Just to let you know, jambon1, I cannot wait for Example 2.
It's gonna be a blast.
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
Just to let you know, jambon1, I cannot wait for Example 2.
It's gonna be a blast.
just caught this short video of christopher hitchens in a debate involving religious theology and i thought.
how close it came to the jw theology and its own inherent sociological and psychological damage that it causes.
I do like a good Hitchslap.
Actually trueone, I thought the same thing a few weeks ago, when I heard it for the first time.
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
And again you're quick to link the inventor of the internal combustion engine - who at best was shortsighted about the environmental cost, and the stupidity of other people when using his invention, and at worst had an agenda to ruin both the environment and peoples lives beforehand, and deliberately made the internal combustion engine as such - with your loving designer. Are you sure you want to play this card?
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
Would the tsetse fly (or the mosquito for that matter) have any effect on, say, Superman? Well, according to the Bible that's how Adam and Eve started out? The green stuff (krypton?) = sin, was added, and now mankind is not so super anymore.
If tsetse flies were not originally designed to kill - in fact, if NOTHING was designed to kill/injure humans, then why do these creatures even exist? In order to survive this fly must feed off blood, and in doing so infects the host with one of these crappy diseases. This would apply to other animals as much as humans. So who created the fly with the necessity to feed on a live host? And who created the diseases it transmits, when prior to the 'fall of man' they were neither required nor desired for any part in God's plan?
Either they are intended to kill, and sent by a capricious, malevolent God - or they're a wasted exercise of creation by a God who didn't know what he was doing. You cannot keep avoiding this.
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
Well on that note, I hereby propose the new religion!
Praise be to sab!
His ideas hold as much water as a spaghetti strainer, but we shall follow him til' the end.
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
You just broke New Chapter's Law. You lose good night
Win, cofty!!
*high five*
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
That's right, don't think about what I said. Make your joke and continue. It only proves my point.
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
I can tell you you're an egomaniac too, if that helps.
If you want to learn something, take your head out of your backside and do so. All evening in this thread you have just shifted the goalposts and avoided the real issues presented. zid and cofty will attest to that, I'm sure.
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
there are 23 species of tsetse flies.
diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill 250,000300,000 people per year.. why create such a thing?.
Show me where it says he let it loose? It says he created a crafty being that bamboozled him somehow and snuck into his garden. Why is that hard to grasp? - Sab
You've just spent the last 2 hours rambling on, trying to deliver a cogent argument about why it's acceptable that God created something as dastardly as tsetse flies, which kill hundreds of thousands of people each year.
But you wouldn't worship a God that allowed a poisonous snake in the Garden of Eden?