I was noticing the last post by Francois and it seems nobody posted for some time after him and I was just wondering if the posting was working.
So here is my post to find out.
Outaservice ( maybe the Board is too?)
i was noticing the last post by francois and it seems nobody posted for some time after him and i was just wondering if the posting was working.. so here is my post to find out.. outaservice ( maybe the board is too?
I was noticing the last post by Francois and it seems nobody posted for some time after him and I was just wondering if the posting was working.
So here is my post to find out.
Outaservice ( maybe the Board is too?)
has anyone heard about the new residence building the wtbs wants to build in brooklyn?
it is supose to hold 2,000 people.
i thought the wtbs was sending many bethelites home because of no work.
According to the BROOKLYN HEIGHTS PRESS the Society is moving all the printing operations out of the city up to Patterson (farm) and also giving up a large parking lot they have leased for a new park to be built adjacent to some of their buildings. What they will do with the 4 factory buildings remains to be seen but they possibly may be sold for many millions of dollars.
The new residence building will have a large parking lot under it to compensate for the one they let the lease go on, plus condense the housing for the remaining members in administration left in Brooklyn. This would also free up many brownstone homes the Society owns and they could be sold also for lots of bucks!
Of course, the rank and file will never receive an accounting of the money involved, they never are, plus the Society will now have a new need (plea for money) the faithful can donate to.
The amount I am sending them is the same amount as last year. Zero!
Outaservice (who feels the world would be a nicer place if they didn't print anything at all!)
some time ago, i asked this question on the old h2o, but many of you are new.
i'm curious.. how many of you, when you were jw's had the security code '1914' in your home system?.
i think a lot of jw's were subjecting themselves to robbery with that number.
Some time ago, I asked this question on the old H2O, but many of you are new. I'm curious.
How many of you, when you were JW's had the security code '1914' in your home system?
I think a lot of JW's were subjecting themselves to robbery with that number. They no doubt now use a different number with the old date fading?
South Haven, MI here. Knew a few JW's from Dowagiac, Benton Harbor/St. Joseph area.
living near major cities, including nyc, makes me a little jittery since the threat level going up to orange yesterday.
i am trying not to watch the news, it is making me too anxious.
i am trying to do all the normal things that people do on saturday morning.....my daughter is going to her first birthday party ever!.
Definitely. I'm going to quit going out in service immediately! Too dangerous!
Outaservice (Now, for good)
back when i was attending kingdom halls in our circuit i noticed a lot of 'drop dead gorgeous' women married to the geekiest looking guys.
i always asked myself how these 'dorks' did it!.
was this because selection was limited or was this just a peculiarity in our area?
Back when I was attending Kingdom Halls in our Circuit I noticed a lot of 'drop dead gorgeous' women married to the geekiest looking guys. I always asked myself how these 'Dorks' did it!
Was this because selection was limited or was this just a peculiarity in our area? Are there more available Sisters than Brothers even today?
divorce is much more common in the jehovah's witness community than they would like to admit.
probably more so than the population in general.. if you have been divorced do you think that the watchtower society contributed to the divorce, or caused it, or is it just possible you married some jerk or abuser and divorce would have occured no matter what religion you were, or even if you had no religion?.
possibly you got married way too young as the end was coming and there is no marriage in the resurrection if you died.
Divorce is much more common in the Jehovah's Witness community than they would like to admit. Probably more so than the population in general.
If you have been divorced do you think that the Watchtower Society contributed to the divorce, or caused it, or is it just possible you married some jerk or abuser and divorce would have occured no matter what religion you were, or even if you had no religion?
Possibly you got married way too young as the end was coming and there is no marriage in the resurrection if you died. Possibly you were worried that you might commit fornication and be disfellowshipped if you did not marry right away.
Would you take your spouse back if the JW's were not in the picture? (That is provided you are not remarried)
Outaservice (Who is very happy with his present ex-Special Pioneer/ex-JW wife)
i know of a couple of elders that regularly went out in the ministry throughout the week.
no matter which street they were on, they always seemed to be near the same spot.
someone here talked about the michael jackson moonwalk.
9:00 AM Punch In
Sit at Hall and listen to the daily text
9:30 Head for breakfast
10:30 Go with someone in the car on a call.
10:00 AM Doughnut Break
10:30 AM Look at all the used car lots in town.
12:00 Noon Return to Hall and drop everyone off. Count Time and a half (4.5 hrs.) because it's Saturday.
Outaservice (why did I quit, I liked it so well!)
hi everyone.... just abit of a fluff thread really.... in australia there is an 18 million dollar lotto draw happening on the 15th of february... .
it got me to thinking... what would i spend it on???.
i know that the first thing i would do is pay off all my debts, buy 2 houses, one to live in and one to rent out, buy a new car, put money in trust funds for the kids and give some money to my family.... that still lives at least 10 million dollars... i would have to go on an around the world holiday (first class all the way) ok take of a million... .
I'd do the same thing if I had 17 million dollars!
First of all I'd get some new jumper cables for my truck.
Then I would send the rest of it to the Society for the Kingdom work! No, wait a minute, I wouldn't do that, what was I thinking!
Outaservice (who's spent a lot of money he dosen't even have)
i was thinking about this the other day.
the society likes to call all those who follow their teachings "sheep" or "sheep like ones".
how offensive is that?!?!
What do they call an Elder with 20 girlfriends?
Thats right, a 'Shepherd'!
Outaservice ( but still countin my time)