Ah. I didn't know that. I don't get downtown much...usually I don't go past Willow Lawn.
It used to be that the convention was the only time I did, but I haven't been for almost 10 years now.
i haven't been to a kh in decades, so i get the google alerts for jws and i got one featuring a local news channel in brooklyn covering the assembly being held in flatbush, brooklyn.
i'm sure that venue is where the circuit assemblies are usually held, keeping in mind it's summer and that's when the district assemblies are being held.
why are they acting like they're so strapped for cash and now holding district assemblies in circuit assemblies locations ?.
Ah. I didn't know that. I don't get downtown much...usually I don't go past Willow Lawn.
It used to be that the convention was the only time I did, but I haven't been for almost 10 years now.
i haven't been to a kh in decades, so i get the google alerts for jws and i got one featuring a local news channel in brooklyn covering the assembly being held in flatbush, brooklyn.
i'm sure that venue is where the circuit assemblies are usually held, keeping in mind it's summer and that's when the district assemblies are being held.
why are they acting like they're so strapped for cash and now holding district assemblies in circuit assemblies locations ?.
Facilities at conventions are often discounted or essentially free as many cities are all too glad to have thousands of people show up downtown for several weeks during an otherwise slow time of year. Conventions are good for businesses (hotels and restaurants especially) and the tax revenue is good for local government. I have seen where a few places are reassessing whether or not to continue this practice or whether cities can look for alternatives.
With little overhead, conventions have been revenue generators for Watchtower with donations going straight to "mother".
On the other hand, circuit assemblies have the "we have a deficit" announcement that spurred conscientious attenders to feel bad and donate more. With the new per publisher math Watchtower uses, these "deficits" for a one day assembly of one to two thousand people are somewhere around ten thousand dollars or more. And it doesn't matter if the assembly hall is paid for or not.
This FAR exceeds the "deficits" in the 80's and 90's at two day circuit assemblies at rented facilities where the attendance was well above 2000 people. This makes me wonder what is a bigger cash cow for Watchtower, three day conventions where people have to use some of their money into travel and hotels, or one day circuit assemblies at prepaid facilities where Watchtower sets the "deficit" to whatever they want.
It seems conventions used to be for releasing new print publications. People used to feel inclined to put money in the contribution box...and before 1990, they would have to outright pay for the book. Conventions used to come with people having to pay for food tickets and parking as well. All this is in the past.
The recent leaked Watchtower video showed they are looking for any means to cut back and save costs to stay afloat. Whatever changes they are making is in this regard.
i haven't been to a kh in decades, so i get the google alerts for jws and i got one featuring a local news channel in brooklyn covering the assembly being held in flatbush, brooklyn.
i'm sure that venue is where the circuit assemblies are usually held, keeping in mind it's summer and that's when the district assemblies are being held.
why are they acting like they're so strapped for cash and now holding district assemblies in circuit assemblies locations ?.
In regard the Richmond Coliseum, I was surprised to learn that this year, the convention was held across the street at the Convention Center. Evidently it is smaller and had uncomfortable seating.
i guess you can be physically out, like in a huge way, but definitely mentally in.. serena williams claims she won't be celebrating her daughter's first birthday.. i did know people like that, raised as a jw but never actually baptizing.
that didn't mean they were not messed up in the head though..
If she were just a regular sports person, it wouldn't irk me. She's done nothing wrong in reality.
But...I don't think she really gets what being a JW is or what it is like.
hello to all the active jehovah's witnesses lurking on here, or those having doubts.
seriously, i welcome you.. i was explaining to one of my friends recently about how the watchtower society uses it's members to make them money every day without them even realizing it.
Good points.
It used to be Kingdom Halls were a local effort and paid for and owned locally. Over the decades, the property ended up in Watchtower's hands.
Now Watchtower is desperate for money to keep afloat.
well today marks the beginning and biggest day of our protest at the london excel.. we believe it's a record number at around 100 exjws at the front door.. we spoke to lots of jw's and one young man studying who has quit after talking to us.
we've been approached privately by jw's who thanked us for coming and the security at the event treated us very well.. if anyone wants to see some clips they are available on my channel the great apostate.. thanks to all for the support and love..
I have to say that does stop to make one think.
without them i felt...so...alone.
so i went back.
If you have not already, begin to research this organization and its teachings. Read about cults, mind control, the BITE model. If you cannot physically free yourself, mentally free yourself, that way when you are able, you can break the cycle mentally and emotionally and never get sucked back in.
there are many here who think they can infiltrate my web-site.
be warned that we administrators of jwtalk call the listed congregation on your application for membership in our site to verify if they know you!.
some of you have slipped through the cracks and got into our site, but rest assured, we will find you out and ban you!.
JTrottigy: I'm not sure if you are real or not...the posts are so over the top they are humorous, but if you are the real deal, how about some feedback on this?
so tonight i'm going to be having a chat with my brother and hes asked me what my thought are on the above question.. i could be wrong with what im about to say but i do think the door to door ministry is one thing they are doing right.
i think the cart work on the other hand is wrong.
just today i saw two sisters sat next to their cart with people going by.
Here is a video on the "door to door" thing.
so tonight i'm going to be having a chat with my brother and hes asked me what my thought are on the above question.. i could be wrong with what im about to say but i do think the door to door ministry is one thing they are doing right.
i think the cart work on the other hand is wrong.
just today i saw two sisters sat next to their cart with people going by.
At one time, I thought early Christians went door-to-door or house-to-house in the same manner JWs do. But it doesn't hold up when you examine the "prooftexts". In reality, it turns out Christians held meetings or studies in the private homes of various believers, "according to houses".