Welcome back to the 'human race'! The future is just beginning! Roll with the 'punches' life hands you, but don't worry, the Shepherd will tale care of you.
Outaservice (but still countin my time)
this was my first time talking to my df'd aunt since i found out the truth about the 'lie'.
i gotta tell you things are really different now.
i almost wanted to get on my knees and beg for forgivness for the way she has been treated by my family for so many years but i was at her place of work.
Welcome back to the 'human race'! The future is just beginning! Roll with the 'punches' life hands you, but don't worry, the Shepherd will tale care of you.
Outaservice (but still countin my time)
you may not remember, but i know you very well.
i met you a long time ago when you came to my house with your smiling faces, your neat clothes, and your soft voices, and a bible tucked neatly under your arm.
you told me many beautiful stories of a "paradise earth," and a "righteous new system" which would be established shortly.
Dear Friends,
Some have asked if it would be okay to copy this letter, and I'm sure Gaila would not mind, as it is an 'OPEN LETTER' in her own words.
Hopefully it will be encouraging and helpful to many who have or are going through similiar circumstances.
While I do not know Gaila personally, I would like to.
you may not remember, but i know you very well.
i met you a long time ago when you came to my house with your smiling faces, your neat clothes, and your soft voices, and a bible tucked neatly under your arm.
you told me many beautiful stories of a "paradise earth," and a "righteous new system" which would be established shortly.
Just a point of clarification. Outaservice is not Gaila Noble. But I felt her 'Open Letter' was worth posting for the sentiments it expressed.
you may not remember, but i know you very well.
i met you a long time ago when you came to my house with your smiling faces, your neat clothes, and your soft voices, and a bible tucked neatly under your arm.
you told me many beautiful stories of a "paradise earth," and a "righteous new system" which would be established shortly.
You may not remember, but I know you very well. I met you a long time ago when you came to my house with your smiling faces, your neat clothes, and your soft voices, and a Bible tucked neatly under your arm. You told me many beautiful stories of a "paradise earth," and a "righteous new system" which would be established shortly. You beguiled me; I listened and I let you teach me your form of Christ-dignity.
I loved you, I devoted most of my life to you, I was loyal and obedient, never realizing that one day I would come to disagree with everything you had to say. When I first met you and learned of the "paradise," little did I know that in order to get to that paradise, I would have to walk over the dead bodies of beloved family, cherished friends, and casual acquaintances, because they didn't want to be Jehovah's Witnesses. With your soft, sweet voices, and gentle manner, you convinced me that everything and everyone who did not agree with you was "evil." I came to believe that other churches were bad and of the devil, and so were their members. I became convinced that all the governments were wicked, including my own, and that I was not to support the country in which I lived. I believed you, I loved you, trusted you, and served you and never suspected that you were capable of deceiving me.
I loved you so much that I raised my precious children as Jehovah's Witnesses. I taught them that you were trustworthy, and true followers of God and Jesus. I trained them to believe your every word. How could I have known that in the future you would steal my own flesh and blood from my arms and prevent them from seeing me because I would come to disagree with you? I never noticed the fangs of oppression and tyranny that lurked behind those gentle smiles. I never knew that I would be expected to hand over my mind, soul, and spirit to you, and if I were to ever want them back, you would hold my children as hostages and no amount of begging and tears would release them from your grip because they had been raised to look at you as being God, rather than mere men.
When I came to you, I was young and pretty and impressionable, looking for a relationship with God, my Creator. But through slick words and empty speeches you convinced me that I was not really a child of God, that my duty was to the organization-that THEY would tell me what to do and how to think. Through years of domination and manipulation I began to accept the meager food that was being offered to me, and became willing to accept it as the true "spiritual" food from the Master, while all the time feeling the gnawing at my body. Finally, I discovered that I had been robbed of my joy, my love, my compassion, and my mercy, and it was replaced with legalistic doctrinal formula which provided me with fear, guilt, and anxiety to fill my hungry heart. When I said, "I want more than this," you slapped me with your soft little hand, which had now turned into an iron fist of oppression. Yes, you fooled me all along, your deception was because you had been fooled too, a long time ago, by others who had taken you captive to their dictatorial reign of terror. You convinced me that the words of men were the words of God because you really thought it was true. I believed you because you were gently, soft spoken, and carried the Bible tucked under your arm.
You told me that you had "freedom" and it was only later, when I tried to escape your brand of "freedom" that I discovered that the iron bars of the gate had been shut and I was at your mercy because, by this time, you had already gained control of my mind and my emotions. I cried and begged you to please let me go, and you said, with your firm, roaring voice, "not until I have stripped you naked" and you did. You stripped me of my dignity, my self-respect, my honor, and my FAMILY! You told all my family and friends that I was demonic, evil, an apostate, a spiritual fornicator, and good for nothing but total destruction by your angry God whom you had tried to pass off as a God of "love." They believed you, and they still believe you, because their eyes are blinded by the promise of "paradise" and they cannot "see" the Hell that surrounds them. The ever illusive "paradise" is held out to the gullible like a carrot in front of the nose of a rabbit, and causes them to sacrifice their family, friends, careers, education, hopes and dreams on the altar of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
Now I'm older, now I'm wiser, but now it is too late- life is fast slipping away. Through my tears, I cry out for my beautiful daughter and grandchildren, but you grip them tighter and tighter and tell them that YOU will be their "mother." And so you are, and so you are! I begged to recapture my honor and my dignity, but you laughed with your bright, shining teeth, and said, "No way, you're on your own." Somehow those soft, pretty words weren't soft and pretty anymore, but words of slander, abuse, hatred, and hostility- and you said them in such a way that others would think that you were righteous and I was evil. You lied about me, but no one will believe you LIED because they trust you-that's because you are soft spoken, gentle, and carry a Bible tucked neatly under your arm.
