There's no logical way to ignore how vague those statements are. The Isrealites didn't know anything about germs or quantum theory, or plate tectonics. Nothing that people couldn't have discovered on their own. And in fact, other people did. The Greeks were pretty well up on these things and figured out the Earth was spherical, because of the shape of shadows cast in two different locations, but at the same time of day. They even managed a rough estimate of the Earths total area.
But all that time, the Jewish writers said nothing? They didn't even try to learn more, even though they had been gifted with this knowledge that no one else had?
You also have to take into account that Language is not static, it evolves. When something new is created or discovered, a new word has to be invented for it. Just because the Jews didn't have a word for 'sphere' at the time of those writings, doesn't mean they couldn't have made one. But it becomes apparent that sphere was not what they had in mind. Later on in the same book, they use the word 'ball'. Now out of 'ball' and 'circle', which do you think describes the Earth better?
Jews didn't have a clue.