I believe everyone acknowledges Jesus , they all want everyone to believe he had something to do with their religion or belief system. I find the amusing ones , the masons, who from the 33rd decree (sorry ) up are under no illusions as to who they worship (prettyshiny) One of their proselyte organisations ,the order of the rose or Rosacruisans, reckon they held hands in a circle around his dearh at Golgotha , the bible says that much also, Psalm 22 v12 v16 according to them he went to Egypt , Tibet, India ,An Avitar for everyone. The Sun of the incas maybe, everyone wants him, they all talk about the christ within. I take the man at his word, (Jesus) he is who he said he is . anyone who listens to that one really should believe. As for all the new ages and even Islam (also everyone else) Babylon and the vatican believe it or not is your mum, she birthed you.It was intentional and it took a huge effort and alot of help from the God who tempted Jesus on the mountain. I hope there is no Jesuit assasins on line . Most people are very well intended and happy if they have food in their stomach and a roof over their heads. Its not easy for the top end to orchestrate kaos with religion,courts etc Dan 3 v2, 3 , 4, Ezekiel ch 27 v33, 34, Isaiah 23 v8 ,to 13, REv 18 v 9 ,10, v17 v21 v22 . The Devil really is in the detail and much devotion is wearisome to the flesh Ecc 12 v12. Ecc 10 v6 , 7. The top end worship an Owl (molech) and engage in the same sex (Baal) as Sodom and Gommorah, do drugs and alcohol then pontificate to us as they send our young ones to a sacrifices of War to Artemis , Dianna, Ishtar ,Mary whatever wine you like.The people who run the world are SUN worshippers not son of God worshippers. They care even less for his father Jehovah. Why would you worry about the detail when the whole world is mad and is destroying the very thing they worship , the creation . or was that evolution Isaiah 8 v12 v13
Posts by meni
Help With The Societys View Of Jesus Ransom Applying Only To The Annointed.
by AvocadoJake ini have read bits and pieces about the wt saying jesus ransom sacrifice only applies to the annointed.
the annointed in turn, will be mediators between earth dwellers and jesus christ to jehovah.
to get to jehovah, we know we must approach him in jesus christ name, when did the gb become the middle men between jesus christ and those who think they will be living on the earth.
I really do believe it is impossible for the earth to keep going without Jehovahs intervention soon through Jesus. If that makes me a fool than so be it. Isaiah ch 8 v12 and13 . As stated already I see the court system based on Phonecian sea law and Talmudic crossovers with cannon law as a shifting of justice to suit the designs of the disgusting thing in the holy place . They have in a short time stolen all the wealth and infrastruture of the earth and enslaved us .with the confusion that comes from desperation, I see them using jehovahs method with the confusion the 300 and Gideon created on the Midianites ( another counterfeit),I see sovereign countries (illusion) as vassels of a theocracy Babylon The Great . ( Actually vassal ships on a corporate sea of which we are the cargoe) We have through the court system lost the right to freedom from war, real food, clean water,and fresh air,not in principle, but by design. Where utilities are sold for a 1/5 of the price to corporations who then raise our prices by a 1/2, you trace the companies origin through various shelf corporations and partnerships back to the same people who own the central banks who print the money and steal your taxes as interest. Hab ch 1 v6 to10 The committee of 300 (Bilderberg ) I see a pattern used consistently whereby the Vassel kings put in place in the middle east for example, Saddam Hussein, Gadaffi 's Libya , Syria etc are always coming from minorities who are easily removed at will by Babylon with money ,arms and uprising of the majority either( religious or ethnic ) with Nato's help. always full of hope but just slaves being manouvered to something worse. Isaiah 57 v20, 21 At present they are shorting all of Chinas investments in Australia , and Pacific and Middle East , they the King of the South are pushing and China and whoever else will push back Dan ch 11 v 40, I see the Mockery of Isaiah ch2 v4 put in the most obscene places, yet they miss v10 Also Rev 6 v15 I see that the mighty ones of Bashan have somehow kept their blood line from the time they fought with Moses, Joshua and David , all after the flood .They even surrounded Jesus at his death(Psalm 22 v12) in a ritual that seems to be countefeited by the ruling class and Higher masons today in their freedom from care sacrifice to Molech at mid summer in Bohemian Grove and its European counterparts Dan 11 v21 to 24 If you were a family in ancient Babylon , your wife daughters, sisters, even mother would be required at least once in their life to be at the temple for temple sex worship or prostition.The worlds leaders involve themselves in nothing different in fact their political and religious life can start for real in Yales skull and Bones club where an initiation (homosexual) is no less from Babylon and not restricted to Yale.A combination of the Vaticans Jesuit reality with Babylon's core sex worship .I find many scriptures coming to life in unintended ways which I perceive, so that persons like Vid have something worth protecting even if I don't share it .Mark ( ch9 v38 to40)(Ravens) It is definitely a work in progress for me , not the time to be judging each other Isaiah 58 v 9 to 14
Help With The Societys View Of Jesus Ransom Applying Only To The Annointed.
