This is difficult for me (defending eminem), but living in the Detroit area, when Tina asks
>Couldn't he use something other than fear and hate of women and gays to express 'societal ills'?
I have to respond that fear and hate of women and gays ARE societal ills. As Uni girl put it: 'Eminem was simply verbalizing the mumblings of society as a whole.'
As long as 7 years ago I was turning off a Connecticut radio station that my niece wanted to listen to because of the misogynist lyrics of the song that was playing. I don't have to add anything about gay bashing.
Prisca asked
> Why would anyone want to listen to songs that talk about killing people, raping a woman, or murdering homosexuals?
The killing goes on daily just about everywhere. Why would anyone want to read a newspaper that reported on such things? Watch TV news coverage of the aftermath? Watch those inane TV "talk" shows where people scream about [real or imagined] injustices, betrayals, etc.? Buy those tabloids?
Songs are generally a reflection of popular culture -- 20's honky-tonks, 30's depression, 40's world war, 50's rock'n'roll, etc. Unfortunately, there is a LOT of hatred alive and well in American society. The solution is LOVE, but too few are really extending themselves.
Personally, I think the best thing for Marshall Mathers III would be for him to find someone to really love and hug him. He is tortured and mixed-up. His music is an exaggerated reflection of the world as he sees it being played out. And he has personally been let down by a lot of people.
I don't go out of my way to listen to eminem (except maybe 'Stan'), but "my honor-roll-achieving, gay-lifestyle-is-fine-with-me, refuse-to-let-the-WTS-tell-ME-what-to-believe, 17-year-old" DAUGHTER bought his CD as soon as the record store would let her. She'd never harm a flea and she has a fine opinion of her own worth.
SHE says I get too incensed over the lyrics. *I* retort that she's not sensitive enough about the damage they can do.
But my favorite singers were the anti-culture balladeers of my youth, and it seems the young people see Eminem as a similar voice.