Im here, I just read and seldom post, I enjoy finding out what others are saying....looks like this is getting to be a site for people coming away from Jehovahs organization now more than befor, I have not been to a meeting since my vacation and I feel bad that I do not feel bad.
Actually I have not had this horrible DREAD come over me in some time now..Yes I dreaded going to meeting, and out in service......right now I am just in limbo, listening, reading, searching.
but I am here.
JoinedPosts by overthehillgrandma
Anyone heard from Seven?
by RedhorseWoman inor, for that matter, any of the others we haven't seen for, dubby, othgrandma, maxee?.
seven usually posts at least once each day.....where are you seven?
Missing in Action?
by Seven ini checked every milk carton at my local convenience store for the following people:.
1. spectromize.
2. roamingfeline.
Hello..I have been busy like so many of you, just enjoying the outdoors and fresh air, I have a very small yard but between that and my husband and grandkids and job, its a lot..we have had forrest fires here, that I can see from my house and lots of the surounding hills(sagebrush) have been on fire..keeps me nervouse(sp)...what we need is a big rainstorm, to settle the dust and renew the grounds.
It has been a month since I have been to a meeting, and frankly I feel ok about it..I was (am) burned out...I told my husband I will not go on a schedule anymore, I will go when I feel like it..everything is all the same all the time, I could give the talks from memory..
hope all is going good for all of you, wouldnt it be nice to meet up some day? I would love that..(we can dream cant we?) -
Must Visit Site - Seriously
by waiting incame across this link on h20.
this site is about children being killed almost always by persons known, and/or loved by them.. very serious, very real, very sad & true.
and it continues.. please go visit and read.
oh waiting, this is horrible.....what ever became of your father? I wish I could give you a big hug right now,..
Missing in Action?
by Seven ini checked every milk carton at my local convenience store for the following people:.
1. spectromize.
2. roamingfeline.
ya didnt ask..but I am just read most posts and so many times do not feel like I have anything quality to say..
by SolidSender inis electronic/virtual ( read: online ) association with df'd, da'd, marked, evil slave, non approved associates, apostates etc right or wrong?
hate labels anyway..
Demon-possessed inanimate objects
by Dubby infor years i heard stories that certain items in the home could be demon-possessed.
i was told to be careful of items bought at garage sales because we didn't know their origin, or who or what they were used for.. did we own a ouija board before becoming a witness?
could it be that items like these were creating misfortune?
sorry ..I was talking about Multiple muscles and nerves do all kind of strange things..spasm, lock, etc..right now I am in remission I have the R&R type (remitt relapse)..the last brain scan says the lesions are healed with no scarring..I am so hopefull yet cautious..this is a strange illness, it might hit only once in a life time and never hit again or it can hit and take you down and keep you this way or it can hit and come and Dr has only read about the ones that have went into remission with no scarring..I am his first one he has actually seen..In case you are not familiar with MS it is demylenation of the covering of the white matter of the brain, when we lose the white matter it interups the nerves, even if you go into remision and they heal(which hardly ever happens) it useually leaves scarring behind and the scars interupt the nerve signals and impulses..mine has healed with no scarring..I have residule weakness in my right hand and its half the size of the left but I am fortunate this is all (for now) .
Demon-possessed inanimate objects
by Dubby infor years i heard stories that certain items in the home could be demon-possessed.
i was told to be careful of items bought at garage sales because we didn't know their origin, or who or what they were used for.. did we own a ouija board before becoming a witness?
could it be that items like these were creating misfortune?
this happens to me every now and then, with me its called MS..
Could this possibly be true?!
by Frenchy ini just read this on h2o:.
posted by joseph malik [josephmalik] on may 27, 2000 at 15:24:10 {fwfbgnmqk2wtn58ygbc6kwpnhmz1io}:.
the gb voted last wednesday to allow blood transfusions.
what is h2o?..I mean where is it?
About posting your picture be careful!
by spectromize insimon i'm sorry i don't mean to rain on your parade but you have to remember the society and your local elders watch for stuff like that.
this is a very liberal board as far as discussions go and forever thankful for that, but you have to be careful because you could face a jd meeting.
i'm sure everyone is well aware that some posts on this board just wouldn't go over to well with the society.
more like an oxemoron
Saving them for what?
by Ozzygal ini find myself lacking in zeal in the door-to-door work.
i have this hidden feeling that these worldly people are better off to face jah's judgement at armageddon with their ignorance intact, rather than to bring them into our fold to struggle daily for worthiness and perhaps be set up for failure.
does anyone else ever think this way?
sister..I think you need to pray more about this, you sound like someone on the edge? are you? have you taken this feeling to Jehovah?....I am speachless, I do not know what to say..