Do you know, Farkel? I couldn't even finish reading your post, it made me literally feel light-headed and queasy. I have read some of these quotes before, and I am at a point after leaving the Society when I am very remorseful for the lack of love and understanding I showed to my own struggling children (who at 17, 15, 12, and 11 now, and thankfully, who stopped being regular at meetings themselves about 3 years ago, will be okay). I thought I was doing what would save them and me. I thought I was doing the very BEST thing for them.
I thought that the org. WAS the Truth. And now I know I was wrong.
I'm in a funk. I worry about trusting myself to think. I worry that even though they SAY they forgive me, because they could see my good intentions, that I will not EVER be able to forgive myself the lack of REAL love shown in the name of the WT God -- which god, of course, is the WTS itself!
Thank you for the time and effort you put into posting these quotes, however. I did want to say that, too. Because it is important for others who have not yet read them to see what an unloving, EVIL entity the Society has been down through the years. We were (some still are) so BLIND....
Thank you for tearing off the blinders, so that the WT world can be seen as it really is.