Ethos you complain about red herrings yet the posted question of this thread 'What's so Special About FREE Home Bible Studies?' never gets address and the objection that JWs don't give a FREE Bible study is a valid one. JWs give free studies but of the WT publications.
JoinedPosts by atrapado
What's so Special About FREE Home Bible Studies?
by Ethos incontinuation of this thread:
newyorker: the familiar observation that the bible is the best-selling book of all time obscures a more startling fact: the bible is the best-selling book of the year, every year.
calculating how many bibles are sold in the united states is a virtually impossible task, but a conservative estimate is that in 2005 americans purchased some twenty-five million biblestwice as many as the most recent harry potter book.
What's so Special About FREE Home Bible Studies?
by Ethos incontinuation of this thread:
newyorker: the familiar observation that the bible is the best-selling book of all time obscures a more startling fact: the bible is the best-selling book of the year, every year.
calculating how many bibles are sold in the united states is a virtually impossible task, but a conservative estimate is that in 2005 americans purchased some twenty-five million biblestwice as many as the most recent harry potter book.
But you do make unsubstantiated statements do you want a list? not about the Bible obviously.
non believers what if your wrong ?
by unstopableravens ini do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
non believers what if your wrong ?
by unstopableravens ini do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
cofty - Go easy on them. In some cultures when you put thing in quotes like "know" I just means you can substitude it with whatever you want. So "know" = believe.
non believers what if your wrong ?
by unstopableravens ini do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
unstopableravens - I think you need to loose your phobia. Phobia because you can't prove God exists or that there is a hell. I have never met someone that came back from hell. However I see people throughout history controling the masses with fears of the afterlife. Even if God exists why would he punish his own creation?
Should I live my life in fear based on some super very small possibility that there is an afterlife? Should I be unhappy trying to please some imaginary God with no 100% guarantee I will get anything in return? I used to.
Once I lost that phobia it gives me such a peace. I live my life with the Golden rule. I feel so well and no longer fear death. If there is a God and wants to punish me for not believing in him with the evidence he left(what evidence?) so be it.
FREE Home Bible Study?!?!?
by Christ Alone inso i finally took a deep breath and watched the annual meeting report.
i found a little nugget before the "new light" discussion began.
there was a report about the "public preaching" that was taking place in manhattan.
CA- Because they would have to pay taxes if they charged. I forgot the lawsuit in the 80s that cause that.
WT Elders school: The WTS has progressed from just plain stupid to dangerously stupid
by sir82 infresh off the recent 1-day elders school.
to keep things readable i'll post "highlights" over the next several days in different topics.
point 1: they have progressed from "just plain" stupid to dangerously stupid.. .
Ethos the more you comment the more your lack of knowlege is reveal. Using only the WT publications available to everyone can you come up with a list of all the things you'll get DF for? Please show the WT publications where you get that list from.
You can get the list from the elder's book, now was the list giving to you when you got baptized? Because I always thought that if it came from the Bible then it didn't matter if I agree with the FD or not, but was never told that if I don't agree with their Bible interpretation 100% I can be df. I am sure that if you gave such a list to all the people that are getting baptized a lot of them would not get baptized. Of course there will be individuals just like you that like to be there. I don't have a problem with a JW that knows all the flip-flops and all the information that is documented against JWs and wants to be a JW. But everyone should be given that opportunity to get all the facts from both sides. Then if they decide to stay JWs that is their choice.
Isn't nice to argue about something and avoid all the questions you cannot answer or will make you look stupid if you answer?
Here are 3 questions that Ethos will never answer while he still stuck there: How can you break the rules of the WT posting on apostate websites? How can you go against Bible's counsel not to even say hi to apostates? Can you still believe and agree 100% with the WT and do this things?
A truce between Atheists and Non-Atheists?
by palmtree67 inricky gervais tweeted this 11/14/12 and i totally agree with it:.
"there are good atheists and bad atheists.
there are good believers and bad believers.. no god has ever changed that.".
cofty - Everybody is entitled to their own opinions but there is no such thing as ones own truth.
I guess it depends how you define truth. And if the same frame of referense is used. Someone could create their own reality.
But agree with you that people do abuse it since they are not creating their own reality. Calling something truth just gives it more punch.
Update on Mrs Obvious and myself
by Captain Obvious inwell it's been about 8 months since my final wake up.
as some may remember for my intro thread, i panicked and was way too aggressive at first with telling my wife all about this scam we're a part of.
she freaked, thinking satan had me for sure.
From my experience what help my wife was reassuring her no matter what happend or what we decided she would always have my support and love. I remember telling here I would be there for her and if she wanted me to be at the meetings I would be there too.
After she lost the fear that if we leave the borg all hell breaks loose, she told me that she would continue to go and didn't want to loose her friends. I supported her. However, she started missing meetings and on her own she stopped all together. It happen much faster than I thought. I would still ask are we going to the meeting today and she would say 'No'. I was planning to keep going after a while but since she stopped I saw no need to keep going.
One of the things that she didn't like was that when she missed meeting, a few in a row, she could feel the preassure from sisters, and she had been pioneering and there were many sisters putting pressure on her to pioneer again. Some where not even pioneers and would just tell her that they should start pioneering together again etc. etc. that was a huge turn off for my wife. Basically after she was free the memebers pushed her away.
A letter from a College Dropout
by Ethos indear harvard university,.
i have decided go leave this institution of education.
let me explain why.
Satanus I have heard the claim that the JWs get the best education in the world.
I seen some articles(very few) like Kepler's Three Laws of Planetary Motion and another article on Micro-Biology.
The first time I read the article on biology I was like 13. I didn't understand much of it. After I took micro-Biology in High School and re-read the article I was able to understand all the details.
Kepler's Laws I had already study at college so I though it was wonderful that they would show that to brothers but I wonder how many would be able to follow it. So there might be some nice articles here and there but they don't care if their r&f doen't understand or cannot follow them. In fact is better if they cannot follow them, look at the last two articles of 607 most JWs will get lost in those articles.