JoinedTopics Started by overthehillgrandma
not going to go to another meeting
by overthehillgrandma inhahaha got your attention didnt i...actually i am not going for a couple of weeks, going to have family here that i only see for a few weeks out of the year......i might not be on here much, but i will check back in once in awhile...hugs to everyone.. say lets plan a "im not sure party?
" hehe well wanna?
by overthehillgrandma inwith me, i use my own common sense..i will try to smell a rat, but smelling and seeing one for sure is two different things.. ozie person huh?
i think this stands for australia?.......i would like to visit there someday, maybe i will.
by overthehillgrandma ini am so happy to of found this place..wowowowow i can share my feelings (and my useually silent thoughts) without feeling foolish, and no one really knows me so no one can go "tell".....yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
oh did i tell ya i was soooooooooo happy!!!!!!
I snowmobil
by overthehillgrandma inand yes i feel it more every year, but it does not keep me from doing it..my doc recently told me the problem with middle aged people is that when it starts to hurt they stop, and that is just the thing we need to do, is force ourselves to try to get past the pain of arthritis, if we do this then in the long run we are better for it..i use alternative therapy such as vinegar and honey for the aches and pains, and it really works, it changes the ph structure of our joints and this is what is beneficial.
what is Reformed Jehovahs Witnesses?
by overthehillgrandma ini saw a web site about this..does anyone know what it is?.
btw i am a grandma to three, mother to three, wife of thirty one yrs to the same wonderfull man... hello to all of you!