thank you wendy you have been very kind, unlike janh
thank you wendy you have been very kind, unlike janh
ok 10 readers and no help oh well
ok i am new to this, could someone pls tellme how to post pic
today marks a milestone in what we are trying to accomplish.
today marks over 2000 hits to silentlambs website.
we can now say honestly, thousands have visited .
i had a very close friend, a sister, who lived on texada island,near vancouver island bc, had only a pop of 100 on the island.
there was a man studying, convicted pedophile, which she was warned about by the elders privately,,,,she has three adorable children, she had no problem with her children being around him as he was studying,,,i was so appalled(sp) i could not believe it,,but is a fact
its amazing the extent these circulate in the wt world.
i am not so sure, but it develops a powerful folklore amongst jws....often with a moral at the end!
typically these circulate as experiences given in talks and are then adopted by the masses as truth.. for example, anyone hear the ul about the married couple where the wife had to have a routine blood check.
re bombing in australia,,,was about 10 - 14 yrs ago,,,i am in canada so i do not know exacts, but was in the news, our friends in australia or uk might know more than me,,,,meeting was in session on a sunday i think,,,cant remember the casualities, but there were some, sorry is all i remember,,,
its amazing the extent these circulate in the wt world.
i am not so sure, but it develops a powerful folklore amongst jws....often with a moral at the end!
typically these circulate as experiences given in talks and are then adopted by the masses as truth.. for example, anyone hear the ul about the married couple where the wife had to have a routine blood check.
makes me wonder about the kh that was bombed in australia about 10 yrs ago,,,hhmm
i so desire to know more about the people i am listening to, and occasionally talking to.
aol has profiles.
some other web sites have them.
greetings had enough
i am in the vancouver area,,,,thought you might be out my way, oh well:)
i so desire to know more about the people i am listening to, and occasionally talking to.
aol has profiles.
some other web sites have them.
greetings had enough
what part of canada are/were you in?
a letter to the editor of local paper, april 24, 01 (vancouver, bc).
thought you might enjoy.
i am writing this to inform the people of chilliwack of a plague that seems to affect well-groomed, articulate individuals living in our fair city.. many months ago we posted a sign on our front door that says "no soliciting' due to the fact that the sanctity of our home was constantly being invaded by individuals seeking to save us, sell us something or wanting money or some kind of donation.
a letter to the editor of local paper, april 24, 01 (vancouver, bc)
thought you might enjoy
I am writing this to inform the people of Chilliwack of a plague that seems to affect well-groomed, articulate individuals living in our fair city.
Many months ago we posted a sign on our front door that says "NO SOLICITING' due to the fact that the sanctity of our home was constantly being invaded by individuals seeking to save us, sell us something or wanting money or some kind of donation. After posting the sign we have had relative peace for about six months.
Now, people who claim to know how to read seem to think that we have to hear what they have to say!!!!!! NOT!!!!!
We posted that sign so that we could enjoy our home in peace and quiet and now certain people seem to think that this does not apply to them.
We do not want to be asved, we have no money, we work so it is our responsibility to support those above and below us. We pay taxes to support the government in the style to which it has become accustomed, which, by the way, is a lot more lavish than our lifestyle.
What do we have to do to have peace? Do we have to go to City Hall and ge a sign permit (which costs money) to post a 10 foot x 10 foot sign on the front lawn telling people to leave us in peace?
We would never turn someone away from our door who was genuinely in need of assistance, but we also want to have our wishes respected by not having strangers knocking on our door.
The rude individuals who seem to think that they have the right to disrespect our wishes to be left in peace should know that they have no right to ring our doorbhell when we have posted a sign asking them not to invade the sanctuary of our home.
Thank you, b.j.perry
todays newspaper.
st-jerome, quebec, canada.
a quebec judge has ruled in favour of jehovah's witnesses in the challenge of a blainville bylaw requiring a permit for door to door visits of a religious nature.. justice jean crepeau said that to lump witnesses in with sales people is degrading.
Todays newspaper
St-Jerome, Quebec, Canada
A Quebec judge has ruled in favour of Jehovah's Witnesses in the challenge of a Blainville bylaw requiring a permit for door to door visits of a religious nature.
Justice Jean Crepeau said that to lump Witnesses in with sales people is degrading. "Visits...are a Christian community service and....the publications offered are serious literature, dealing with subject matters such as the Bible, drugs alcoholism, youth education and maritial problems," the judge said-Canadian Press