Proph, I thought of changing some words but left it as is. Thanks for taking this in the spirit which it was meant.
Posts by Panda
A Woman's Poem
by Panda inby colleen michael
he didn't like the casserole and he didn't like my cake.
my biscuits were too hard ... not like his mother used to make.
Guess who came to my door...?
by darkuncle29 injehoovers?.
nope.. two yummy mormon missionaries?.
no.. two lovely baptist ladies.. i told them i was ex jw, and mentioned that the jws have this smugness that they think they are the only ones who go door to door.
When I was still a dub the local minister and his wife from some church(I really don't remember) came to our door to invite the community to their church. They were really nice and dressed in their saturday clothes... no tie no skirt... nice casual. That stuck with me because I found them quoite approachable (even though they didn't have the "Truth")
Bethany Hughes case -
by Toronto_Guy in
bethany hughes had a choice to make and it cost her her life.
the 17-year-old alberta resident was a devout jehovahs witness who was diagnosed with leukemia.
This is part of having a share in "secret knowledge" that gets so many into the JWs in the first place. This self righteous statement about no blood is so full of holes! There is no way to have no blood in meat... unless you eat worms, but don't they have worm blood? Mr.Hughes is trying his best to alert the public to the real danger. Unfortunately the dubs view this as prophecy fulfilled (about persecution).
UBER-STRATEGY - New Convention Tactic
by ezekiel3 inyou may completely familiar with many of the convention tactics presented on this board.
for more information go to these links:.
more district convention apostakits.
You will probably make their day. Hunting for apostates in our midst ... no more wasting time scouting for hot chicks we now have real woek to do!
Warning my dog eats JW's
by DannyHaszard indon't try to convert me, please
macon area online - macon,ga,usa .
"we're jehovah's witnesses," one of the women said.
Richie Rich is that a wedding ring?
What Kinds of Jobs Do JWs Have That You Know Of?
by minimus ini was thinking that most jws that i personally know have jobs that they really aren't happy with.
almost no one is a professional except for one cardiologist that got baptized a few years ago.
there's no one that's been raised in the "truth" that has a college education that i know of except one 22 year old young man who has done nothing to seek employment since he graduated.........any witnesses that you know of with great jobs?
Let's see..It's been awhile but:
Owner of Greenlight corporation (adulterer)
Drug company salesman
Illegal drug smuggler (caught in his plane and sent to jail)
Liquor store and beauty shop owner (Winner of the National Black Business Woman of the Year)
MaryKay saleperson (actually a husband and wife team)
Doctor now at either Patterson or the farm?
Nurse maybe still in Brooklyn
Contractor (several)
Salesmen of big expensive things
Frozen Yogurt Czar in the northwest
House cleaners
real estate investor
A Woman's Poem
by Panda inby colleen michael
he didn't like the casserole and he didn't like my cake.
my biscuits were too hard ... not like his mother used to make.
By Colleen MichaelHe didn't like the casserole And he didn't like my cake. My biscuits were too hard ... Not like his mother used to make.
I didn't perk the coffee right He didn't like the stew, I didn't mend his socks The way his mother used to do.
I pondered for an answer I was looking for a clue. Then I turned around and smacked him; Like his Mother used to do.
This Is Totally Amazing
by Elsewhere inthis is totally amazing.
say the word cow before each word.
1 - cows .
Got Me!
Warning my dog eats JW's
by DannyHaszard indon't try to convert me, please
macon area online - macon,ga,usa .
"we're jehovah's witnesses," one of the women said.
How wonderfully polite this guy was to insistent "getting our time in" sisters. They will of course return because they spoke with someone. "Hello" is as good as anything and really really close to a doorway Bible Study. I live out in cattle country and have only been called on twice..okay maybe more because there was a magazine left once. But to my city friends who really don't get the whole door to door thing; I tell them to hand out brochures from NOW or some similiar org.
Urban legends are dreamed up in the same vein as "I caught a fish this BIG" stories. "My (fish or persecution miracle story) is bigger and badder than your story; which I have usually heard from those who never ever shut up and chatter away at any beating heart.
A life too short, but lived in full
by Nathan Natas in
tacoma, wa - june 23, 2005 .
a life too short, but lived in full .
Thanks NN it's always great to get news of a life well lived. Of course this young man had his own personal demons which he amazingly overcame; probably on a daily basis. He just wanted to feel life not pain and death. He obviously touched relatives, friends and aquaintences with his energy to do good and be yourself. I believe his smarts and kindnesses will outlive the evil person who tortured and left him for dead. Now that's the kind of resurection that is believable.