FREE Home Bible Study?!?!?

by Christ Alone 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    So I finally took a deep breath and watched the annual meeting report.

    I found a little nugget before the "new light" discussion began. There was a report about the "public preaching" that was taking place in Manhattan. The "sister" that was on stage (around the 2:35 point of the video) said that many of the people that stopped at their table exclaimed, "Is it true that you guys offer FOR FRREE home bible studies?!?" The impression was that no one else studies the Bible with people for free.

    Did I actually believe that we were the only ones that did this while I was a JW? I guess maybe I did. But my experience has now shown me that MOST churches offer bible studies. And I have NEVER heard of one charging for it. Perhaps someone may need to purchase materials that are not owned by the church. But even this has been rare in my experience.

    Why do JWs pride themselves so much in this FREE home bible study?

  • Ethos

    Because very few (no one I know) people can obtain a Bible for free. Theres a reason its called "the best selling book of the year, every year." How can you have a Bible study without a Bible? Nevermind the fact that books that help explain the Bible (lexicons, dictionaries, biblical exegesis) are very costly. I've been to churches where you can receive a personal Bible study, but the materials alone costed about 40 bucks.

  • sir82
    I've been to churches

    Hah! Ethos told a fib.

  • LostGeneration

    You get what you pay for....

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Because very few (no one I know) people can obtain a Bible for free.

    Every church I've gone to gives them away for free. Those people that you don't know could walk into virtually any church and ask for a bible and get one. Would you like to know some websites that will send you a bible for free? There are hundreds. You CAN purchase study Bibles at book stores that help in your research. And they don't cost you your family to get them. NWT Bibles come at a far greater cost.

    Nevermind the fact that books that help explain the Bible (lexicons, dictionaries, biblical exegesis) are very costly.

    So you do not do any research outside of the organization? No lexicons or dictionaries for you? The simplified version of the Watchtower is enough? I can direct you to hundreds of websites online that will send a bible for free. Nearly every church will get you a bible for free. A REAL bible, not a translation that was translated by a man with very little experience in Hebrew and Greek and could not translate when asked by a court.

    I've been to churches where you can receive a personal Bible study, but the materials alone costed about 40 bucks.

    What church was that? And do you think that the organization operates for free? No one has to give money? You well know that they beg for money all the time. Conventions especially.

    At least when you are purchasing materials you know what your money bought you. It wasn't being used to pay off the local child molesting victim so they wouldn't go to court.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    You do know that the Watchtower charged for it's publications in the past just like everyone else, right? Do you know WHY the Watchtower stopped charging for it's publications? Why did they go to a donation arrangement in 1990? Do you know how Jimmy Swaggart was involved in changing the WT's policy?

    I'm not going to give you the answer just yet. I'd like to know if you know about your organizations history. The history they DON'T tell you about in their "history" dvd's.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    I thought by now we already knew that "there is no free lunch" (be it a cheeseburger or a "rich spiritual buffet")...

  • mrsjones5

    You want a free bibe? Go to a church (Ive recieve several bibles that way), ask a Morman missionaries for one, or go to this site:

    or this site:

    or this site:

    or this site:

    etc, etc, etc...

    I'm sure there are other numerous ways to get a free bible especially from a church or religious organization. Ethos is full of crap as usual.


    When has any JW ever had a Bible Study?..

    JW`s study WBT$ Literature about the Bible..

    There is no Bible Study..

    WBT$ Bait & Switch

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  • Londo111

    Christ Alone brings up a very good point. I remember some peers in high school asked me what I said when I went door-to-door. So I went through a presentation, which ended with the Watctower-and-Awake for 50 cents. They asked me, “Why do you charge for the literature?” I had no answer. In fact, I was deeply embarrassed.

    I remember when we stopped charging for the literature in 1990…I felt so relieved. But, before that if you wanted the Insight Volumes, Revelation book, magazines, Bible…you had to go to the literature counter and purchase them, even literature one was going to place in service. Therefore, one had the impetus to recover that money from house from the householder.

    If a person wanted a Bible study, then really, one first placed the red Live Forever book with them…at a cost. If people at the door didn’t have the money for the literature, what then? I remember giving a person the Revelation book because they were interested, but had no money. But I had to pay for that. And I didn’t have much money…I couldn’t do that at every door.

    Often it was said the magazines were merely offered for the “printing cost”. However, the magazines were in fact offered for well above their printing cost.

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