My bullshit detector is about to explode !!!!!!!!!!
well here is a new batch of jw urban legends (oops, i mean experiences) i just got in the e mail.
thought i would share the joy and lighten your day ;-).
a sister took her granddaughter to the circuit assembly with her.. later that evening at home, the sister told her granddaughter to get .
My bullshit detector is about to explode !!!!!!!!!!
i thought the name of this thread was so on time for this thread demostrates one of the sad things about claiming to speak for god, when one actually does not.. when i was a newly appointed elder at the tender age of 27 .
i was introduced to the world of the judical committee.. it was in fact my first case.
i had gotten a call from the po before the meeting stating that their would be an elders meetings to discuss some judical matters.
Flower said
Are you speaking figuratively or literally because if you're indeed the real sister spoken of in that JC hearing, your finding each other has got to be the wildest stroke of luck of two people meeting again on the internet I've ever seen.thanks for posting this. having been the 'sister' in your situation its was kinda hard for me to read it from your point of view.
I hope I'm just coming in on the tale end of this thread and not making an ass of myself.
b-jw: (hyphen so it dont look too nasty).
i grew up catholic (sorta).
i have two older sisters and a younger brother.
I was reading about your relationship with your wife when it comes the WT and I had the feeling of Deja Vu. Your wife mirrors the exact things my wife does about the WT. The contradicting and conflicting reasoning. She wont go see a movie that has spiritistic overtones, but can't wait to see the new Star Wars Movies when they come out. I guess "the Force" is acceptable spiritism to her.
If she's like my wife be prepared for an emotional outburst the likes of which you haven't seen before from her when you make the announcement that you're not going to meetings anymore. I thought my wife was plenty prepared when I broke that news to her also. It was like she was oblivious to all the examples I was giving her to the WT hipocrisy and the need to be true to yourself. After about two years of long intermittant discussions on this matter I finally had to tell her that if our marriage was to last that on this subject we'd just have to disagree and that I would not be coerced or "guilt tripped" into going back.
Getting out was probably the best decision I've ever made for the both of us. Hopefully, soon, she'll see it that way also.
i should clarify, i am new at posting, not new to the board.. i've been checking in for a short time now.
"spying", "lurking", whatever you would like to call it.
but i thought it was time to come out of the "first closet" i've been in for more than 20 years.
Recovery from the WT's "mental regulations" are a long process as attested to by many on this board. I've been out for 9 years now and what I've revealed about myself here is but a tip of the iceburg only because my wife still believes. I'm slowly trying to get her to open her eyes as to what the WT is really about. It's a long process.
The internet is great in that it cuts through the very heart of the isolationist tactics the WT use to keep the R&F in check. I suspect this place is full of devout JW lurkers who feel the same as you do, but are afraid of "coming out of the closet".
Welcome Aboard !!!!!!
i'm curious: what rules have you dealt with that were just "too much" -- whether they were "official" (i.e.
in print) or not?.
i think a good, general one is r-rated movies.
I already talked to elders about it and they said it was considered getting into babalyon the great. Dog returning to its own vomit kinda thing.
Isn't the WTBTS guilty of "returning to it's own vomit" by being in bed with the UN for ten years. I would think that Jehovah would've DF'd them then but that probably happened long ago.
i'm curious: what rules have you dealt with that were just "too much" -- whether they were "official" (i.e.
in print) or not?.
i think a good, general one is r-rated movies.
Should I go into that church for _____'s wedding.....no, it won't look good.
Can I go to the high school football game.....no, it won't look good.
Should I wear a short sleeved shirt at the meeting.....no it won't look good.
Can I wear pants to the meeting.....no, it won't look good.
Can I chew gum on stage.....no, it won't look good.
Can we listen to music in the KH parking lot.....no, it won't look good.
Should I ride a motorcycle to the meeting.....no, it won't look good.
....and the unspoken list goes on and on and on.....
did anyone else hear that for all the questions of 'why do we do this?
' or 'how come we can't do that?
' that was the most bs cop-out answer i have heard.
I know Jw's who are virtual prisoners in their homes based upon this kind of thinking.
Let's see that R rated movie.............no it won't look good!
Can I have that Pokeman toy.............no it won't look good!
Elder Father, can I go to college.............no it won't look good!
Devout Mom, can I be a cheerleader.............no it won't look good!
Brother so and so, can I not wear a tie today.............no it won't look good!
Can I think for myself.............no it won't look good!
i've been studying with the jw's for about a year now.
i know that by nature (or nurture!
) i have an addictive personality so i have tried to be real careful that i'm doing the right thing by getting involved with them.
Others who are radicallized by apostates and become militant opposers of Jehovah's Witnesses, or who begin praticing unChristian things, are disfellowshipped in accord with the Scripures in that regard.
In addition to Ozzie's post I'd like to point out the keywords in YK's quote referenced above of those who begin to practice "unchristian things". Unchristian Things change in the WT as so-called "new light" is introduced. Remember this catch all phrase because it allows them to come after you for any infraction however minor against towing the line of the WTBTS. Having a question or issue contrary to what the doctrine de jeure specifies means that you either allow their circular reasoning to "adjust" you thinking to keeping your mouth shut and waiting for what could be your lifetime to being kicked to the curb and possibly loosing all association with your family and friends.
In conclusion, you think what we tell you to think, do what we tell you to do without question or hit the bricks.
Giving anyone that much control over your life should be enough to make you shudder even more.
i've been studying with the jw's for about a year now.
i know that by nature (or nurture!
) i have an addictive personality so i have tried to be real careful that i'm doing the right thing by getting involved with them.
Judging from the miserable spiritual condition of the XJWs on this board, the mere thought of leaving the truth is enough to make you shudder.
That's only your opinion. I'm sure the majority of people here consider their "condition" much improved since leaving the WT and its psychobable, spiritual and otherwise. I know I do.
i got a call today on my cell phone today from an elder (i am disfellowshipped)... said i hadn't been seen in a while at the kh.
i said yes, thats true, that the most recent incident regarding his daughter's treatment of my daughter has caused me to not come.
it was the last straw.. "are you going to take it out on jehovah?
If you're expecting an apology from a KH stage or the Geezers in Brooklyn, you'd better not be holding your breath.
My wife suffered great injustices growing up that I won't mention by her then elder father and devout mother and although she has since apologised for it, not an apologetic word has been uttered from his mouth.
He's learned from the BG all too well. A real Society Man.