I don't know about a free Vin report and doubt such a thing exists, but you want to cover or protect your Vin Number because with that someone could make a key for your vehicle and then steal it! True.
does anyone know if there is such thing as a free vin report?
if not, where can i get a least expensive one?.
I don't know about a free Vin report and doubt such a thing exists, but you want to cover or protect your Vin Number because with that someone could make a key for your vehicle and then steal it! True.
hey guys, havent been here for a while but have you heard that the society is now calling those who leave "the walking dead"?
i just heard this acouple of days ago but since my mom died i don't have a direct conduit anymore.
sorry if this has already been discussed.
I don't personally think the word 'apostate' is a right term for any who have left, for whatever reason. The real apostates are at Bethel and the various Branch Offices!
he never asks me spiritual questions... but, he just did, and i don't know what to say.. he asked what the issue of sovereignty has to do with us?
why do we have to suffer because of what satan did?
satan has been proven a liar over and over again, so why do we have to keep paying the price?
If the Bible is indeed 'the word of God' then it might not be wise to refer to it as b.s.! Better, would be to say there are some things in it that I presently don't understand but I have to believe God knows what he is doing even if I don't.
My personal opinion.
Worse than that, hope that you never have to replace the 'muffler bearings'!
when i got home from work tonight i was told my neighbor's daughter had commited suicide.
the daughter lived several hours from here and i had only met her a couple of times over the years, so i didn't know her at all really.
from what i understand the daughter had struggled with substance abuse problems for a long time.
Was she on any antidepressents? They are often the reason for unexplained suicides! I know of two people in my life that killed themselves, and both were on these types of medicine.
So sad too.
oh, yes those wonderful meetings for service.
for some reason, they are so long and disorganized and boring.
seems no one wants to get out there in the territory.. i remember in one hall when i was a teenager, a ministerial servant, about 50 years old, would conduct the midweek meeting for service at the kh at 9 am.
We met at our home book study location. When we went into the house we noticed a newly installed bright banner hung above the living room couch which said: 'Please Don't Let Your Kids Piss On The Couch'!
That was the last we seen of one family for field service there!
Outaservice (who had to conduct and arrange car groups)
remember when i first started posting (scared to death) in this forum?.
i told you then that i was writing in behalf of others too.
be sure to wish our dear friend, 'mouthy' a big happy birthday this friday, may 22nd!
wishing you many more, and wish we could .
Be sure to wish our dear friend, 'Mouthy' a big Happy Birthday this Friday, May 22nd!
Wishing you many more, and wish we could with you.
There is a lot of people in my area that would be willing to take your job!
wilson, a pal of best-selling atheists richard.
dawkins and christopher hitchens, made the stunning announcement last month.
that he has now returned to faith by becoming a follower of jesus.
Speaking of atheist Christopher Hitchens, Christian philosopher William Lane
Craig trounced him last month in a major debate on the existence of God. How
one-sided was Craig's victory? Here's how a well-known atheist blogger put
it: ³Hitchens was rambling and incoherent, with the occasional rhetorical
jab. Frankly, Craig spanked Hitchens like a foolish child.² Here are some
observations from Craig on the event:
³Knowing Hitchens' penchant for denouncing and ridiculing religion, I said
that I would approach the subject of God's existence, not from the
standpoint of religion, but from the standpoint of philosophy. Hitchens
showed himself utterly incapable of interacting with the philosophical
arguments in a substantive way.
³The reaction in the blogosphere was immediate and unanimous. Hitchens was
uniformly denounced for his empty rhetoric and posturing and his failure to
interact with the arguments. For my part, I'm gratified that one of the
so-called four horsemen of the new atheism should be publicly exposed in
this way.²
For more coverage of the debate, and to order a videotape, click here: http://www.biola.edu/news/articles/2009/090406_debate.cfm