.
thus, it should not be used by congregations or private persons, neither on kingdom halls, stationary or anything else.
It doesn't make sense, have you any idea how many of the oldest churches in Europe and Germany have
Watchtowers on their churches.? I can't see it being for that reason. There must be a different reason.
Witnesses are probably making nuisances of themselves and maybe it was the WTS told them
to remove them from the halls because the symbol belongs exclusively to the WTS.
well as some of you know that on january the 25th, i was confirmed at my church st paul's.
finally after 45 years my day came.
it was a magnificent sunday.
Well as some of you know that on January the 25th, I was confirmed at my Church St Paul's. Finally after 45 years my day came. It was a magnificent Sunday. It couldn't have been better. Not only did I walk with two canes up to the Bishop but also up to the altar for the first time to recieve communion. I was so proud of myself. Even though I felt like jello in my legs I did it. I felt like a million bucks. And I was told after wards that most of the parish was in tears. I am glad I didn't look into anyones eyes or I would have lost it myself to. It was an emotionally and spiritually charged day.
However something very unusaul occurred. I can't explain to you unless you have experienced it yourself. I felft this magnificent warm feeling overpower my entire body which seemed to almost take me away from where I was at that moment while all the photographs were being taken. I stood beside the Bishop, and all I felt was an amazing amount of warm searing energy surround me. My body was overwhelmed. When I snapped out of it I knew right then and there why God practically pushed me through the doors of St. Pauls over three or four years ago. Our present priest is Father Gordon Shepperd and he is a fantastic man and extemely humble and always willing to talk and I absoultley adore him.
I know now why when I said to Rev'd Ruth (she was the priest when I started at St; Pauls )
"that I believe God was calling me and pushing me into the church that very day and Ididn't know why", but I knew on my confirmation day exactly what it was and I knew God had a plan for me. That was the plan of becoming a priest. I think I floored the Bishop more than me and he said to me "really Terry do you want to be a priest"? and I said yes, but I am not sure if I will be able to because of my age, Isaid I would be in my sixties when I was finished and he said, "that doesn't matter," speak to Father Gordon and lets see what we can do for you. So having the Bishop behind me and Fr Gordon, I can do this and when Gordon found out he was delighted and said well we have much to do. I am ready willing and able. And one other thing. The Bishop is also disabled he has had polio since he was a child and he is so amazing a man, as is his wife. He walks with a large crock and he is a man who like Gordon is humble and meek and during that two month period I stopped going to church, the Bishop and I spoke on the telephone a few times and if you know how busy a man he is and yet he took time to call me well that proved to me he really did care about my feeling.
I must admitt I ws totally elated and I have been flying high ever since. I do beleive this is my calling which I had mentioned those several years ago to Rev.d Ruth. I knew in my heart there was a reason. Whe their was a two month period when Ruth was dismissed from the Church I have to admitt it really caused me to do alot of soul searching but after many months of self examination of my own heart and my own feelings about being Christlike I knew I was in the wrong to stay away and so I humbled my self and started up over a year or so ago. I didn't regret me choice.
I now am editor and chief of our churches Newsletter and I am a lay reader. So God has richly blessed me. I have lost over 60 pounds and my headaches are alot better I have to see the doctor now about every three weeks for my treatments so things are looking up. And as regards the rest of my dream I will leave it in the hands of our Lord and see what transpires. Prayer study and meditation are a major part of my daily routine. So with prayers and supplication I allow this to be left in the hands of God.
I have the desire be used by God in whatever capcitiy He sees fit to allow me to accomplish.
I just wanted to share with you my desire for my future.
Your friend
love Orangefatcat
Truth is the opposite of a lie.
Truth is based on fact that can be verified. The French word for truth is verite. See how close it is to the english word verified. And in Latin the word for truth again is Ver, veri, veritas.
The word Truth extends from honesty, good faith and sincerity.
When Jesus was asked, "are you the King of the Jews?" PP's reply was what is truth? Are you the King of the Jews? And Jesus said,"you yourself already said it."
Mind you there are many people who swear they are telling you the truth and maybe they might be, but it isn't the whole truth either this is called equivacating. Oh there may be a little truth but for the most part it their slant or version of what happen and it may be really qutie distorted. So really in point of fact it isn't the real truth it is a story that of some truth with a lie added spice to make it sound believable. Many people do this in courts of law.