by AvocadoJake ini have read bits and pieces about the wt saying jesus ransom sacrifice only applies to the annointed.
the annointed in turn, will be mediators between earth dwellers and jesus christ to jehovah.
to get to jehovah, we know we must approach him in jesus christ name, when did the gb become the middle men between jesus christ and those who think they will be living on the earth.
John 7 v52 says you can miss phrophecy being fullfilled by seeing Gods word as an intellectual exercise . If you have a clean heart without blemish and receive approval and direction so obvious that the net overflows, you are entered into the innermost room Isaiah 26 v20 . for today the ransom covers you whether priest or other,In Egypt the blood was on the doorposts of all sorts not just the levites. everyone whatever calling should keep checking that you are in the faith or that inner room, There are some seriously hurt and knocked around sheep on this site, some of the anointed I know do not agree with the company line, on all things, it is a corporation, a utility, your relationship is with Jehovah not a corporation ,. The temple, h couldn't save Gods people the other two times. It is now a living temple being completed .But really what does it matter .? How could the teachers versed in scripture miss the light coming out of the land of Zebulun, and Naphtali Isaiah 9 v1 ,John 7 v 52
I have never seen so much prophecy being fullfilled as now , its not the time to bag doctrine of one persons faith or religion to anothers, I tim ch1 v6, 7 . Its time to set matters straight personally with Jehovah and tell all persons how prophecy is being fullfilled now , Dan12 v4
Help With The Societys View Of Jesus Ransom Applying Only To The Annointed.
by AvocadoJake ini have read bits and pieces about the wt saying jesus ransom sacrifice only applies to the annointed.
the annointed in turn, will be mediators between earth dwellers and jesus christ to jehovah.
to get to jehovah, we know we must approach him in jesus christ name, when did the gb become the middle men between jesus christ and those who think they will be living on the earth.
Vid I answed some and then lost it all scrolling back, Too tired! off the top of my head.( Dan ch 2 Head of Gold)Babylon rules over or under cover every world power till the end.Dan Ch3 v1 to 5 (Babylons arrangement)Especially the courts system , Bar Law (Baal Law) Admiralty Law (Phonecian/Tyre law incorporated by Babylon) Ezekiel 27 v27 v33 to 36, Cannon Law (law of Vatican ) all three are from Babylon Rev 18 v17 to 24,in all the judges or magistrates are priests thus the blackand red garb with wigs,same as Masons who started around the same time with King Hiram of Phonecia in Solomons reign. All three courts can change or move the goal posts to get the bond money or internment for all cargoe (humans) All human beings are registered or birthed with a certificate of birthing and put on the international Money market which your Goverment or corporate ship borrows on with human cargo as collateral. The committee of 300 a counterfeit of Gideon and his 300 confuse the world with the wars which they have all human cargo fighting each other for no reason on borrowings their corporate ships I mean Soverign countries take in exchange for bonds which are also sold on , The 300 own all the federal reserve banks and control IMF , World Bank, All international committees on oil, Water, shipping, resourcesThey now own our banks our governments our utilities our media our our roads our airports our armies etc etc They really have in these days only become Babylon The Great. Habakkuk ch1 v5 to11. James ch4 v1 v4, In 1 cor ch 5 Paul talks about a fornicator ,probably of the tribe of reuban ,he then moves on to ch 6 and then goes to the courts until v9 telling brothers not to go there .Then goes back to fornication till v15 when he says that the bride of christ should not be joined to a harlot (twice,) maybe the expression used, the same as in Rev about Babylon the Harlot stresses the importantance of the courts in these days more so than ever , not to use them, Hayden Covengton certainly paid for his victories with a drink. Jesus and Paul gave a great witness in courts under compulsion, Is it time for the elements to be stripped for all to see,that the court system is from Babylon , armed with Gods word in a supreme court I think those well intended occupation protesters could circumvent the bird trap set by Babylons arrangement and show the world that the stealing of someones identity at birth for borrowings and investments in Wall street is fundermentally illegal, Congressman Mcfaddens report in Congress 1934, An Astounding Exposure proved at least to John F Kennedy that the whole works was fradulent and illegal from the start.They may be able to kill presidents , but they cannot kill courtrooms full of persons legally circumventing the process of law with the truths of which the highest judgement is Jehovahs as he is the Soverign owner of the earth and they do not have his permission or signature for ruining the earth and fradulently stealing the wealth of its inhabitants. by printing fiction money that has no relationship to goods and services, Owning corporations with high pe ratios is gambling/short selling shares and countries? . It is an interesting time of the end , Vid Isaiah19 all those places whether Christian, Islam or Jewish recognise Abraham.
