Topics Started by OUTLAW
Isn't the tie a phallic symbol
by hippikon ini seem to remember reading somewhere that the tie is a phallic symbol.
can anybody shed any light on that.
if this is so it should go the way of beards, birthdays, the cross, rock music, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.
Why do only 144,000 go to heaven?
by Bruce144 injust found this new site, gave up on h2o a few days ago and h3o is a waste of time.. hoping there may be more witnesses here that are concerned about new light hidden by the gb for years, my story is below.
please take your time and check things out.
you people of the world, listen to what i say.
A New Nail in "FRIEND"'s COFFIN ;-)
by Focus ini know that honest-hearted ones here are thoroughly sick of friend's ill-disguised, legalistic, nitpicking, ground-shifting, form-over-substancing, necrophilia-inducing attempt to deny that the setup and conduct of the watchtower society serves excellently to encourage pedophilia... (of course, like all apologetics claim, he is not defending the cult, only attacking the poor argument of the opposer - lol!
The Poor JW Children
by larc inthe children.
there are many things that could be changed, and even though i would never go back, i think there are some very basic changes they could make in their child rearing practices, simple changes that would make a big difference in their society.. 1. don't force small children to sit for two hours in a chair.. this was discussed at length on the thread about slapping children at the kingdom hall.. 2. don't bring children to meetings where the subject has to do with adult sexual practices.. 3. don't tell teenagers that they can't ask someone out for a date unless marriage is on their mind.. 4. don't tell them that they are not special, that they have to humble themselves and be like everyone else.. 5. don't tell them they have to get good grades through high school as a reflection of what jehovah has given them and then tell them they can't go to college when they graduate from high school at the top of their class.. 6. don't tell your wordly neighbors that you give your children presents all through the year, but not on their birthday, when they have never seen a special gift wrapped present in their life.. 7. don't expect a shy child to enjoy going from door to door and don't expect an extroverted, lively child to sit still at meetings.. 8. don't tell an inquiring child not to ask questions and don't tell them not to read interesting books.. 9. don't surprised if you don't change your ways that your children will leave you, even though they love you.
What should the WTBS do?!?!
by LDH inwell guys sorry i haven't participated much lately, i've been really busy.
but, i do have a question that i would really appreciate all of your input on.. it is no secret that young people are leaving jws faster and faster.
it is no secret that most jws are disappointed, and hurt by lack of prophecy fulfillment.. so here's what i was thinking: i'm going to post some very personal thoughts on what *i* think they need to do in order to stop the loss of almost 50,000 disfellowshipped and probably 4x that to inactivity.
what is Reformed Jehovahs Witnesses?
by overthehillgrandma ini saw a web site about this..does anyone know what it is?.
btw i am a grandma to three, mother to three, wife of thirty one yrs to the same wonderfull man... hello to all of you!
I'm a Neutral Jehovah's Witness
by Martini indear brothers and sisters,.
i martini, will confide in you that i have become a neutral jehovah's witness.
i wonder if i'm not coining a new phrase here!.
Challenges Facing us in the New System
by stevieb infrom time to time some of us may have wondered about the amount of work that we will have to do restoring the post-armageddon world into a paradise.
think of all that construction and all that clearing up!
how long is it going to take?.
The three wise men
by Simon injust a thought.... looking through the greatest man book, something just occurred to me which i can't recall has ever been highlighted (but please correct me).. i always thought it a bit strange that jehovah allowed the three pagan astrologers to find jesus especially as they were obviously guided to him by satan's star (remember they were led to herod first who wanted to kill the messiah).
what purpose did it serve?.
well, a few pages earlier in tgm book, we see mary presenting a dove as a sin offering at the temple - this was the cheapest offering that was acceptable which must have meant that they were pretty poor at the time.. shortly after the three wise men visited the family had to flee to egypt when herod started to kill all the young boys in an attempt to kill jesus.. what would they need to travel and live as exiles for a couple of years?.