This place is a shot in the arm sometimes.
There was a time when I was here daily. This place helped me remove the blinders and see the cult for what it truly is. It gave me the guts to stand up to my mother and her 'guilt trip'. It made me realize I wasn't the 'bad girl' and I didn't 'Deserve' all the bad things that happen to me. Bad happens, just like good happens. None of it hinges on whether or not you are a Jehobah witness. The day I realized that was the day my load was lifted and I could stand tall in my life and be proud of who I am and how I got here.
I don't 'need' the place as much now. I know the Truth and nothing can change that. But it is nice to come home to the place that made me see the light.
I don't visit as much as I would like, but I love this place.
It holds a very high place in my heart.
Thank you all!!!