I tried to see what the "..." was leaving out in the definition of disciple, where it says "The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology explains: 'Following Jesus as a disciple means the unconditional sacrifice of [one's] whole life... for the whole of his life.'" I wonder if it says anything about sacrificing your life to JESUS, which is why they left out the middle bit? I just googled for close to an hour and couldn't find anything. Darn good thing I have no life. If anyone who has any access to that dictionary cares to share, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I also think it's sort of funny that they talk about the thousands of different denominations of Christianity. Most of us really aren't that different... In my experience, I've noticed the main differences are on less significant doctrine or church hierarchy.
Oh, and also, "A true Christian, therefore, is one who follows the teachings and instructions of Jesus, the Founder of Christianity, totally and unconditionally" Then I guess Jesus was the only actual Christian, huh? Cos the rest of us are about as perfect as Donald Trump's views on hairstyling.
The Jehovah's Witnesses "regard the Bible as their only source of belief and rule of conduct." Really? And they say the Catholics don't get all of their ideas from the Bible. I want to see them point out Biblical proof that Jesus is Michael the Archangel, was actually created, that Jesus isn't the only way... there's also an organization, that people only receive blessings through the "annointed," that there are two different types of hopes, that Jesus was going to pick an organization in 1919, etc.
And how it says that Jesus was obviously using God's name. Then why was it nowhere in the New Testament? It was a tradition before Jesus just to use Lord and God, wasn't it? And praising themselves because they go "house to house" and no one else does. And that matters because...? There are millions upon millions of new converts to the rest of us "Christians who aren't really Christians" every year, despite our lack of door to door-ness. Sheesh. Thanks for recommending the reading.