I think Grace doesn't have a big mouth You are an excellent Christian and a fine example to all.
study articles have strong counsel against apostates - modern day apostates display characteristics similar to those of the devil.
their mind may be poisoned by a critical attitude towards individuals in the congregations , christian elders or the governing body.
some apostates oppose the use of the divine name , jehovah.
I wouldn't try to figure out the WTS reasoning for anything they do now what so ever. They have the audacity to say we are from the Devil. Ha, they have some bloody nerve. Who was it that committed fornication with the United Nations for 10 whole years, standing in the thing that is most disgusting thing to God. They messed with the Devil's earthly organizataion. They fornicated with the DEVIL and his NUMBER 666 riding on the HARLOT BABYLON THE GREAT THE WORLD EMPIRE OF FALSE RELIGION, Secondly, they knew they were in the wrong, because of the paper work involved in applying for statis as NGO's. They had to take an oath which included an allegiance to the UN. Oh they can tell the witnesses whatever whitewashed story they want but we know the real truth and so do the GB. Its okay they will have to answer to God like all of us.
Now thirdly how many cases of Pedophilia has the WTS been charged with ? And continue to be charged with? How many blood issues and deaths caused hemophiliacs to die and transplant victims also, because the WTS said it was equal to cannabalism? How many witnesses have committed murders due to the extreme stress brought on them by the stringent live changes and stress that induces depressions because they are to live different from the rest of the world? How many suicides have resulted in the organization because families have been torn apart because one gets disfellowshipped or disassociated and the reasons may just be because they don't believe the organizaiton has the so called truth anymore. Or they die out of pure lonliness, or no comes to help them when they are widows or mothers of single children most of the elders don't give a rats ass, they have family's of their own and are trying to survive themselves let alone trying to help other families.
Or they do research and find out that they have been lied to by the WTS for years and can't believe they have been betrayed. Lied to and decieved.
And how many laws have the witnesses imposed upon witnesses when it wasn't even necessary? Did anyone hear that during a convention that the Society was given a parking lot free of charge for the witnesses to park in for the day and then the WTS turned around and charged the brothers for parking ? Now that is low even for them. Or how about the spy games the elders play? Their double standards. Have you ever known of a JW's being disfellowshipped for gluttony? I have never heard of any case where this has occured and I would be embarassed to even eat out in public or in their homes as they just keep shovelling it in and it is just so disgusting. They have no manners what so ever. I bet you have seen many witnesses that are huge and it isn't alway from health problems, its from fork problems. But they wouldn't think twice to disfellowship a person who asked a question that may border on apostacy, or what they think is apostacy. But they wouldn't disfellowship a person who was a know glutton. I wonder why?
Quite frankly I think for the most part almost a huge percentage of witnesses are paranoid live in fear of the Big Trib and the Big A and this is eating them up inside out with fear. Kids are fearful as they never know what to expect at school to supress your kids in school it's terrible treatment for them and if you weren't a kid JW then you have no idea of what these young people go through. I was 13 when my parents converted to the JW's and I had no choice and by the time I could make a choice I was totaly brainwashed like everyone else. What a wasted life. I mean I don't mind giving glory to God but not to he witnesses.
The Oranization wants your money, your land, your estates. anything they can get from you.
And we are from the Devil. I think they need an attitude adjustment. Jesus aptly described them as offsprings of vipers and as dead bones in white washed graves . He knew what he was talking about.
I can't wait until the day I am a priest and I will go to where ever the WTS hides out and pretend I am interested in there organization and request a complete tour of their facilities. Afterwards I will tell them thanks for the tour and by the I was a witness for 38 years and the organization is a rotten now as it was when I left.
And this info regard miscarriages. Surely this is another ploy on their part to get sisters all excited and then will come the big let down later on when they change their minds. As the stomach turns. So does the WTS. Heaven help these poor down trodden and sincere witnesses I hope they get out before it is too late for them.
i've got a few "would you care for a nice massage?
" lately... and guys i have to tell you... it's not working!!!.
I use to say to my man, or any man for that matter now, and that is " going my way soldier boy", and then I whistle. Works every time.