Gaila Noble
a lot of people have been wondering about the dateline program date concerning jehovah's witnesses that is scheduled sometime in the future.. you can review ahead of time the upcoming programs on their website at this address: <www.msnbc.com/news/dateline_front.asp> and then click on the upcoming stories.
while this does not give you information for months down the road you will at least know the near future subjects.. outaservice
A lot of people have been wondering about the DATELINE program date concerning Jehovah's Witnesses that is scheduled sometime in the future.
You can review ahead of time the upcoming programs on their website at this address: <www.msnbc.com/news/DATELINE_Front.asp> and then click on the upcoming stories. While this does not give you information for months down the road you will at least know the near future subjects.
dear brothers,.
i noticed the front page article in the february, 2002 our kingdom ministry is entitled 'the happiest people on earth'!.
is this a misprint?
Dear Brothers,
I noticed the front page article in the February, 2002 OUR KINGDOM MINISTRY is entitled 'The Happiest People on Earth'!
Is this a misprint? Under the paragraph 'Reasons for Being Happy' it is stated that '....attending all the meetings satisfies the spiritual need people have, and so that makes them happy. Funny thing, when I was an Elder for over 20 years people were the most happy when the meetings were cancelled or the Public Speaker didn't show up for some reason! Of course you later arranged for an Elder to always have a back up talk ready in the event of a no show much to the chagrin of most of the Publishers!
You also reported in paragraph 3 that 'A newspaper reporter noted: "Despite all their strict standards, Jehovah's Witnesses do not appear to be unhappy. To the contrary. The young as well as the older (ones among them) present an appearance of being unusually joyful and well balanced." Well, I think you might have that right, it is just 'an appearance' and not reality.
Another thing, it seems that I am much more happy now that I don't attend the meetings, and more spiritual too! Others report the same!
Who wrote that 'crazy' article anyway?
Your Brother,
okay fess up: whats your handle mean?.
my handle: mindchild comes from computer scientist and futurist dr. hans moravec: who wrote the book, the future of robot and human intelligence which is a book about when we will be able to construct machines capable of human intelligence and raises the possibility of uploading ourselves (every thought we ever had) into an android body much superior to the human ones we have now.
i entertain the hope that not only will i live long enough to see this happen, i will transfer myself (the complete essence of what is me) into a body of my own choosing and become immortal if i so choose.
Well, I used to be known as Mr. Out-In-Service but that all changed on day. Now Outaservice describes what I do today, but.....I still count my time!
Hey, who do I turn my time in to?
Outaservice (who would rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy)
what precisely are the instructions that are given to assembly or convention speakers about the manner in which they are to deliver their talks, especially the manuscript ones?.
the reason i ask is that i was always irked by the strident, hectoring tone of the speakers at these events.. you'd have brother mild-mannered from your home congregation on the platform, someone you knew gave talks at the kingdom hall in a (relatively) low-key "i'm a normal person" voice, but get him up there at the doers of god's divine godly fear kingdom district convention and he'd be snapping out those long boring rhetorical questions and thrashing his hands around like some dictator wannabe.. it made me think that if you wanted to turn people on to the organization, the district convention sure wasn't the place to start.. comment
One time I was the 'Chairman' of the day at our Circuit Assembly. The DO told me to talk it up how good the lunch was for the day, and be very enthusiastic. So, I did.
A brother and I noticed when we went to eat that there were some little tiny black bugs in the beef (the meal was beef tips and noodles). We right away went to the overseer handling the cafeteria and showed him. He told us to keep quiet as they had nothing else prepared and besides the bugs wouldn't hurt anyone! Plus, I imagine, they would have lost a lot of money on lunch.
So, dumb asses that we were we dropped it, but did not eat it ourselves.
If we reported anything about contributions, it was to be like we haven't received much, so hopefully the brothers would take that into consideration. Who knows, we may have taken in a million dollars, but that was not to be hinted at.
Outaservice, (used to be Out-In-Service)
when i was a good old jw, going out in service, counting my time, i noticed something strange.. i could drive to one side of the county, make a back-call, and then drive clear through town as slow as i could and then out of town to the other side of the county to make another back-call.
the total time it took to do this was about 6 minutes!.
if i was not out in service and was trying to rush, say to a movie, it took at least 45 minutes to get through town alone!
When I was a good old JW, going out in service, counting my time, I noticed something strange.
I could drive to one side of the county, make a back-call, and then drive clear through town as slow as I could and then out of town to the other side of the county to make another back-call. The total time it took to do this was about 6 minutes!
If I was not out in service and was trying to rush, say to a movie, it took at least 45 minutes to get through town alone! What causes this phenomenon?
Outaservice, (who would rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy!)
i have just joined this board.
hope you do not mind me joining as i am still a believer who has become inactive.
the opening page on here says "everyone is welcome" so hope you do not have to be a non-believer to be on here.. i am hoping to hear from others in same situation as me to try and exchange encouragement.. .
Count me in as a 'believer' and any questions you can contact me at < [email protected]>.
Of course there are many Watchtower teachings and reasonings I have a lot of Scriptural problems with.
Your friend,