Help With The Societys View Of Jesus Ransom Applying Only To The Annointed.
by AvocadoJake ini have read bits and pieces about the wt saying jesus ransom sacrifice only applies to the annointed.
the annointed in turn, will be mediators between earth dwellers and jesus christ to jehovah.
to get to jehovah, we know we must approach him in jesus christ name, when did the gb become the middle men between jesus christ and those who think they will be living on the earth.
Johnathon Flanders you are so zealous,, In Mark ch8 v22 Jesus took the hand of a blindman and led him out of Bethsaida ,he than spat on his eyes then laid his hands on him, Why did he take him out of the village and why did he spit on his eyes ? Numbers ch 12 v14 says it was a humiliation for an israelite to be spat on, Jesus had already healed many without spitting on them. Jesus then asked him ,Do you see anything? The man couldn't see very well, but he could see a little, he answered I can see men because they look like trees but trees can't walk. The man reasoned after being humbled. Jesus than layed his hands again and he saw very clearly from then on ,he warned him not to go back to that village again.
Psalm 37v9,10,11. If the wicked are gone and the righteous and meek are left,who will Paul and Peter rule over 1 cor4v8,9, 1 peter ch2 v5 v9 as Kings and priests, You do not have the glory of the first century ,with the regathering of the remnant in these last days,but still it is wisdom on Gods part . Solomons temple was far more glorious then the remnant that rebuilt the temple in Ezra and Nehemiahs time .never the less it was only the Levites who were entrusted with the gold and silver to be taken back to the temple from Babylon ,without any military escort from Darius , Ezra ch8 v22 v30
All israel worshipped at the temple but only the priests could access the Holy and whilst maybe they could see the end of the posts of the ark of the Covenant only the High priest could enter. Jehovahs temple courtyard is the earth, Trees can't walk Psalm133 v2 Zechariah ch8 v23
The remnant today are damaged goods for the most part, Zechariah ch3 v2 ,most wood pulled from a fire is burnt Zechariah ch 3v4 the ransom covers them as well as everyone else , just like it did in the courtyard in the temple as Paul said "you have not begun ruling without us have you"they are fools for christ . but they have a promise Zechariah ch3 v7 Isaiah 61 v6 Rev 20 v6
Help With The Societys View Of Jesus Ransom Applying Only To The Annointed.
by AvocadoJake ini have read bits and pieces about the wt saying jesus ransom sacrifice only applies to the annointed.
the annointed in turn, will be mediators between earth dwellers and jesus christ to jehovah.
to get to jehovah, we know we must approach him in jesus christ name, when did the gb become the middle men between jesus christ and those who think they will be living on the earth.
