That's funny, because here is the reason that I said that I don't know if I'd call ties a "phallic" symbol, and threw the *wink* in.
phal*lic (adjective)
First appeared 1789
1 : of or relating to phallicism <a ~ cult>
2 : of, relating to, or resembling a phallus
phal*lus (noun), plural phal*li or phal*lus*es
[Latin, from Greek phallos penis, representation of the penis; probably akin to Latin flare to blow -- more at BLOW]
First appeared circa 1613
1 : a symbol or representation of the penis
I don't think ties have to do with cults, and I don't think they are a symbol of, or represent a penis either. Unless..... <delete>...ah..nevermind.
and thanks for the url, Gopher.
what do beards represent? if you grew a beard and were"counseled" for it, what would be the reason you'd be told that it's not a good thing to do?