Orangefatcat your so irrestible furry and cute.
I know.
You are so conceited its disgusting, but I still loves ya.
when i left the witnesses in 1992 after ten years in the orgainzation, i got as far away from the teachings and mindest as i could.
however some, like my former brother-in-law, also left, but are intent on finding ways to reform the society from within since he believes in the society as being of god, but that it has become misguided and is slowly drifting to "christendom" status.
one of the things he cites as evidence is the wtbts become aligned with the united nations.
I can't see how one can leave the oraganization and still hold to the teachings. So what is the purpose of leaving? I never could stay with the watchtower concepts and their so called interpretation of scriptures.
They are no better than any other religious organization as far as I am concerned. They do all the same things the churches do. They have the same corruption in them as do the other religions. So either your a JW or your not.
I personally wouldn't want to say I was a Jehovah's witness but I have told people my story and when I tell it I still say to myself thank God I had the courage to get out. I received that strength and courage not from any human being but from God. Through prayers and tears and begging and pleas and entreaties to God for his help and guideness and one day all of a sudden it hit when I was praying to God all of a sudden a calmness overpowered me like nothing I had experiended before. I wiped the tears from my face and I thanked God for finally answering my prayers. I knew exactly what to do. He opened a door and that door opened another and finally after that I was a new person free and liberated and renewed with a spirit of God and I felt as if I could soar into the heavens and reach up to God and say thank you for finally hearing me and leading me away from those phony Christains two faced, back stabbing, mircoscopic observers of your life it was gone pouff. I have never regretted for one instant leaving the organization, I wouldn't think twice about doing it again if I had to. I would help any witness who wants out. I know I did help one witness who was wanting out so badly and finally she and her husband left the area and moved to where no one knew them. They too could see that falsehood and no love anymore in the organizaition.
The teachings of love of God and mankind never came from the teachings of JW's. nope it came from my beloved grandma who was a wonderful human being and a very devout Anglican.
She was my mentor a friend, and a fabulous grandma ,she taught me to love God, to love my neighbour, to pray for the sick and the hungry and those who are poor, to love our enemies, to thank God for our blessings. Each night we would pray together and she would read me a Bible Story from a big book she bought me and when ever I stayed overnight she read them to me. She would hug and kiss me and tell me she loved me and God loved me and then I would go to sleep and wake up to a wonderful smell of grandma's cooking and the love she had in her heart for me and God. I will always remember her for all these things and the one thing she taught me most was to forgive people as we all make mistakes but God forgives us when we ask him and try hard no to displease him again. She was a true saint.
I think the greatest reason I despise theWTS is because they seperate families when a member is disfellowshipped. It goes against the natural law of love that God endowed in each and every one of us. And yet the WTS seems the think they are above that natural law of love God gave us and they twist it and tortures families with threats as far as I am concerned. If God had wanted disfellowshipping to be metted out why isn't it in the Bible? Like everywhere it is about forgiveness and mercy and anointing of oil or praying but not shunning . I just think they do this to keep JWS in line.
Orangefatcat doesn't like the STW. Oh ofc your so dyslexic its WTS. okay.
well whatever way you spell it I still don't like them .
for everyone taking part in this years secret santa, here is the thread to post ideas about what you would like to receive.
this way when you get your name of who you are buying for you can come in here and look at what your person has posted.. .
I received my presents and I got a lovely kiki blankie to keep me warm, and it was hand made with loving hands and I got a cross for my wall and I want to thank my Santa Claws very much.
Barbie my friend, I recieved your lovely Christmas Card, I was so sick I didn't do cards this year as I was just to ill and I hope that this year I will be able to get back on my Christmas card sending. I hope your holidays were good and lots of happiness joy peace and love.
In fact that applies to everyone in JWN and to all my friends that I send cards to I hope to get them out this year.
PS. Angharad I know you had given me a name to be a Secret Santa and I was so sick since before Christmas with pneumonia and then bronchitis and haven't been out hardly at all. So I haven't got my gift to send to the person I was given. In fact my computer is so messed up I am having problems finding certain files. Would you please tell me again who it was that I was to be Santa Claws to and I will get right on that this weekend. Thanks so much.