The pushing of the King of the South with the King of the North is taken a step forward today in Australia , with one Political commentator expressing the belief that America was in fact pushing China by it announcing on 11/11/2011that it would stage 2500 troops in the North of Australia, not unlike the pushing already done in Middle East countries like Libya etc etc China has invested greatly in Australia (agriculture, Mining resources and power , It is offended and has told Australia , as has Indonesia , The commentator said no doubt China would be pushing back and used the expression in Dan ch11 v40 Hes probably an atheist like our Prime Minister , so it is a time to stand up and be awake .Whilst these two kings are talking smoothly to each other they are not so hesitant with those countries such as Australia , It is inconceivable that Australia would offend our greatest trading partner who has kept us reasonably free of the worlds economical problems. There is a reason Job was described as a son of hostility, you are right with regard to the cup the annointed will drink shortly the great crowd has inadvertly prepared them with much fire , hopefully gold and silver will prevail as Ezra showed that it would be with Jehovahs protection now that the temple would be completed .A drink offering is to be expected. Habbakuk ch 1 v1to11 ch2 v1 Every christian now will have the opportunity to speak out Ezekiel ch 33 whatever their calling .whatever the gift . Zechariah13 8,9 is done . Vidqun Did Jehovah show you or are you repeating what you have learned,? I ask you this respectfully, I am curious as to the things being revealed now. I will look at some more of the scripture you quoted (tired) to morrow.
Regarding Compent Use Of The Bible In Field Service. JWs or XJWs Only Please.
by AvocadoJake indear brothers and sisters, i watched a disturbing video on youtube of this born-againer beating the hell out of some old timers in utah( i think.
) and his conduct was hideous, not christlike one bit.
the question i pose to you is this, how many jws were you truly impressed by their use of the bible?
I haven't memorised any scipture , I' a bit of a gump who notices things,In Australia today president Obama announced 2500 American soldiers will be stationed in Darwin, IMmediately putting offside Indonesia and China who has invested heavily in Australia and is dependent on our natural resources as well, In the Nortern Territory of Australia many Australians are aware of the Haarp Device stationed in Pine Gap which is constantly activated to our North , I have friends who live in Bali and complain of inordinate number of small earthquakes all the time,On tonights news a Political analyst who was probably an atheist (as is our Prime MInister) said it was as if America was engaging in a pushing with China in a simmilar vein to what is occurring in the middle east where they had invested heavily as well .He commented on Chinas negative response to Australia allowing this to occurr ,He said they had no option but to push back and used an expression they would now engage in a pushing from both sides while they speak smoothly to each other China and Indonesia were more forthright with Australia.I would say the KIng of tjhe North and the King of the South are entering a new phase of their farcade. Dan ch 11 v40 sorry for the scripture ,I didn't memorise it it just happened, it wasn't premeditated .Dan 12 v4
Help With The Societys View Of Jesus Ransom Applying Only To The Annointed.
by AvocadoJake ini have read bits and pieces about the wt saying jesus ransom sacrifice only applies to the annointed.
the annointed in turn, will be mediators between earth dwellers and jesus christ to jehovah.
to get to jehovah, we know we must approach him in jesus christ name, when did the gb become the middle men between jesus christ and those who think they will be living on the earth.
It is not true, Of course the ransom applies to all people who avail themselves of it, The bible is a many layered cake. Many years ago you had to earn annointing by faithfull service up to your old age, and then you were possibly a regraph. at someone who failed's expense The expression was used , Do you think Jehovah would call someone without many years of Faithfull service? This is nonsense as it undermined that it is undeserved kindness with a purpose for the one called. When someone called, conquers their particular sinfullness and wins the race as Paul did,they take with them the skills and experience also empathy to be able to really help persons who survive and the resurrected in the 1000years. John was a son of thunder ,quick to act with judgement and yet at Patmos he had clearly conquered, Paul had been witness to Stephens death and it seems his eyes ,the very instruments were to be his thorn of discipline and he conquered. Would they understand the problems associated with our generation now? No they would find it hard to relate , and so Jah in his wisdom has called horses for courses. In no way to be between Jesus and Jehovah now in these days. the purpose of a priest is to teach (Malachi 2v7) from a cirumcised heart,
There are 12 tribes of priestly class whose job is futuristic (1000 years) They are exactly the same as you,except for a need of experience, so that in a way similar to Jesus christ (hebrews12) they are disciplined and enter into the Sabbath their baptism is into his death (romans6). So then someone may be called , (romans ch8) he or she may be of the tribe of Reuban (sexually challenged) Or Simeon or Levi (challenged by cruelty, hardness ) Issachar challenged between the ears,. The token is given and the fight to conquer begins in earnest,that person has the spirit in measure to help at all times with regard to failures they can lose the spirit and regain it by the ransom application.It is like the thummin and the urim ,a yes or a no on matters of direction .The fear of god really is the fear of losing his favour or direction (Isaiah 58 v8 ,11) Jesus being perfect only lost it once on the stake and cried out in despair as the spirit was removed for him to fullfill the law and die a curse for us, Those with the hope of the 37th Psalm are in the same situation as those with a heavenly purpose , It is holy spirit from heaven which is mt Zion in the 133 psalm it runs down Aaron's beard( the priestly class )down to the collar of the garment of the priest, (Zechariah 8 v23) where you receive it. Its the same holy spirit received by both,the fact that it comes to the priest first is not to elevate them in any way , in fact by receiving food this way they can make sure they are still in harmony with Jersulem above or in another sense Ezekiels chariot , which is always forward ahead of the earth. it is for encouragement for the bride who have a different cup to drink, Jesus christ alone stands as your mediator and you can recieve the holy spirit in measure the same . The society is a utility with purpose and can be disciplined as is needed .it has been and will be,everyone will in these days.
