From some of the posts I've seen, Animal and I aren't the only 'biker trash' here. I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours!
JoinedPosts by MYOHNSEPH
by MYOHNSEPH infrom some of the posts i've seen, animal and i aren't the only 'biker trash' here.
i'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours!
This is the sickest thing I ever read in my life
by Monster in75-year-old man charged with impregnating 10-year-old
75-year-old man charged with impregnating 10-year-old .
by associated press, 4/18/2002.
Sometimes there's a fine line between paranoia and naivet. I certainly don't advocate locking your kids in a closet. But the fact of the matter is, in the majority of molestation cases, the predator has been someone from the child's family or circle of friends. To me, it's not a matter of being suspicious of everyone you see. It's more a matter of being open-minded and objective enough to realize that you may not know everything about everyone around you. When it comes to a child's safety and well being, a little cautious discretion shouldn't offend anyone.
Why I don't Want children
by LuckyLucy inpeople often ask me why i don't have children...."is it because you don't like them?
" it's quiet the contrary.
i like them alot!
Wouldn't it be great if we could really evaluate the motives of another persons heart by whether they choose to have children or not, or maybe whether they drive a big SUV or a compact, or maybe by whether they ride a motorcycle or have tatoos! It ain't that simple folks! Some folks choose to have kids for selfish motives, some choose not to have kids for selfish motives. A hell of a lot of us are here simply because a couple of horny people just wanted to get layed! (OK, so you could say that was selfish!)
My wife and I have four daughters, all grown and married with kids of their own now. The first was born three days short of ten months after our wedding day. I was nineteen, my wife was eighteen. It wasn't selfishness or unselfishness. It was just two ignorant teenagers who knew nothing about about birth control. The next two were deliberate, the fourth was an 'uh oh!' But selfish or unselfish has nothing to do with it. It's about fulfillment in one's life, which I believe everyone has a right to, without catagorizing it as "selfish" or "unselfish". (Assuming, of course, it's not achieved at the expense of someone else!) My wife and I both loved having kids and I believe they loved being our kids. We are all still very close and enjoy a lot of great family times together. That's what makes our world go 'round. But, that's just us!
This is the sickest thing I ever read in my life
by Monster in75-year-old man charged with impregnating 10-year-old
75-year-old man charged with impregnating 10-year-old .
by associated press, 4/18/2002.
Something that compounds the problem is the fact that most of these sick f*#ks look like, and for the most part act like, normal, respectable folks, until they're discovered. If you're a parent, don't assume anything about anybody, as for as trusting them alone with your kids. It's far better to be a little over-protective than to have your child, and yourself, scarred for life.
name your addiction
by Vivamus ini'm making it official.
i'm addicted!
someone once said to me that admitting it is solving half of the problem, and i can live with the other half... lol.
Catfish! Corn meal battered and deep fried! I gotta have a fix a least once a week.
I suspect this will sound wierd
by buckthesystem ini have been reading about the witnesses for some time - but the information i read is always massively biased against.
it is even hard to tell if this web site is exclusively designed for aggrieved ex-witnesses.
i am at a loss here.
Jehovah's Witnesses, for the most part, is a group of well-meaning, misguided people who have had their belief in God and their belief in The Bible as His inspired word, exploited thru manipulation of carefully selected scriptural texts and skillful presentation of superficially rational, but pathetically unsubstantiated arguments, by a small group of self-centered, self-serving, egotistical control freaks, who have convinced them that they are God's exclusive channel of communication and, hence, have His authorization to dictate every action and thought in the life of any and every true Christian, under fear of everlasting destruction for any who fail to obey and conform the dogma they set forth as His so-called, "faithful and discreet slave"!
I was raised a JW and was zealously active until my mid-thirties. A pretty good chunk of my life was gone before I began to understand the difference between truth and "the truth". I'm sixty now.
Why Are JWs So Hard To Get Through To?
by Tower Man inwe have a brand new audio mp3 on our site.
it's by fran sankey and it's called, "witnessing to jehovah's witnesses".
fran shares some practical witnessing tips, discusses the watchtower mindset and reveals reasons why jehovah's witnesses are so difficult to penetrate with the gospel.
As Ray Franz said, "It is all a perception but not reality."
I couldnt agree more! But thats not exclusive to JWs. All our lives are driven by perception, regardless of whether or not we recognize it as such. Some of that perception is reality, some of it is not. Every religion and philosophy of life is a matter of perception, and theres lots of it out there just as screwed up as the JW brand. So why target JWs more than anyone else to deliver them from their error.
Theres a lot of JWs I love dearly and would like nothing more than for them to be able to look at their beliefs and perceptions with an open, honest and rational mind. However, I know the likelihood of that happening is very small. I wasted some of the best years of my life trying to get people into that organization. I, for one, dont feel compelled to spend the rest of it trying to drag people back out.
Veterans day is a bunch of crap!!
by LuckyLucy ini have several friends that are veterans and they have to work on monday!!
yet teachers (and we know how useless they are) and students get the day off.i have an idea!!
why don't they just let the veterans off, would that be asking too much??
There's a lot about the U.S.A that needs fixing. But it's like they say about sex: It ain't the only thing in the world, but it's way the hell ahead of whatever is in second place!
What does this mean?
by MYOHNSEPH ini've noticed that the friends forum on this board gets about twenty-five times the number of posts as forums such as bible research and beliefs, doctrines & practices.
do you think that says something about most of the posters here?
if so, what?
"I think it means we want to play and have fun which is very healing after all the work, work, work of the Borg."
I can relate to that! I've found this board to be loads of fun.
"I find it exceedingly difficult to open a bible these days. I have so much JW garbage floating around in my brain."
That as well! Ever since it really hit me that all I believed in was the result of manipulation and misconstruing the scriptures, I've been reluctant to wade back into those waters. I still believe much of what is written there is of great merit, but not the exclusive and infallible word of God.
What really irritates you?
by SpannerintheWorks inthe following is what really irritates me:.
i'm just about to tuck into a $100 meal when some ignorant b*****d lights up.
when nobody lets me out of the side road onto the freeway.
All the above, plus:
The jerks who drive around with 2,000 inch speakers in their cars - you know, the ones with the little lawn mower tires - rattling the windows of my house and imposing their taste in music on everyone in the neighborhood!
People who try to talk to me on the phone and eat or chomp on gum at the same time!
Wait persons who act like your invisible for ten minutes after you've been seated in a restaurant!
People who drive like they're in a funeral procession on the freeway, until you try to go around them, then they're A.J. Foyt!