I mean why else would people mock Obama as a community organizer
Right because there really could be no other plausable explanation for that...Just like there could only be one conclusion for why people called Bush an idiot.
take a look at this.
it's hard to imagine that leader of the free world; mr. obama sat and listened to this lunatics teachings for 20 years.
what trustworthy person would listen and accept this blatent nonsense for 20 years?.
I mean why else would people mock Obama as a community organizer
Right because there really could be no other plausable explanation for that...Just like there could only be one conclusion for why people called Bush an idiot.
take a look at this.
it's hard to imagine that leader of the free world; mr. obama sat and listened to this lunatics teachings for 20 years.
what trustworthy person would listen and accept this blatent nonsense for 20 years?.
Some elephants in the room seem to be forvever ignored.
What the f*ck are you talking about? Did you live in cave? Did you not watch the news during the Bush admin? Bush and Co. were called out on the rug for everything by the media. I won't even bother to go into what the bigoted things the liberal media said about Condi Rice or any black conservative for that matter. They were excoriated at every turn (and rightly so in many cases). So please don't pull this hypocrisy crap because it doesn't stick.
His old pastor? This is what you are upset about? Why not go back to railing about Bill Ayers? Or maybe your are a birther too?
I never said I was upset I'm reporting the news (which the liberal media seems unable to do). The fact that he attended that church for 20 years and threw him to the curb only when he was forced to do it for political points does not equate to a rejection of Jeremiah Wright and his teachings - bottom line.Can you honestly say to yourself that Obama disagrees with his teachings?
yeah in the section on attending the convention, you will find this gem:.
"therefore, we should give attention to our dress and grooming while in the convention city, including when we check in at the hotel.
arriving in shorts and a t-shirt would not reflect dignity.".
Yes they have gotten quite petty and pharisaic haven't they?I still remember the two year battle I had with local elders to keep my sideburns, now many brothers have them and it's perfectly acceptable. The more they try to remove individuality from their members and distance themselves from what is comfortable and normal; the more people will run away from them.
NC - there is so much to pick apart in your last two posts, unfortunately I need to work now and don't have the time right now to fully respond. Perhaps you should start a new thread called "Why the liberal solution of race bating is the solution to fix racism once and for all" - because it sounds like that is basically what your saying, then we can discuss the finer points of this and stay on topic.
My pastor says it is a death by a thousand cuts.
Just curious I thought you were an atheist, are there atheist pastors?
It has been said that denial of racism is the new racism.
This has got to be one of the most foolish things i've ever heard. Denial of racism at worst is just stupidity, racism has a deeper meaning and carries a connotation of malicious ill-will with it. Is an idiot who denies the holocaust guilty of genocide just because they deny it?
NC - well said. Agreed racism does exist, just maybe not in the way the modern culture of liberals are interpreting that it does. Criticism of anyone, minority, majority POTUS etc. does not automatically constitute racism -- such accusations without good evidence is despicable and really ends up watering down the meaning and seriousness of the word.
The problem is there seems to be this idea that conservatives or whatever side disagrees with liberal thinking/actions as of late has a trademark on racism, and that has got to stop, or it will only lead to a very dark place. I realize I didn't drop any bombshells with that video; however its a good reminder to see that racism is well founded within the annals of the liberal movement showing that no group has it trademarked, including the present tense.
In this day and age racism in the U.S. should be a non-issue. When a black man became president of the U.S. this was a bright new day for America, no doubt about it. I honestly thought wow that is really cool, what potential Obama and really everyone had who thought they had limits due to skin color now has. Finally we can stop having distinctions and just be Americans, no more need to have special goverment institutions to make people feel different from one another. No more would anyone need to feel like a second class citizen. The sky is the limit no matter what your skin color.
Sadly Obama had to go and do some strange things that really alienated himself and caused a great deal of suspicion (I won't bore you with examples), there were those that were critical of his actions (e.g. FoxNews); and as a counter tactic the overly sensitive liberal media created this narrative that it's all because of racism -- Obama did not help with his rhetoric in those instances also. Now things are more divisive than I remember them being in a long time. The liberal media has got to stop this, they are only hurting the country more. News organizations, liberal or conservative should be calling things out and not defending the POTUS and race bating.
WHO have I called a racist?
No one that I'm aware of, and I never said you did
I almost miss the days of political neutrality because I see that there simply may be no common ground and nothing but accusations and conflict. It's quite insane.
Well if people like you would stop being so quick to call other people racists that would probably be a good start towards a brighter future .
this is my first post on this forum, though it feels like i already know some of you here.
i have been lurking for a couple of months now, and i must say, there honestly seems to be more love and respect here than any forum i have ever seen on any forum of any kind.
i am 25 years old, married 3 years to my wonderful wife who is 22. we had a somewhat classic jw upbringing... which i now know has been our biggest problem.
Cap - well said.
ok where i live in the pacific northwest in january of this year this elder from the hall called a special meeting and gave everyone some papers that he had gotten from some government place on what to put in an emergency bag to grab in case you have to flee your home in seconds.
i thought it was just my husbands hall being all strange and stupid over this.
one older sister said that the elder told everyone they needed three bottles of water for 14 days that is 42 bottles of water plus whatever other stuff they put in there not sure if she got that right because 42 bottles of water is a lot of weight.
I don't understand dubs that think they can be prepared for armageddon like that. Don't they realize that all the "worldly" people could just steal their stuff?
LOL...I had thought about this when preparing my supplies, and I thought to myself; you know - I think I better add some guns to that list to protect my stuff from thugs, is that bad?
this is my first post on this forum, though it feels like i already know some of you here.
i have been lurking for a couple of months now, and i must say, there honestly seems to be more love and respect here than any forum i have ever seen on any forum of any kind.
i am 25 years old, married 3 years to my wonderful wife who is 22. we had a somewhat classic jw upbringing... which i now know has been our biggest problem.
First of all welcome! that is a tough spot you're in. I can honestly relate because I'm the same boat. My advise to you is just to hang in there and be patient.
One of the tools I have found useful to get through to my wife is just to use points and inconsistencies from each weeks watchtower study as a springboard to open up a discussion. The articles a few months ago about holy sprirt was a good score. The key in these discussions i've learned is to keep my voice down and not get overly passionate which I tend to do. Two weeks ago I just showed my wife the 5/74 KM on the CD-ROM after a conversation about the "last days" which stated this:
Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world’s end.
I couldn't have timed it better when she saw this she was very surprised. Lately she has started to make negative comments about the nonsense coming from the platform too; so I know I'm making progress. I just keep researching and try to be prepared to to counter the claims made in the WT to use it against itself. Blondie's WT comments in this forum really helps too. However you choose to it I wish you the best and hope you're free soon.