There are 23 species of tsetse flies. Diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000–300,000 people per year.
Why create such a thing?
by jambon1 319 Replies latest jw friends
There are 23 species of tsetse flies. Diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000–300,000 people per year.
Why create such a thing?
The tsetse fly is perhaps the only reason Africa may still have some natural areas in the future. The wildlife are not so affectedby the bite; where man has encroached on wild territory with domestic cattle and tried to cultivate wild areas, tsetse flies have held them back.
(go flies!)
The link above is awesome. I don't know who wrote it but it should win a prize for creative parody. The logic is brilliant.
That parody is the work of Processor himself. Genius!
"You can live forever with parasites on earth"
Genius Processor!
Why create such a thing?
Your question is a very difficult one. To understand something that looks to be senseless it's best to start taking logical steps backward. Just like if you looked at a painting up too close and needed to stand back to understand the full significance of it. Sometimes this is impossible to accomplish because of limitations known and unknown. It's also important to keep in mind the nature of all things. Every effect has a cause and the two need to be compared in order to understand the feasibility of the action.
Take the Internal Combustion Engine for example:
The fourth step in the above graphic shows the exhaust that comes from the process the device uses to create energy through combustion. Within the model it's impossible to avoid the exhaust entirely, so mordern models use methods of controling the exhaust rather than calling the design flawed from the start. This invention has killed far more people than tsetse fly could ever dream of, but yet the device is manufactured and freely sold around the world. I think if you are going to call God a bad designer for the ill effects of the earth and it's life, then you should likewise call Étienne Lenoir and Henry Ford bad inventors/businessmen because of the death and destruction that motor vehicles brought to humanity.
In the end it's all risk vs reward which just so happens to be what the human mind computes best.
SAB - Total Bullshit if you don't mind me saying.
God is suspossed to be perfect and has perfect foresight, therefore will be able to see the long term consequences.
Etienne Lenoir and Henry Ford were mere imperfect Humans.
Sab - your analogy is flawed.
Exhaust gases are an inevitable by-product of burning fossil fuels.
Parasites that kill and disable humans are not necessary. Surely you can see the difference?
Etienne Lenoir and Henry Ford were mere imperfect Humans.
According to mordern science humans are typical for this state in our evolution. Perfect/imperect is just a confusing fallacy. IF you work from the framework of creation, the observation about human death in relation to the tsetse fly is moot in regards to IF we were created or not, or whether or not that creator cares.
Sab - your analogy is flawed. Exhaust gases are an inevitable by-product of burning fossil fuels.
It's a perfect analogy because the internal combustion engine is an invention, just as the earth is an invention of God. That invention, like the earth, comes with pros and cons. The OP has indentified one of the cons and is using it as evidence against a designer that cares. That would be like saying Etienne Lenoir didn't care about humanity.