Regarding Compent Use Of The Bible In Field Service. JWs or XJWs Only Please.
by AvocadoJake indear brothers and sisters, i watched a disturbing video on youtube of this born-againer beating the hell out of some old timers in utah( i think.
) and his conduct was hideous, not christlike one bit.
the question i pose to you is this, how many jws were you truly impressed by their use of the bible?
Advocados are full of oil, you still have some oil yourself, psalm 133 v2 "disturbing video" "hideous conduct" beating the hell out of 2 old jws,.If there is something there the oil will flow,the born again was having his measure with the very sort he should respect, whatever their religion. Jehovah is interesting , you can guarantee that guy will receive in full his measure back , and he will not count his days as to Why? Psalm90 v12 It will be just out of his memory, James 1v24
by AvocadoJake inthere is a sister in our hall who has made it clear why her "jehovah" does not like weak ones.
her husband the po, will refuse to work with those who are not getting ten hours or more a month.
the weak ones "are spiritually dangerous and will bring you down.
I know that all of the things that I read on this post are probably true,people who talk this way have genuine grievences. You are the ones that Jah genuinely cares for . Forget the robots, Psalm 14 v1 isn't talking about you, it is talking about the pharisees who have clearly treated you all badly.I have had two of my sons damaged greatly from fools in high places, Ecl 10 v6 men who have never had a relationship with Jehovah,they are company men who believe the corporation comes before Jehovah, there relationship is with the corporation , but like the temple of ancient times it will fail to save them. one of my sons was damaged so badly he has been in and out of Jail 4 times and yet he has a greater chance of life than many who belive they are almost there. Life is not easy and will soon get very hard ,so put jah to the test, put your grievience in writing to those who have measured out to you pain ,( after you have told Jehovah.)If they are more than a bagatel he will measure back to them, just outside of their memory.so they remain sensless and you see a God that is real ,
Try this for a reality check , everyone on the earth thinks they are free, and yet they live under a Babylonish Theocracy who uses vassel kings (prime ministers, Presidents etc) to run the show ,(just like Zedekiah )no different to Dan ch3v1to5, it is only now really Babylon the Great.They own the Music industry, media ,the military ,(Washington) Banking system (London) Religion (Rome) and the court system , when the sea roars as it is now (with people protesting) it plays into their hands as they gain more power from taking away your civil rights also indoctrinating the police and armies to be mercenaries ,as was done in Rome.They have built cities underground in my country and yours Isaih2v10, Rev ch6v15, They are destroying our land our air and our water ,Rev11 v18 and they jeer with absolutely no conscience,Habakkuk ch1 v5,10. Once a year they all go to Bohemian Grove for the midSummer Babylonish sacrifice (Cremation of Care )Dan ch 11 v21,24, they remove their guilt with a sacrifice to Molech, Incidently they enjoy drunkeness, drugs and unatural sex, they then go home to their countries and rule the world without thought for anything decent. The international court system which rules your country and mine is from Babylon (same black and red robes of priests of Baal) If you circumvent Bar court you will be in Admiralty court (again Babylon and Phonecian Ezekiel 27 v33,34 Rev18 v3) with the third tier of justice being cannon law or Vatican law (again Babylon via Rome) in other words you are just cargoe on corporate ships (country's) in their eyes and laws , to be used for profit or impounding as they desire . We are living in the fullfillment of Dan ch12 v4 its not a time to be distracted by people under law, it is a time to set matters straight with Jah Malachi ch3 v5 , 16. Give Caesars things to Caesar and Jahs things to Jah and watch .Jer25 v31