You really don't think that YHWH would set loose a venomous snake in his garden with his newly created children would you? If you do then I see why you hate him. - Sab
I'm sorry, were you in this thread for the last 2 hours?
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
You really don't think that YHWH would set loose a venomous snake in his garden with his newly created children would you? If you do then I see why you hate him. - Sab
I'm sorry, were you in this thread for the last 2 hours?
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
Evolution explains it's own 'percieved ill effects'. You don't need some kind of wishy-washy spiritual babble to complicate things further.
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
LOL zid!
you She-Devil, you!
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
Your other points there we pretty insubstantial, so i'll just explain the third one for you.
YOU want to equate Henry Ford (an imperfect and shortsighted man) with GOD (an all powerful, all knowing creator).
I'M telling you that to make such an argument is to compare the design skills of a 3 year old with those of a qualified, experienced engineer.
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
The suffering brought upon people by this stupid fly is unecessary. Your argument is invalid.
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
Whoa whoa, Ford wasn't an inventor he was a business visionary. He knew damn well what bringing the automobile the world on a massive scale was going to bring: Crashes! Drunk driving, people eating donuts while driving, people changing the radio station while driving. It was all well within his imagination.
Well, my bad about the inventor thing. But in that case, the problem lies not with the design, but those who use it. On an environmental scale, there is a problem - but as I said, the reprecussions were unknown at the time. Neither of these fit with our tsetse fly - the problem is innate in the design, and to a God, the consequences were known and he still went ahead with it.
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
I disagree. Modern biology and psychology go extremely into love, but they are very new.
I meant the display of love. You knew that, don't avoid the point.
God is good and Evil is bad.
So God did create evil? Why was he so pissed about Satan doing his own thing then?
I am a robot, you are a robot. Comparing builder to builder is not fallacious.
So If I compare a 3 year old child's building block construction, with the engineers and technicians that designed the Apollo 11 shuttle, that's fair? Gotcha.
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
Just to add further, if you decide to continue this combustion engine crap.
Was it Henry Fords intention to destroy the environment with his invention? NO. He did not know of the future consequences.
So, by proxy,
Was it God's intention to kill people with his creation?
YES - God really is that curmudgeonly.
NO - God didn't really know what he was doing and made a mistake.
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
We merely glean off of it's splendor. Love is a mystery and mysteries don't work well as foundations for arguments.
But it would seem the creation understands love more than the creator.
God doesn't create evil he's stuck with it in an eternal battle.
Oh really! Where do you get your information, Sab?
I equate the tsetse fly's blight on humanity to the internal combustion engines blight on humanity.
Again, you're trying to relate the work of an obviously intelligent, yet naturally flawed individual, with the work of a Deity. Codswallop!
The fly is God's choice and the engine is ours.
Then God is a douche.
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
Lets stay away from words like "perfect" and "love" for now.
That's fine. I get the feeling that if we don't, your argument is indefensible.
A creator creates, for good or for evil. A father allows his son to scrape his knee.
There was no evil until Satan rebelled, correct? So God had not intended for evil to exist in his universe, and did not purposefully create it, although he allowed for the possibility. If you take Genesis literally.
Furthermore, what kind of father watches his son fall and does not run to help him? If I knew my son was in danger, I would save him from experiencing it. Especially when we're talking about something as debilatating as DEATH.
Again, you seem to have very specific definitions as to what constitutes a loving and caring creator.
And you don't? I'm sure you do. Besides, how would you define your creator? Is he neither loving or caring? You tell me.
Finally, you cannot equate a man made invention with the formation of our universe by a GOD. Or do you really want to bring God down to the human level? If so, then what use is it to call him a God anyway?