FTF since you didn't answer my questions I'll answer them for you.
Scholars are divided on how to interpret seventy years. However b ecause the "literal" interpretations have flaws, a figurative or symbolical interpretation is favored by many scholars. They suggest that seventy represents the complete period of punishment, whatever time that may include. Rudolph, Weiser, Bright, and Holladay interpret it as a normal life span, the amount of time for that generation to die. Carroll says any of these interpretations of the seventy years could be correct. Feinberg remarks that both liberal and conservative scholars interpret the seventy years as a round number. Daniel’s reference to the seventy years is not relevant for interpreting the seventy years of Jer 25:11–12 (Dan 9). The number may indicate a full lifespan (as in Ps 90:10) in comparison to forty years indicating a generation, and thus indicate a long period of servitude to Babylon
Some of the periods for 70 years that scholars have suggested:
587–539 less than 50 years so 70 years are symbolic.
609–539 (from the end of the Assyrian Empire to the overthrow of Babylon), but 609 seems to be an arbitrary date
587–516 have their advocates (from the fall of Jerusalem to the rebuilding of the second temple, symbolically marking the end of God’s disfavor)
605–539 25:12; 29:10; Keil strains one’s credulity to make these dates equal exactly seventy years, 70 years as Babylonian Empire
627/26–539/38 or 536
586–516 Whitl ley Vetus Testamentum 7, 416-18
606-536 f rom the 4th year of Jehoiakim
And there is more but if you research that list will find that they all have valid points. However most will say 'may be', 'probably', 'if we assume' etc. There are many ways to interpret the 70 years. The Watchtower is not honest to present all the facts and let each individual make the call nor humble enough to say we might be wrong but this is what we chose to believe.
So you can use whatever interpretation of the 70 weeks you choose to believe but you shouldn't force or impose it to others and doesn't matter what you choose 607 was not the fall of Jerusalem and that is well documented. But if your interpretation contradicts the archaeological evidence and you still want to believe in the Bible I suggest you reconsider you interpretation. This should be easy to a JW since there is no absolute truth to a JW only current truth whatever Mother says goes.
I wonder what FTF excuse will be later if the WT changes 607. FTF Bible interpretation is not an exact science and you want to base your probabilities on an organization that has been wrong so many times in the past and hides their history is your called. I just wished all of your JW brothers and sisters where givin the chance to see the truth about the WT and if they deside to commit to it after knowing that then I respect that.