Something pale.emperor said in another topic:
In hypnosis we call this a "yes set". You get someone to agree with something minor, then get them to agree with another minor or ambiguous thing then they're more than likely to agree with the third because the brain likes consistency.
That was stunning, because this is exactly the JW indoctrination process.
I googled 'yes set' and found this:
What is interesting is at how the initial points are exactly how JW Broadcasting opens and their manner of speaking and creating reporte. "We warmly welcome you... blah blah blah".
I don't know about Watchtower leaders, but I don't think the rank and file intentional use these methods to induce a suggestible state during a Bible study. But then again, intentional or not, it would seem these method make people suggestible at the very least. Whether it qualifies as hypnosis, it certainly is deep and long lasting.
Perhaps pale.emperor or someone familiar with this subject can weigh in.