So I finally took a deep breath and watched the annual meeting report.
I found a little nugget before the "new light" discussion began. There was a report about the "public preaching" that was taking place in Manhattan. The "sister" that was on stage (around the 2:35 point of the video) said that many of the people that stopped at their table exclaimed, "Is it true that you guys offer FOR FRREE home bible studies?!?" The impression was that no one else studies the Bible with people for free.
Did I actually believe that we were the only ones that did this while I was a JW? I guess maybe I did. But my experience has now shown me that MOST churches offer bible studies. And I have NEVER heard of one charging for it. Perhaps someone may need to purchase materials that are not owned by the church. But even this has been rare in my experience.
Why do JWs pride themselves so much in this FREE home bible study?