Thought and question, the Exodus.

by jam 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    First question, Ex 14;8, why would God hardened the

    heart of Pharaoh , after he had given the Israelite OK.

    My thought, while watching the Ten Commandments this

    past weekend, when the people was leaving Egypt they

    draped themselves with Egyptians jewelry of silver and

    Gold. Ok, they asked (they jack the jewelry) of the Egyptians

    to give over your gold silver and marched out of the city leaving

    the Egyptians bewildered, what the hell happen. Four hundred years

    they were our slaves.(Ex. 12;35-36) So this is what Iam thinking, the plagues

    had devastated Egypt. Pharaoh gave chase to retrieve Egypt"s

    wealth and make sure they do not come back.

  • HintOfLime

    South Park hit on this with their last episode....

    According to the OT - "Jehovah hardened the pharaoh's heart"... and then after ensuring the pharaoh wouldn't submit, he killed the first-born of Egypt because pharaoh wouldn't submit...

    Which makes him pretty much makes Jehovah the cause of the children being killed - he ensured it would happen.

    It doesn't make a lick of sense to anybody that actually reads the book.

    - Lime

  • jam

    Hint of lime, yes it makes no sense. God playing games,

    you can go, no you can,t go.

  • Fernando

    If you had the ability to make a complete jerk wake up to himself but also knew that he would simply continue in his bad ways would you rather let him learn the hard way?

    This I believe is God's daily dilemma.

  • sabastious
    why would God hardened theheart of Pharaoh

    I know this is going to sound crazy, but it's because YHWH was Pharaoh in a weird way. In the Bible there always exists a force like an Eastern Ch'i that is always connected to the One True God. The force was eventually indentified and given a name: Holy Spirit. The Christian Holy Spirit is an elaboration on Ch'i. So when YHWH is fighting Pharaoh he's fighting his own creation and therefore in a way, himself. Pharoah wasn't just a man, he was king of the known world. That's how he is portrayed in the story, as sitting on the throne of God. Being connected to the One True God. A fight between a demigod and the One True God comes with odd details.

    This whole theory is evidenced by how YHWH directly interacts with Moses. When Moses inquires of YHWH as to what he is by asking what personal name to use, YHWH recognizes the question as a query to who he was personally. He basically replied, I am you, I am the bush. I AM. So naturally he would BE the Pharoah of Egypt too. Sorry for being confusing.


  • Flat_Accent

    why would God hardened the heart of Pharaoh

    I know this is going to sound crazy, but it's because YHWH had lost to Pharaoh in a game of Monopoly 2 weeks prior (Pharaoh scored Mayfair early on and the game was pretty much over after that. God lost $50 and a case of Stella, and was not a happy camper). Basically the whole 'Heart Hardening' incident was God just pranking Pharaoh, trying to get his own back. In the Bible there are plenty of examples of God's wicked sense of humour - take the Bear and the 42 children. So YHWH's prank was pretty run-of-the-mill, to be honest.

    This whole theory is evidenced by how YHWH directly interacts with his home-boy Moses. God got Moses involved, and although he was a cry-baby at first, he was really into it by the 5th plague. Moses was just a 'front' so Pharaoh didn't catch on during the early stages.

  • jam

    Fernando:Interesting thought.

    Sab: I need to meditate A while, reread . Your thought,


  • jam

    Flat: I like your veiw, make sense.

  • Flat_Accent

    Thanks, I'm just here to broaden your mind. Maybe see things another way.

  • sabastious
    I know this is going to sound crazy, but it's because YHWH had lost to Pharaoh in a game of Monopoly 2 weeks prior (Pharaoh scored Mayfair early on and the game was pretty much over after that. God lost $50 and a case of Stella, and was not a happy camper). Basically the whole 'Heart Hardening' incident was God just pranking Pharaoh, trying to get his own back. In the Bible there are plenty of examples of God's wicked sense of humour - take the Bear and the 42 children. So YHWH's prank was pretty run-of-the-mill, to be honest.

    You are Roger!



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