Wow, that was great NVR. Brilliantly dissected and totally obliterated.
Kudos to you.
the bible teach book uses the example of a math teacher who is challenged by a student who disagrees on how to resolve a math problem.
the teacher then lets him attempt to prove his point knowing that he can only fail.
the object of the exercise is to show the rest of the students that the teacher is right - that there is only one way to resolve the math problem....this is likened to jehovah letting satan exercise his power over the world so that the entire universe can witness his failure and that only jehovah's ways lead to happiness.... instead of maths, what if the teacher taught chemistry and a student would want to prove that the teacher is wrong when he says that certains chemicals can't be mixed without causing an explosion that would wipeout the school...would any sane, responsible, loving teacher allow such a student to experiment and wipeout the whole class just so the teacher can prove he was right?
Wow, that was great NVR. Brilliantly dissected and totally obliterated.
Kudos to you.
first question, ex 14;8, why would god hardened the.
heart of pharaoh , after he had given the israelite ok.. my thought, while watching the ten commandments this.
past weekend, when the people was leaving egypt they.
why would God hardened the heart of Pharaoh
I know this is going to sound crazy, but it's because YHWH had lost to Pharaoh in a game of Monopoly 2 weeks prior (Pharaoh scored Mayfair early on and the game was pretty much over after that. God lost $50 and a case of Stella, and was not a happy camper). Basically the whole 'Heart Hardening' incident was God just pranking Pharaoh, trying to get his own back. In the Bible there are plenty of examples of God's wicked sense of humour - take the Bear and the 42 children. So YHWH's prank was pretty run-of-the-mill, to be honest.
This whole theory is evidenced by how YHWH directly interacts with his home-boy Moses. God got Moses involved, and although he was a cry-baby at first, he was really into it by the 5th plague. Moses was just a 'front' so Pharaoh didn't catch on during the early stages.
stupid question i know.. lol.
i'd be a cat because i'm lazy and independent and i love sleeping.
Y'all are forgeting the wonders of FLIGHT!!
I'd be an eagle - majestic, soaring, with the wind in my feathers. . .
Until I get cocky and die tragically in a game of chicken with a 18-wheeler.
perhaps i've just been logging on at the right time but i've seen no insane eschatology or prophecy from our resident messiah/prophets and of course, rick isn't spamming the board and everything just seems .
well, nice.. i like it.. .
what about that other guy. . .
I hear if you say his name three times he appears reciting the Photo-Drama of Creation, and refuses to leave.
it's the starting point for each of our journeys even if many move away from it.
some return while others never do though even these remain 'atheists' towards a strangers god.
eventually we end up in the same absence of belief and knowledge as when we began.. the journey is what makes a life and if yours contains a belief in god that's fine - so long as it causes no harm.
since we are born in ignorance, it's the starting point for each of our journeys even if many move away from it.
some return while others never do though even these remain 'agnostic' towards leprechauns and such.
eventually we end up in the same state of ambivalence and uncertainty as when we began.. the journey is what makes a life and if yours contains a positive or negative belief in anything that's fine - so long as it causes no harm.
I have a mind to agree with both of you.
But i'm agnostic, and I dont like making decisions.
since we are born in ignorance, it's the starting point for each of our journeys even if many move away from it.
some return while others never do though even these remain 'agnostic' towards leprechauns and such.
eventually we end up in the same state of ambivalence and uncertainty as when we began.. the journey is what makes a life and if yours contains a positive or negative belief in anything that's fine - so long as it causes no harm.
since we are born in ignorance, it's the starting point for each of our journeys even if many move away from it.
some return while others never do though even these remain 'agnostic' towards leprechauns and such.
eventually we end up in the same state of ambivalence and uncertainty as when we began.. the journey is what makes a life and if yours contains a positive or negative belief in anything that's fine - so long as it causes no harm.
since everything comes from god, it's the starting point for each of our journeys even if many move away from it.
some return while others never do though even these remain 'theists' towards a deeply held conviction.
eventually we all die and meet our maker and end up in the presence of belief and knowledge as when we began.. the journey is what makes a life and if yours contains a lack of belief in god that's fine - so long as it causes no harm.